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Character Appearance

Nate is a shorter man, standing just above 5'8, and weighing in at 149 lbs. His hair is cut loosely, thick, with black bangs slacking down in front of analytic, cognac eyes. Despite his less-than-impressive stature, his posture more oft stands tall; a man with more pride than care for the world's insults. His shoulders are often covered by his old leather jacket, rubbed clean of its texture from years of abuse, and where that jacket is on, his Green-Black Vulcan S Cruiser isn't too far from sight. If you're (un)lucky enough to grace him bare-backed, he wears a tattoo stretching down his spine in beneta font: "Hollow Dark". 

Character Personality

Nate swings with extremes. He's a hot-headed fighter, and one who won't take insults without someone being fed their teeth. If you don't tick him off to that edge of an extreme, he's otherwise a brutally honest soul. He doesn't see the point in dressing up a turd, or tainting something that shines gold. He will always appreciate someone with an open mind, and a will to speak. 

Character Likes

- Biking

- Scrapping

- Rational People

Character Dislikes

- "Soft Language" ala the Words of George Carlin

- Smugness 

- References to his Height

Writer's Writing Style (OOC)


Writer's Favored Genres (OOC)

Fantasy, Violence, Realistic, Rated R, 18+, Gore, Comedy, Action

About the Writer (OOC)

Just one rp-y boi looking for some practice. I'm a fairly laid back fan of Table Top Roleplaying Games in the light of Vampire: The Masquerade, and City Of Mist. I don't quite know how things work on here so this is fairly empty, but we'll see how long that lasts.

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Calla Cirillo and Nathan Darkov are now friends
Jan 26, 2022
Nathan Darkov is now friends with Agnes and C. G. Sullivan
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Nathan Darkov is now friends with Raiya and Calla Cirillo
Dec 12, 2021
Nathan Darkov updated their profile
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Nathan Darkov is now friends with Isabo Hendrix and Dinah
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Nathan Darkov is now a member of Writer's Realm - Roleplay
Nov 11, 2021