
Virgiliu Dragomir Mihai Bathory-Draculea

Mostenitor al Tronului Intunericului

When you've lived in the darkness for so long

Your craving to feel the touch of light only grows

But once you do...

You will wish you had stayed in the dark







✞ BIO ✞


                                    Name: Virgiliu Dragomir Mihai Báthory-Drăculea

                                    Alias: Virgil Dracul, Virgil Tepes, Virgil Dracula, Drac Junior, Tepes Junior

                                    Born: 1678, October, 31

                                    Age: 344

                                    Height: 185 cm

                                    Weight: 70 kg

                                    Hair colour: Dark brown

                                    Eye colour: Brown but with a yellowish-white glow in the dark and dark red scleras.

                                    Gender: Male

                                    Birth Place: Transylvania













"A night with roaring thunder, furious lightning, and downpour so vicious it would drown your thoughts.
A night like this, it was, when the creature spawned into the world through screams of pain and dying breath.
A creature beyond our realm and ken. Born from darkness itself to snuff the light.
A child of Undead Father and Undead Mother. A cancer to our world made to feed on life.
A monster, beyond even Vampyre ken. A ravenous beast crawling within human skin and bone."

- extract from a handbook signed; DR. H. JEKYLL             





The Heir to the Throne of Darknessv



Virgiliu Dragomir Mihai Báthory-Drăculea was born during a raging tempest on the night of October 31st, 1678.
His mother, the dreaded murderess; Erzsébet Báthory, died in childbirth - chained to the bed.
Allegedly murdered by Virgiliu's half brother; Mircea "Thanatos" Dracula, out of jealousy and madness.
His father Vlad the Third "Tepes" Drăculea, nicknamed Count Dracula, was the self-proclaimed
King of Vampires. Ruling from his decrepit castle hidden in the Carpathian Mountains.


The child was raised as most Nobles at the time were; he learned several foreign languages,
including Greek, Latin, Turkish, Tatar, Hungarian, Bulgarian, and German.
As well as proper etiquette and how to greet guests and dignitaries -
- though there were not a lot of them during his childhood nor when he grew older.
He learned how to carry himself with power and poise and dress according to status.
He spent most of his days in the castle reading the endless number of books in the Library,
studying intensely in hopes of living up to his father's reputation -
- and earn his place as the Heir to Dracula's domain.



Virgil’s room is situated in a mostly neglected part of the castle,
Along a corridor adorned in dust and webs.
The door is dark and heavy, laid with iron.
And behind it is a single room with a small door to the left as dark as the other one.
The room, like an Antechamber with a decorated window at the far side
- dusty in all places but one spot, kept clean,
So that one could sit by it and look outside,
Is furnished with only a fireplace-
A desaturated, carved, wooden bookshelf,
A chair by the window,
And cabinets along the left wall on each side of the small door.
An iron chandelier also hangs from the roof,
far above the reach of human arms.
Behind the small door is another room,
Smaller than the first and with no windows whatsoever.
At the centre of the opposing wall stands a wooden-framed bed fit for nobility,
only accompanied by chandeliers and a carved wardrobe within the wall to the right.


- One 





“To live eternal in the shadow of others, that is the fate from which I strive to escape.
Death and decay will follow wherever I travel, and all for a crown that means nothing - and yet, to me it is everything.”

- Virgiliu Dragomir Mihai Báthory-Drăculea, 1885 - Signed; DR. H. JEKYLL            










The Manticore




"Having been born from an unholy unity of two beings with no life,
Virgil is not quite a conventional vampyre.
A being of pure darkness, brought about by dark magics,
I can only deduce that Virgil is what is of an ancient race,
Known as a Martya-χvāra in the Old Persian tongue.


Better known by its Greek name; Mantikhṓras - the Manticore.


According to Legend, the Manticore was part human and part lion,
With the tail of a scorpion able to fire venomous darts,
And a pair of bat-like wings.

They had three rows of sharp teeth,
And their face resembled that of an old man.
But most importantly;
They were known for their insatiable hunger for human flesh.


The nature of Virgil's metamorphosis seems to originate in negative emotions.
Wrath, jealousy, greed, grief, irritation, and so on.
The transformation itself is painful, beyond what humans could possibly imagine.
The bones split apart, expand, and heal - all in a matter of seconds, minutes at most.
How one can amass such musculature from seemingly no-where
Is beyond even my own comprehension.
And it is musculature too. 
Strength greatly enhances, as if his strength was not already great.
Though it seems he loses part of his humanity - as ironic as that may sound.
Basal instincts take over and- no, not even instincts.
He's overcome by an irresistible hunger, and will kill anything that moves.
Controlling his urges become increasingly difficult the longer he remains in this form.

Truly a creature of pure evil.


None can truly know the true nature of the Martya-χvāra
But it is assumed that they come into being when things that shouldn't mate, do.
They're an anomaly among the supernatural
And only certain unique circumstances can create them.
How they are made or born, or why they appear, no one knows.
A true mystery among both Xenobiology and Parabiology.

If only I could understand what brings it forth, then maybe..."

- Extract from a handbook signed; DR. H. JEKYLL          





 ✞ Other Characters: ✞

Kháos Mavros/Ptolemos


Jorah Kaldr/Máni


Vé/Wolf Father


Djiretnetjeru/The Eye


Aigaios Chrysaoros Vasilakis/The Gorgon


Talaos Anekh/Lost Prince


Nathan Aidan Samuels/Angel


Darius de la Garde/Desert Jackal


**Blogs are unfinished and will be updated gradually as I find the energy to do so**
✞ - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




Art made by me~

Who is the Son of Dracula?


As a physical manifestation of darkness - and created through the unholy union of two Vampiric entities - Virgil is in nature an incarnation of pure evil. Indeed, by human standards, he would be seen as evil. Despite this inclination towards malice, Virgil does inquire about the complexity of morality and has on occasion allowed himself to toy with the concept of right and wrong. But make no mistake, the son of the notorious Dracula is a being that feeds on the life force of others and to trust him to do what is right would be naïve indeed. 

Virgil was shaped into a being of darkness from birth with few outside influences, which in turn led to him having difficulties grasping the concept of putting worth on life itself. To him, life is nought but sustenance - a commodity, or even a resource. However, unlike his half brother, “Thanatos”, he does not strive for power so much as he strives for paternal approval. He does not go out of his way to be needlessly wicked, though malice is a natural part of his being.

Virgil was born purely of a Vampiric union, and thus have no human elements to his being. To reason with him as a man would be nigh impossible and little you’d say would impact his choices. But he is logical. If a situation calls for the preservation of life, he will stay his hand. Malice does not necessarily call for ignorance or stupidity. But be wary, cause him to build enough anger and his darkness will manifest into a beast so fearful and ravenous even others of his kin tremble at the sight thereof. 




Other Characters

The allies and rivals of the Son of Dracula:


This mysterious and ancient horned figure known only as “Vé, Wolf-Father” crossed paths with Virgil quite some time ago in the deep woods. He is an ancient spirit, far older than even Dracula himself, always surrounding himself with giant gnarly wolves capable of shifting into equally gnarly men and women. A strange aura surrounds his cloaked figure at all times, a haze that almost makes you think you were in a dream. Vé seldom mentions the past but has alluded to a time of gods and giants in faraway Scandinavia - a time that he both seems to miss and despise.

Vé is a powerful magic user using ancient and forgotten witchcraft, capable of swiftly changing form into all manner of beasts - yet no matter what form he takes, his horns and copper hair will always remain the same. Some refer to him as the Father, or Progenitor, of all werewolves, and many even revere him as a deity. He has sway over prophecy and flame, enchantment and cursing, which makes him a natural choice for stray souls who seek aid or protection. However, this ancient shifter is a known trickster. Although he never lies, his silver tongue may easily warp your perception of the truth. His mysterious and playful nature is a dangerous and unpredictable combination and all would do well to be cautious when approaching him.

Standing at around 7 feet tall with horns each splaying nearly a foot from his skull, draped in a dark rugged cloak and fur which covers his long and slender tail, with eyes that burn a frightening green in the dark, and hands black as coal, Vé may well be seen as quite intimidating. He carries a staff at all times made of mistletoe that seems to almost have a life of its own. He calls it Haevateinn. Around his waist is a leather belt that carries one item on each side. On his right, he’s equipped a hollowed horn for drinking, and on the left is a pouch full of herbs and mushrooms. His legs are wrapped up to the knee, and a dagger is pressed in between the fabrics on his left ankle. Anything else he needs is either made on the spot or fetched by one of his wolves.

Although commanding a pack of monstrous wolves that can shift into human form, he himself is never referred to as a werewolf. Instead, most believe him to be a Troll - a race of shape-shifting giants once known as Thursar, Risi, or Jötnar. But his true origins remain ambiguous…





Kháos Mávros

Encountered not too long ago during a still summer night, Virgil quickly fell interested in Kháos' war-like ways and foreign powers. With a name that means "Chaos of the Black", he tends to call himself simply 'Kas' when his darker half is not around. Even though he's conventionally attractive, he intentionally makes himself unapproachable and will do next to anything to keep people at a distance. That is, people who do not share his struggles.

Quite the tall specimen, Kháos stands at six foot five inches with hair like ebony that reaches to his waist. Golden eyes turn into fiery cinders when War emerges, his form engulfed in smoke and embers. His olive skin turns pale and sickly and terrible sickles hang in chains from his blackened wrists. When not in battle, he wears the clothes of the artful youth but when War awakens, chains and jewellery takes their place in rusting hues.

Child of Eris; the goddess of Strife, and spawn of Loki; the god of all that is Unruly. Kháos embodies his name quite well. A child once prophecised to bring about the end, he could never truly relax - lest he held a brush or pen. And once Ptólemos emerged, the Second Seal was broken. The Horseman of War and Bloodshed was born. Kháos struggles with his darker part, a constant battle over morals, right and wrong. It was in the form of War he met the vampire Virgil, and a strained friendship was created with plenty of tension. But war possesses an object the son of Dracula admires above most things. A golden orb in an ivory box. On the orb is written in ancient Greek; “For one who is more fair than any other”, and it is referred to as the Apple of Discord. An ancient artefact from bygone days of godly rule capable of influencing those around it into heated frenzy of jealousy and greed. A frenzy, not even the gods could escape.

And yet, despite his darker nature, Kháos finds solace in art and music. Drawing and Painting are his only talents aside from war and insults - and these talents are what lets him keep his senses. His sense of style reeks of sexual ambiguity a feater that helps cement his more artistic inclinations. 








The Fossegrim

The legendary Vaettir from Scandinavian folklore has been known by many names throughout the times. Fossegrim, Näcken, Nyx, Bragi, and so on. But now, he goes by the name Jorah Kaldr, meaning "The cold Autumn Rains" in a mix between Hebrew and Old Norse. His name taken from a victim loved long ago. The Fossegrim is feared for his tendency to lure people to drown in brooks and lakes, but also loved for his musical talents so enchanting that even the ancient mystical beings fall sway to it. His songs and music reached all the way to Wallachia which is where Virgil eventually came to know the creature.

Standing at only 5 foot 4, Jorah is quite petit, and weighing in at next to nothing, his barely 10 kilograms make it easy for him to move around entirely unnoticed. His eyes, blue as the brightest sky, are so bright they can be seen even in complete darkness. His skin, pale as the moon and covered in millions of tiny scales, sparkles like the very night sky itself. And his hair, blacker yet than ebony, reflects the unknowable darkness of the deepest lakes.

Bio under construction





Most often referred to as simply "The Eye", at times "The Eye of the Gods", Djiretnetjeru is the head of the organisation known too as "The Eye" which is a part of the mysterious Council of elder Vampires. As the acting Intelligence network of the Council, The Eye keeps a constant, well, eye, on Dracula and his mysterious family - of which Virgil is a member. Herusemuyahotep also has a personal interest in Virgil as the younger vampire never experienced a mortal life having been born of two undead individuals, both known for their bloodlust.

Up until the 1930s, Djiretnetjeru was completely unknown to the world, lost and forgotten, buried in an unmarked tomb. But once an unfortunate expedition uncovered his withered remains, the world was exposed to the great curse that would become The Eye. Little is known of his past, but clues suggest he might've been around during the Reign of Djoser, and may even have sat on the throne under the name: Sekhemkhet 

Bio under construction



*art unfinished







1: It's appreciated if one-liners are avoided.
2: Subjects like violence, strong language, and sexual themes, may be frequent.
3: Keep in mind that many of my characters have troubled pasts that have left them bipolar and/or aggressive. 
4: All threads will fit into a greater canon. By engaging in roleplay with any of my characters you agree on potentially having your character(s) mentioned in other threads.
5: In conflict, I control what happens to my character, you control what happens to yours - unless planned otherwise prior, regardless of what powers your or my characters may have.
6: Some of my characters are stronger than others, so be sure to ask if you prefer one or the other.
7: Some of my characters are technically not alive, and can't be killed, but if you pay attention, you might get clues on how to temporarily incapacitate them - if it comes to that.
8: Most of my characters are very very old and have very complicated pasts - due to this, some of them might remember details wrong or differently each time they tell you about them. This is not writer inconsistencies - but realistic character traits.
9: My characters have very intertwining stories, and some may appear in threads with others as side characters - or even antagonists.
10: Remember if you're playing a Norse, Greek, or Egyptian deity - or a character relating to Bram Stoker's Dracula, it is important that we first discuss the subject and the relationships as me and some of my closest friends have developed quite an extensive canon.
11: Needless smut won't ever happen and detailed smut, in general, won't either - unless it is important to the plot or story. However, many of my characters are open for one - or more - romantic partners, in different ways.
12: And lastly, we're all here to be creative and to have fun!


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  • "Oi! Siren boy! Guess what?!"

  • "Yeah, eyes are pretty. I don't see many of them." She hesitated there, her dark brows pinched in together then she coughed some. "Not as though I like, not that I want to like, pluck out eyes or anything, heh, but more like. People don't really look at mine. They're kinda an offsetting color. Makes people uncomfortable and all. Not something that they would want to gaze into as though it were the most amazing thing ever. Normal eyes, or even green eyes. Those are the ones people are comfortable with. And I don't blame em. I wouldn't want to stare at me either." Casually she laughed it off, then coughed. Right. Weird to say. Whatever.

    Pants were the next odd topic, ones that she had a hooting laugh over so casually like it was such a normal thing to joke about. In there she pushed out a reply to his inside question. "Oh, pantyhose? they're like tights in a way. They go up your legs but they're sorta see through too? Really diaphanous. Most people wear them under their dresses or skirts. Fishnet stockings are also in that category. I might have legs for days and all, but you won't catch me wearing them. The fabric freaks me out. It sticks to your fingers." She wiggled her fingers. "And it's just kinda gross."The jacket was handed over to him next. She nodded a bit thinking that the only thing from seeing his junk was her jacket. His booty will still show... let's not think about his booty. "Y-Yeah, it's kinda weird. But hey, we can't all have fins! I mean you have fins... Tha-that's beyond the point. Anyway...."

    Subject change. Good. Off the topic of fins and junk, shall we?

    Smiling though, Neseva could agree with him. Her head nodded to do such a thing with a smile on her face. "Yeah, just like that. It's making sure that things are living in a balance. Kinda like population control. Like if there weren't any whales in the see, krill would sorta take over the whole dang thing, right? Same with vampires. We don't just kill them because they feed on people. We help them. Run donations, get blood packets. Help them live a decently normal life. Same with werewolves who can come to us when it's their time to turn and we lock em in a room so that they don't hurt anyone. There's more. More than wolves and vampires and blood. Sometimes things like Wendigo's or Rugaru's or even ancient Japanese spirit women who will seduce a husband than track him down to his house and murder him in his sleep then eat his wife!" She rose her hands in an arcane manner, shrugged, then brought them back down to her lap with a laugh. "But like, you get the jist of it, right? You do your little things about keeping the balance, and I do mine. So I guess in a way we do kinda do the same things. We do have to hurt sometimes. We don't want to. But sometimes it can't be helped."

    Giggling, she cocked her head while looking at him. "Keep me safe? That's an odd thing to say to a hunter. I guess we can both to agree that we all protect each other. Even if you maybe wanted to eat me there for a second." Then she frowned, returning her head to where it was and pulled a small face. "Normal is boring. But, on the outside looking in, I can see why it would be nice. Just to be able to be your own self without the side effects of who you really are. To be, normal. But then you do that, you be normal. And you're bland, you're nothing seems fun anymore. You miss the old you. I wouldn't give up who I was or what I could do for anything. I'll be a black sheep, and I'll go on and tell you that being normal sucks ass. It's boring. Be the best you. Accept who and what you are over what could have been. Because one day you might wake up and poof, normal. And you'll never get to swim to the center of the lake." Her hand gestured towards it longingly. Or be able to see the fish, or what eerie life is down in those murky depths. I want to. But I'm normal." She chuckled, and as I said. Normal is boring. 

    That might sound creepy to others. And while Nes didn't pry too much into his mind she heard glimpses of his fault there. She didn't bring up on it though. Those were his own demons that he needed to understand and to build a bridge over one day so that he could happily walk over it and be done with it. She did say this though. "If you let yourself think that forever, you're going to stay the monster under the bed. I could and still do consider myself a monster, but does that make me it? No. Granted I haven't killed and ate people. But I could burst at any moment and who knows what could happen? Live in the now, Jorah, you keep living in the past and you'll never be able to burn your demons."

  • "Mmhmm." She nodded her head once, reminding herself of the wet hair on her head that slapped along her face. A shiver later and she pushed the bush of it back behind her shoulders once again. At this rate, it wouldn't take all that much more to dry. She glanced to him after, a small narrow to her eye but a smile on her face upon his Russian. "Akh, priyatno poznakomit'sya, Jorah." She greeted back to him. Yet she would keep it to English. Shamelessly she listened in to his bewilderment, however. And the smile fell with a shrug of her shoulder. "I'm half Russian, actually, but yeah, I guess I am American if you look at it that way. My dad, Deacon Anton Belikov, he's fully Russian. Met my mom when he was transferred to her section of the HS and it all started from there. They oddly don't have a lot of pictures of when she was pregnant with me. Come to think of it.. none. But I like to brush that off that my mom doesn't like her picture taken. She's got a stare that can kill. Not like your eyes though, yours are like the deepest part of the sea or something, or a blue flame in the fire. My moms is like.. uuuuultra violet sky blue or something. Really piercing, really creepy. Scared the hell out of me when I was a kid. Don't ask me how I got my weirdo eyes, because I don't know. Might have come with this power that I have though, who knows." A shrug, then more thoughts of how she was rambling to the guy. Poor dude, didn't deserve the ramble. He was just trying to live his best life.

    Nes looked down at her own tights. If they really could be called that. More like leggings. They were reflective, made to be runners pants after all. It wasn't amazing by any means, but she found them comfy, especially when she knew she would be off chasing some nakey chicks while she was at it. "I was thinking," Nes once again continued as Jorah brought it up. "More on the lines of pantyhose. Ya know... or maybe not. But they're like see-through. Supposed to be all sexy and crap like that. So, that on a fishtail? It just kinda amuses me. Eh, whatever. I have a strange humor, you don't have to follow along with it." 

    All of that was fine and well. Though, she still didn't like the laugh or snort or whatever the heak it was that the oversized kitty did at her. Jorah's following didn't help the matter. Neseva puffed her cheeks childishly, her lips pursing while she was at it. She let it drop though. She wasn't about to try and understand what was in the cats head. It was likely she wouldn't be able to pick up on it. Dang animals. Maybe she could tap into Jorah's head though, find out a little of what it was. 

    He had a lot of streaming off questions there after that. Ones that she had to put into memory in her head to better answer them each, or at least to know fully what he was saying before she again began to list them off. She couldn't do it when the boy was naked though. So, with a cough, she shrugged off her jacket. It was small to fit her frame, but she handed it over to him. "You ahhh, you can tie it around your waist... Like a loincloth or something. You know... cover the bits and all." 

    After that and either he should take it or not she clapped her hands against her thighs. "Alright, to start off, how, think of us more as... forest rangers in a way. Sometimes, some things need to die or be put somewhere else, that's inevitable. So we handle population control, or if something is in need of help, we help em. We aren't people who mindlessly kill. At least not us. The term Hunter for us is that of someone who just hunts down things that either need saving, or yes, killing. But not mercilessly, and we try to help first." She paused to see if he got that, then got onto the next task. "And, it can amount to Lor in a kinda way. A creature sings, lures people in, fricks em, eats em. It's a siren sort of deal. Not a hard concept." She was motioning her hands in circles than stopped as that sentence did. Another pause followed, then another nod. "I can kill. But it's a last resort. I don't like to, and wont if it can be helped. Things that need killed are like feral vampires, or demons, things that have hurt, things that will continue to hurt." 

    The last question though brought a smile to her face. Her arms crossing now over her chest. "You haven't given me any reason to be scared of you. In reality, you're kinda mesmerizing in your own way. Just as the Huldra was, or even this lake, or this forest. You're a single thing, in a big world that would try to make you look like a monster. A black sheep. I am too. So why be scared of what deep down, a lot of people or things might even be?"

  • Jesus, she really was talking a lot? It was like she were on autopilot though. The more she spoke the more came out, and the less she was inclined to stop. She only did as she explained her name, giving a pause in the air to allow him to take in all that she was saying. After all, just because he said that he could understand English did not mean that he could keep up with the language as fast as she was putting it out. the poor guy was likely stumbling every other word. She was nice enough to snap her lips shut, then she came back with, "yeah yeah, I talk a lot when I get excited about things. And it isn't Ben, it's Bel-Ih-cove. Russian if you didn't know. Thought I would shamelessly prance that." Because there was something uplifting to say that she was Russian at heart. Not really, no. At this point, she was a full on 'Murcian girl, but her father was Russian, she likes to think that she harbored some of the traits of it herself as well.

    Anyway, back to what mattered.

    "Could be a horse..." Was that... an improvement? Why would a fish be a horse? Or would he be like a seahorse kinda Kelpie thingie? Her head tilted, golden eyes narrowed as she seemed to consider the thought of him being half of one of those. But weren't Kelpie's evil or something? The more she thought about it though, the more she wanted to see that. Then a look down, oops, leave his junk alone, gurl. When he pointed to her legs and what covered them. the wet spandex and cloth still clung greedily to her chicken shaking legs. She really needed to put on some weight, but that was going to take time. She went through, after all, it couldn't be helped. "These? My tights?" Neseva laughed without cruelty, rather a pinkum of joy. He seemed kinda innocent to her in a way of asking, there was an idea in her head that he wasn't that though. "You in tights, ah, fish booty in tights. I don't know why that's so funny to me. Could you imagine though? Strutting around it the water with tights all pulled up over your tail. Trying to get a taxi? Hah!" It wasn't really that funny, Nes, chill, gosh. Scare the poor dude, would ya?

    The kitty came to save the day though. Whether the oversized tiger-sized lynx was doing it for fervor over this Jorah item for protection from Neseva or it really was to cover his junk, because damn, for a teen girl it was hard not to look. Not that she was gawking at it at all. Ahem. I'm not a pervert, okay? Gross.

    Neseva gave a step back to allow the lynx to get in the way. Nes studied the cat, then the male, the cat again before her face pinched a bit and her eyes came up. "Hey, I've got boobs you know! Like, chick boobs, coupled with chick bits, I'm a girl!" Rude. She wasn't really angry, but she wasn't an it either. To be fair though, she did speak a lot... Touche.

    "Nes, and no, I don't know. I'm thinking some kinda creature. Maybe one that lures people into either do the nasty with em or maybe even eat them considering the way that you sang to me." She was counting those reasons casually on her fingers. "Some things were like that--Kill you what boi?" Struck a little that she would even be considered, her hands paused in the air then she allowed them to fall to her side and she shook her head. "No. I'm not here to kill you or even that Huldra I was chasing. I just needed some of her hair is all, but she was being stingy with it." Growing a little shy about herself, Neseva's lips came out in a pout and she gazed to the mossy floor of the bank, the gentle lapping of the water was nice to her otherwise often crowded mind. it was easy with just him here. She could hear the Huldra giggling somewhere off in the distance though in her head. 

    "I'm-uh.. I'm a hunter." Hopefully, that didn't draw alarm too much to either. "B-But not like to kill. We protect things. Keep them safe and equal to the world so that everyone can coexist and all that mushy crap." She even pressed the toe of her sneaker into the soft moss as though to prove that. "A witch needed Huldra hair for a recipe, a youth recipe. Nothing sinister at all." She brought up her eyes again. "I can promise you that much. I can't even hurt a fly. Much less a naked fish guy and his big kitty friend."

  • Did she... break the poor guy? It was kinda looking like that the way that he just stared at her. It made it all the more better to be able to hear him though. Sadly she didn't get much from that, either, the guy was just at a loss of words, losing his train process of thought and the ability to speak in one? Either she was just that damn hot with words or dude really was just... paralyzed? Petrified? She didn't think herself all that scary. Unless someone could open up her head and look at what was really in there. then there might be a reason to be scared of her, but she wasn't anything special aside from that. Just a flimsy teen who talked too much.

    He said something though, finally. She mused, her face lighting up with the finalized recognition that he did understand English. She could have done either, but she could always mix up the words if she said them wrong to him, she wasn't all-knowing after all. At least this way she could say things and know that she would be saying it correctly in English. "Well, awesome. I know Swedish an' all, but I'm not spot on with it. This works though, this is good." Totally rambling, whatever, girl, just be nice to the poor fish boy, ya scared the scales off the guy.

    In all of this, however, she was able to get that good look at him that she had little time for before. he was pretty, and it wasn't at just first glance, or the curious look of him of a person who found the oddities and blacksheeps in life a beautiful thing to behold either, no. He was pretty, handsome, and eerie. Like he was thinking about either falling short of talking with her or eating her--as if, right? Hah. Hah, right? Totally hah.

    Seriously though, right?

    Neseva found herself in the predicament of wondering why he was stuck in such a thunderstruck state though? Was it her talking to him at all? Could she... see him when others couldn't or something? Or was he elusive to the point that it was rare that if anyone saw him even once that he would just freeze up like this? That kinda reminded her of a Leprechaun for some reason. Granted, she didn't know everything about them, but there was always something when a person saw them.

    She could see when his thoughts froze, then kicked back into start again, then froze once more. Her face remained just as it was, waiting for him to make the first move if there was the first move. And there was one, he released himself and plummeted back down into the water. Neseva's golden eyes blinked in a small surprise. Was that... that then? Run into the creature then poof he be gone again on the next turn? That was kinda... Oh hey, there he is again.

    Wet hair flopped as Nes quickly turned her head when she picked up on the sound of him dispersing from the water once more. Hopefully, it dried soon, or this would get annoying. But, who was worrying about that when the fishy.. snakey? The guy was showing himself. Maybe to her, maybe just to show what he was capable of in general, or just to sit there at all. Nes jumped a little, bringing her feet under herself to which she crawled towards the edge of the cliff, closer to him, then sat there, leaving him to have his freedom of her not being all too close but close enough that they wouldn't need to shout to each other either if he decided to talk.

    He came closer though, coming back to the cliff himself, but not too close, naturally. She was a big scary human after all.

    "Jor-uh," Nes sounded out to make sure that she had said it right. "I'm Neseva Belikov.. or just Nes or Nessie if you wanna be fun with it. That's a relief," she blasted after giving out her own name. "Didn't want you getting... Afraid?" She laughed, it was husky and breathy like her voice was. "What? What's there to be afraid of? Sure, you're unusual, and not normal in the eyes of a human might think, that doesn't make you scary, it makes you interesting. It's people, humans in general who put in that mindset that things that are strange or different are meant to be scary. It's probably why Aliens haven't come down to earth yet if you think about it. Thaaat, and maybe because of lightyears and stuff they might still just be seeing a ruined earth with no people on it too, but whatever, right, aliens would come if they want to. I'm rambling, my bad, I do that sometimes... And oh my God, you're nakey."

    Her eyes were as wide as dinner plates. Maybe she noticed him changing but she wasn't really trying to you know. It was until he was standing up full throttle that she found it hard to take away her eyes. Pretty yeah, pretty pretty.. Legs, right, there wasn't three there at all--I mean what? Dammit, don't make eye contact, it smells hormones. Just--

    She finally looked up, up to his face where her lips snapped shut and the red was already patchy on her cheeks. "Af-f-fraid, right not. Ahem!" She scrambled to her own feet after some stumbled laughter. She would first notice that she was taller than him. Not by much, just two inches. She was still wet, damp in some places. Her hair was already beginning to dry and curl up at the ends as they always did. Nes kept her eyes up for the sake of both of them. She wasn't a perv at all, but it was impossible to miss what was right there and all. She did see the scales though, and how they glittered on his skin if the sun caught them just right. That made her wonder if he really had skin? Or was he silky smooth like a fish? Well, fish were not silky... moving on. She wasn't going to just touch the guy.

    Before anything could get out though, Nes turned her head when she heard the almost silent, if not for the mindstream that entered the area cat who came up. It was bigger than any normal lynx though Neseva had never seen one up close to one, certainly not one this big, either.

  • It must have been extremely painful.
    Searing fiery bursts of pain would have freely been allowed to ravage throughout his body, intensifying with each passing moment, jarring and brutal. With no way to be able to tell the time in this pitching darkness, the man would had to have guessed just how long he had left until the pain started to go away, as his nerve endings would slowly start to wither, along with the rest of his body.
    Slowly, his consciousness would fade into nothingness.
    Black mists would swirl at the edges of the man’s mind, drawing him into sweet oblivion. Death had frozen his face into a rigid snarl, a final, eternal lamentation to the heavens, Dracula, or hell...anyone who would listen to his screams of anguish.

    But it was far too late now, and the only thing that spoke of his struggle was the blackened marks on the lid from where he’d viciously clawed until both nail and skin, as well as flesh, had all been stripped off, leaving him to scrape uselessly against the stone with just the bone-tips of his extremities.
    It must have taken a long time to get to that point, a very long time.

    It was well past the point of no return, so that inner voice telling him that it was wrong, was simply wasting its time.

    This was now something he needed to do.

    From the wound that tiny first drop fell slowly into the open maw, past the dried up mummified lips, and past yellowed fangs and teeth, landing gently on what little shrivelled up tongue there was left, then that little red drop trickled downwards, moving into the gullet.
    Nothing happened.
    No twitching of the fingers, nor the movement of any toes, and certainly no orbs of dramatic red or icy blues staring back up at him, just a pair of hollowed out eye sockets and residue skin, stubbornly clinging to the skull.

    It was utterly useless it seemed, as there was no life that could be given for his brother, and so...there was no answers.
    The mystery regarding his mother, his place in this world, would be a book, missing those very last important pages. All he had was an old tomb, carved from the very stones that made up the network of caves that came to be his brother’s final resting place. A forgotten memory, buried deep beneath the earth.
    And perhaps he would join his brother in this fate, as Virgil’s father once said;
    “If they ever slash at you with betrayal,
    You parry with vengeance, cold and sweet.”

    But perhaps he should not despair so much, as it could be that what was needed...was just a little bit more? A little more faith, a little more blood.
    Then perhaps that final chapter would be revealed to him, and his place in this world would be shown to him?

    Another slash at his arm with those razor-sharp claws, now tipped with red, and the blood came thick and strong, running down his arm and fingers, cautiously lingering at the tips, as if unwilling to part with him.
    But eventually gravity won the battle, and the blood began to dribble down onto the man's lips, into his mouth and over his chest, and even slipping into the skin cracks of the ribcage, spilling over and covering the wrinkled internal organs.

    Perhaps he would feel weak due to spilling so much of his precious life fluid, perhaps he would fear, that maybe this scheme of his was going to fail miserably, and he’d be left to contend with his father.
    Either way, the flow stopped, as if someone turned off the valve.

    Then nothing again.
    And without the sound of blood being spilt, the silence would cling to Virgil like a poisonous cloud, seeping into every pore.
    But then, the silence was broken, as the air was filled with the faint sound of something rough, scraping across some unknown surface.

    If he looked down, he would see that withered tongue, licking those old lips.
    The blood was gone now, almost as if the skin itself had somehow absorbed it, leaving splotches of skin that looked to belong more on a freshly slain cadaver, than one who had been laid to rest almost eighteen years ago.
    And slowly, those areas began to spread, as time itself seemed to turn back on this corpse.

    His father had been right.
    Blood, blood is the life

  • Neseva was blinking upon getting that one word out and fumbled with the rest of them now as the poor boy she likely scared the ever living scales off of flipped backward. She had him to thank for the next splash of water that hit her face. Her eyes closed, her lips pulled back to kiss her teeth, then she blinked away the droplets from thick lashes and flopped her head onto her shoulder as she brought it up to look at him. "Thanks, man." Not like he heard her or anything. The guy was likely still flipping his fins; HAH, fin, so punny.

    Her most work of charge was figuring out just what the heck the dude was. She found herself leaning over the edge further to gaze upon the.. merman? shark? She couldn't even really tell. It wasn't nice to assume what side of the field he was on with that anyway. It would be mean to just blurt it out anyway, might just piss the guy off. She didn't need that. She had way too many people who likely were already mad at her anyway.

    There was one thing that might not peeve the guy off, it was that he was one beautiful specimen. She wasn't even thinking it to be creepy, she was just giving credit where it was due. His tail reminded her of what black opal would look like if it retained nothing but an oily look. It glittered in places that the sun was caught in the water. She could see how his pretty song would have worked on any other person, it could have even worked on her if she had been weak of mind to fall for it. If that were the cause for it at least. 

    After a long time of looking down at his petrified face, attempting to decipher his mind on what he might be thinking or what would happen next she laughed, it was a small, pure little laugh, as though she were delighted and bemused at his face. Rude of her as it was, she couldn't help it. Something that beautiful shouldn't be looking at her like she had scared the socks off of him.

    "I'm sorry," she said after the quick laugh. She turned her body so that she was now sitting at the ledge which she'd previously poked her head over to view him. "I didn't mean to scare you. Or, I did; didn't expect that you would take it so badly." Smiling warmly, she crossed her arms against her knees and leaned her stomach down along her lap. She only rose was he did, either she would be looking face to face with him or just a little higher than the water alone. 

    The girl had a face, one that she wore proudly and tenderly despite the crude nature of her mouth sometimes. Her eyes were like melted bright gold. Closer to her iris's was a copper color, it took the intensity out of her gaze, although her smile did that enough, it made her eyes pinch a little, leaving her with apple-shaped cheekbones.

    "Do you speak English at all? Eller ska jag tala svenska?" She was easily able to switch between the two languages, she would do what was most comfortable with him. It was likely it would be his more native language, considering where he was, maybe he would surprise her though with picking something else. "You didn't get hurt, did you?" She would continue to speak in Swedish for him until he came up with an answer. "I hope I didn't scare you too bad. Would be a shame to to somethin' so pretty. What's your name?" Bold as ever this one, she had no fear upon what he could be considering to do to her should he think her ill to him at all.

  • The girl at that point in time was not all too much of a happy camper. She was soaked to her bone and shivering just a hint as the cold went right through her. She had yet to pack on the needed weight that she needed for her height and age. She was still attempting to pack it all back on after her sudden growth spurts, but it was a wait it out sort of deal and she could eat whatever she wanted, which was great because the teen loved to stuff her damn face. 

    This, however, was not about stuffing her face though, as more of it being that she had to squeeze the water out of her hair. Being soaked was not on her agenda. Ah well, anymore running to chase after that Huldra and she would dry off from friction and produced heat alone. Maybe she should try and find another one. That one just seemed keen on playing with her up until that point, but how damn long is that going to take?


    She pulled off her running shoes then her socks next. Her sun avoided white feet were slick as she settled on the bank and parked her tush on a fallen log. She rung out her sock as well as she could then slipped it back on along with her shoe. The next shoe was done, then her jogger jacket. She had little to no muscle so that didn't help. To warm her cold fingers after she held out her palm and with a flick of her mind was able to instantly produce a quick and sudden hot flame that glowed a mesmerizing purple. She held it close to her body in an attempt to work away the shivers her body produced. As warm as it was in the summer heat she was still secluded by a bay of trees that hung over her head. 

    While she did the series of things she was mumbling to herself. Things about the pesky fairy chick just slipping out of her grasp, and things like just needing a lock of hair from her. Nothing but a little hair. Pleh.

    Then... she thought that she heard a voice or something. Her imagination? There were times that her powers allowed her the ability to hear snippets of thoughts from things more than human. Granted, she understands none being out in the forest, for there were only animals and no humans. But something seemed humanoid. Something that was able to be detected as a whole of a human consciousness or at least close to it. It gave her pause from her muttering, then she heard more of it.

    A song.

    She could not understand the song but she knew that it was being sung from somewhere. She could detect the sound in the air as well as able to fully clear everything else, every other little sound from her mind to enhance the words that were being spoken to her and able to focus in on only it. 

    Focus. Concentrate, just as you were taught.

    She didn't think that there was any harm coming from it, the person or thing didn't mean any ill will upon her. It didn't sound like the words were an attempt of magical property n order to coax her into some trap either. It sounded almost like a toy, a game, a ploy to bring her in.

    With her eyes closed, she could hear the song, hear where it was coming from, then opened her eyes to pinpoint the location of where it was coming from. Bingo. 

    The fame extinguished in her hand.

    With a coy smirk and practiced ability, the girl was able to smother her footsteps by producing stepping stones of energy under her shoes, centimeters off of the forest floor to which her feet made no sound at all. She crept towards the ledge of which the sound was emanating from, silent by her own means. She might not have seen the boy or man making the sweet song, but she knew he was there. There, she crouched on the leafy floor. Her cold stomach pressed into the dirty ground as she leaned her head over to gaze down at the person, then a tilt of her head. 

    He was... human? No, he didn't have the aura of one or the make of one. Was he booty-naked? Looked as so. Welp. 

    Deep breath. 

    Lets scare the poor little man.

    From above his head he would hear, "hey, dude, what ya doin'?"

  • She is a beauty...

    She is grace...

    And she... fell into the lake...

    So now, let's rewind, let us see who the poor chick fell into the crippling cold lake in the first place, and why.

    It was one bright ass sunny morning when Neseva happened across a flyer online. Something about some person in need of something rare. And our heroine here, naturally curious thought, 'well what the hell? Why not?' So she took up the offer. A Hunter was not only that, a mindless killing machine. But a person who helped the supernaturals in need, which was exactly what she wanted to do. When she showed up to this place which was in the swamps of Louisiana, a place that she did not want to come back to after an incident that happened in New Orleans some a year ago, ahem. (Ask me about it, I'm sure I'll love to tell.) Anywho, creepy swamp witch. 

    The lady was eccentric, kinda odd, kinda smelly, had a strange relationship with her snake? Kissing on it and all that.. it was kinda gross... I dunno. Point was, the chick was creepy. The little Huntress didn't know what to make of her. First, the lady witch was talking about platinum white hair, a tail, a sprite-like-think-lady who would try to lure anyone they could into the forest. The Huntress might have brushed it off as mumbo jumbo but then she said that the sprite-lady-thing was hot... Alright, so let's hear it then.

    "I need hair."


    "Her hair."

    "Her hair?"

    "A hair."

    "One hair?"

    "Some hair."

    "Like.. a lock of hair?"

    "A lock of hair."

    "Hair, got it; sounds easy. Where am I finding it?" Totally not excited to see some cute-sprite-thingy. Now, the girl wasn't going because this odd thing with hair was hot.. she was also just curious, too.

    The witch lady pulled up a beat ass old computer that looked like it was older than internet explorer itself, and that was saying something. It was like, super old. Dell wasn't even thought of yet man, the screen flicked, the keys paint had been fingered off over the years, it was as heavy as a rock, and the mouse.... ew. Okay, it was old, you got that? Dinotop up in this bitch. Anyway.

    "You'll find the creature near bodies of water.. rivers, lakes." 

    "Like, I can find it anywhere, here?"

    "No, only in Sweden."

    Sweden, huh? Sounded.. actually pretty cool. The Huntress had never been there before. If it got her out then sure, why the hell not. "A lock of hair from aaa...."

    "The Huldra, ancient. Very unknown, you'll have to look up the rest of her secrets on your own."

    Alright, not too bad. Buuuutt... "So what's in it for me then? I get this chicks hair, then what?"

    "What do you want?"

    Hmmm... Damn, what did she want? Thinking, thinking.  "I want... I want a stone that can repel attacks on the mind. Iorn.. and opal preferably. A necklace, or a ring. Can you do that? Spell for a spell, eh? Can't be too hard, amIright?"

    The witch thought about it, then agreed. And well, you can guess what happened there. The Huntress was shooting her ass all the way to Scandinavia and searching every large body of lake that she could. She did find some goods on the creature though. How she was like the forest spirit equivalent to a succubus, she is beautifully enticing, there is a male version, the Huldrekarl, but they are ugly with long noses. There were so many tales of them, all pectate them as sort of evil, they lure people into the forest... then what? Eat them? Hot. They could be kind, or evil. It depended on one's politeness. There was some stuff about marriage and so forth. Blah blah. Be nice to them, got it.

    The huntress went on with it. Booked rooms in hotels, wondered lakes, but no luck. Lakes, rivers, one after the other, no luck. She was starting to think that the things didn't exist until she caught a glimpse of one at Lake Hornavan. She was beautiful, her how like tail odd, but it complimented her in an odd way. Her long platinum hair hid her tree hollow like back but her eyes were like opal..

     The Huntress attempted her sneaking. She'd been out for hours at that point in nothing but work out tights, a thick hoodie, running shoes and her long dark hair like a lion mane around her. She could be a dark spirit herself. She was about a yard from the thing when all hell broke loose. 

    The creature turned around and... Well like a satyr to a nymph, the hunter was chasing her.

    Then this lead to that and now here we are.

    "Dammit, naked lady!" Huffed the disheveled voice, wheezing with the exerted running that the damn thing just kept on running. Currently, she was bounding on top of rocks over the shore of the lake. Her soaked shoes splashing in sopping puddles of water. "You're really pretty! C'mon! Let's talk about it! It's just a little bit of hair! You've got a ton of it! C'mon--!" It only took one wrong slip on a mossy rock for her to finally lose her balance. No powers ever could help her here. She toppled in like a thrown rock. 

    The Huldra paused to look back, rose petaled lips in an 'O' of surprise. Her eyebrows were so light it gave her an almost permanent surprised look, with a flick of her tail she ran again, giggling all the way.

    "Yeah, take your naked butt somewhere than!" The huntress yelled out, then sighed. The water wasn't too bad. It was murky around her, mud upturned by her sudden plunge. With a heave, she started to pick herself up out of the lake. The top of her hair poofy as it had not really touched the water, the rest of the dark locks clung to her frame, leaving her looking like a damn rale, or a tree trunk standing. So much for that hunting trip.

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