Sunshine, daisies, butter mellow...


Savas - owing
Elijah ✓

Negan - awaiting
Mac - awaiting
Frank - awaiting


10231334490?profile=RESIZE_400xHortencia Rosenberg
the ‘Swallowtail Butterfly’
32 years old
Hazel-blue eyes
Chocolate brown hair
Taken under wing by Frank Castle
FC: Barbara Palvin

Hortencia is a playful, free-spirited young woman born and raised in the sunshine state of California. Sun, sand and surf. Her childhood was simple; she went to school, aced her grades, graduated with flying colours and made her parents proud. They weren’t rich folks but they worked hard to give their daughters the best life possible. Hortencia was fourteen when her youngest sister went missing. Over a decade later her body was finally retrieved from a sewage system. Her parents never fully recovered from the loss. By now she’d moved out of town and traveled interstate, finding herself amidst the soaring skyscrapers of New York. There she’d picked up work at the Butterfly Lounge, a not-so-seedy gentleman’s club owned and operated by one of New York’s renowned mafia families. The money was great. She could’ve afforded herself an upstate apartment with all the bells and whistles, and yet she remained humble, choosing a much smaller apartment in a shabby building not too far from the gentleman’s club. It wasn’t much but it was home. Sitting atop the external fire escape staircase listening to the nocturnal sounds of the city were one of her favourite past times. It was there she met someone most unexpected. A man named Frank Castle.




Her relationship with Frank Castle came about after a chance encounter late one evening. From there, coffee dates were had and eventually one thing led to another. It wasn’t her intention to sleep with him. They were from two very different worlds. His was built around violence, PTSD and revenge. Hortencia on the other hand just wanted to save her money and live her life. He was older, had lost his family and was out to exact revenge on those that took the lives of his former wife and children. She wasn’t there to replace anyone. She knew this. Frank had made it very clear from the beginning this was a bad idea. However, Hortencia was stubborn. She wanted to see him again. Occasionally he’d slip through her window and they’d spend the night tangled up in one another. As time went on, Hortencia found herself falling more in love with the mercenary. An unexpected romance blossomed until the mafia boss - her boss - found out Hortencia was seeing someone unassigned to her position. Things got nasty and she got hurt. From then onwards, Frank had forbidden her from returning to the Butterfly Lounge. If looks could kill, Hortencia’s a black widow. Beautiful, dangerous, manipulative, and would protect what is hers no matter the cost.




Home - MW Trekking



Minerva Elmers
the Doctor
34 years old
Steel blue eyes
Dirty blonde hair
Bound by heart to Negan Morgan
Bound by submission to Meth Head Mac
FC: Candice Swanepoel

ntroducing Daddy's Kitten. A feisty blonde with striking features and a temper to match! Growing up, Minerva wanted nothing more than to study medicine. Like her father. Eventually she would find herself in Seattle, Washington. A bright eyed and bushy tailed Minerva put herself through Med-School, keeping herself busy by taking on extra shifts at one of the local bars well into the night. A tired Minerva struggled to make it through some days without falling asleep at her desk, but she prevailed and would go on to get her degree. Her mother passed unexpectedly. Not a month after her Med-School graduation in fact. Her father was left to raise a handful of children on his own, taking on two jobs just to support them all. Minerva included. Not wanting to feel like a burden, Minerva packed only the essentials and headed south-west. Destination unknown. It was then she realized that her dream of becoming a doctor was destined for failure. As the world turned and the dead walked the earth, Minerva abandoned her vehicle in a small, desolate town and continued on foot. How she'd managed to survive as long as she did before stumbling across the likes of one Negan Morgan, she wasn't sure. He was older and carried with him that ridiculous bat. However, he sure was easy on the eyes and more than once she'd made it clear she would claim his leather jacket as her own. One day.

Negan Morgan. 10231397466?profile=RESIZE_400x 

Needs to be re-written. 


Home - MW Trekking


the Songbird
25 years young
Grey eyes
Copper curls
Bound to no one
FC: Morgan Crabtree

Yes, Hennessey. Like the Whisky. A youthful blend of adventure and sunlight, honeyed warmth and striking beauty. Hennessey was a bright young woman who fought hard for her college grades. After her father was indicted on a series of murder charges, Hennessey separated herself from her family, dropped out of college and mysteriously disappeared from the face of the earth. Everyone thought she'd run away. But why would a bright student with top grades who was liked by everyone suddenly disappear? Truth was, she hadn't just disappeared. She'd been taken. Sold. Dehumanized.

She had become another statistic on the news. 'Another woman missing. Suspected dead.' And eventually people stopped looking for her. She became a distant memory and people moved on. Her escape several years later came with dire consequences; Hennessey had severe memory loss. Everything she thought she knew no longer existed in her mind. She's basically a blank slate.  


"You’re a little on the thinner side than I was expecting." He notes, twisting a lock of hair around his skeletal finger. I felt his dark eyes raking across my waspish frame, evaluating my worth. Not worth much, I heard one man say as he turned his nose up. Another slid a gloved digit across my collar and up the side of my neck, blood pulsing thickly beneath the thin membrane of skin.~


Willa La Roux10231405859?profile=RESIZE_400x
Age unknown
Eye color changes with mood
Hair, depending on light source can be lighter or darker
Single || Omega
FC: Amandla Stenberg

Willa's life hasn't been easy. She wasn't like the other children. She was... different. Special. One of several 'orange' children, Willa's abilities flourished from a very early age - much like the others. Her ability to erase or alter one's memories, see into the future to a degree, and manipulate one's physical form, along with her own form in the way of shapeshifting into a wolf made her one of the higher level threats. And she wasn't the only one. Several others, none of whom she'd encountered during her stay at the facility, were just as dangerous. Willa was adopted into a loving family at the age of two and by her fifth birthday, she'd managed to erase her parents memories of her. Unsure of how a child had entered their home, they called social services who came and took Willa from the only home she ever knew, from the only people she ever loved, and placed her with hundreds of other children in the Facility. The Facility itself looked more like a greenhouse or some kind of harvesting plant. Guards wearing head to toe armour and carrying semi-automatic weapons stood guard. Nowhere was safe. There were eyes and ears everywhere.


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  • "Thanks for the holiday greetings. Hope you have a happy New Years and good things to come. Call me sometime sugah. We gotta have a ladies night. "

    Love , Blaire Morgan

  • -This ol' Mac is draggin' her ass home...xD -

    "Pfft. Awe yeah? The fuck you think you're goin', bitch?"

    -Somebody's feelin' brave.-

    "Don't be a hero."



  • 14323485?profile=RESIZE_710x"Okay.. Okay.. I digress... It's just uhh... Weird... That he can yanno..
    Stuff a bottle up that hoochie coochie after what I put it through.
    One would think it'd be too swollen for any thing else."

    -Surprised? Not really.. His cousin is fucked in the head.
    Then again, the whole Morgan clan is.-

    "What's uhh... Gonna happen with that baby bump,
    you're sportin' there?"


  • -He thinks he can, he thinks he can.. Actually he knows he can.. He's gonna.-


    "Yeah I guess... The fuck you want anyway?
    Need somethin' to fill that gaping hole of yours? 

    Your voice is pretty fuckin' annoying."

    -As always. Never one to admit that he adored everything that embodied Mini. He actually enjoyed her voice.. Especially when she was begging for mercy.-

  • 14198795?profile=RESIZE_710x

    "Hey Butterfly... Sorry we haven't been spending as much time together.. Wanna go out tonight?"

  • -................. Wants to Hulk Smash........- 

    "Dafuq do ya mean 'kinda'?? You better have fuckin' missed me, ya blonde bimbo." 




    "Is that who my girls' been boffin' since she was away? Fuckin' Mac of all people??
    The guy's certifiable off his fuckin' rocker. Why him??"

    -Mac didn't suprise him in the least... It was Mini.. Why go for such an asshole?
    Well... Keepin' it in the family took on a whole new meaning...-



  • |. There's this beautiful bitch. 


    "I missed you, and sweet shit like that."

  • "Happy holidays, hope you are well and have a good holidays time. " 

    Love, Blaire Morgan 

    - Degan . Demonic Negan. Demon daughter of Negan Fucking Morgan. -


  • 270703727?profile=RESIZE_710xThe men that had remained posted outside, had peered over at the little woman with the swelled tummy. Uncertain if this was one of Negan's conquests or otherwise. One Savior had furrowed his brows as he stalked towards the iron clad gates. Rifle laid against his chest as he nodded up at the young blonde. "Yeah? The hell do you want?" He acknowledged the barefoot preggo. Who was she? And she looked like she'd been through hell and back. She appeared exhausted and desperate for food and water. Pulling up his CB, not giving the little woman a chance to answer, he opted to commission Negan's word on the matter. "Hey.. Negs? We've uhh.. Got a situation down here. Over."
    Negan had just finished up playing a Sonic the hedgehog game with Eliana. She'd thrown one of her stuffed toys at him as he chuckled from winning a game when she was supposed to. Fiesty just like her mother, he thought. The CB called for his attention and Negan was quick to chime through. "I'll be down. Five minutes. Over and out." Switching off the radio, he'd kissed Eliana's temple and restarted the game for one player for El then let her be, closing the door behind himself.4103891?profile=RESIZE_710x

    Sauntering down the corridors, he'd finally graced the outdoors with his presence as the tune he had whistled, slowed upon reaching the gate. Arching his brow, a little confused as to what in the living hell had happened to his Mini, but god damn... She looked like shit. Twirling his index in a circle, indicating the gate to roll open, he shook his head. "Jesus...The fuck happened to you? You honestly look like shit thats been dragged through hell and then was spit out back up here to me. What the fuck?" he hadn't noticed her tummy yet, he was a tad busy looking at what the cat dragged in. Lucille was on her perch in his bedroom per the norm lately, and as the gate open, he was quick to usher the little woman in and gesture them back indoors. His hand along the small of her back as he led towards his main room.

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