Hi, allow me to first say hello.  My Irl name is Noah, my OC is named LEE and my OOC is whatever you want it to be. I have been Rping for 13 years. I've figured out that I truly enjoy who I can be when I rp.  A lot of my responses will be at night as I work night shift but the job is pretty boring so I can talk a TON at night. 

I am a paragraph to 2 paragraph rper dedicated to making an interesting story for my partner and I.  When you rp with me, you can believe that I'll put thought into my answers and take you on adventures you don't expect.  Can follow a plot. I usually love fantasy lord of the rings world of Warcraft anything that gets me into a different world where the problems of this one no longer exist.   However I have done almost every type of RP at least once. 

I require a female and this will be 18+. Do you have an idea? Inbox me. I love romance, (after buildup) I love almost anything as long as it's made up and we do it together. Hit me up and let's go to discord and have a blast together. 

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