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The Gods of Terra-Mutantur

The All Mother

She Who Lays Amongst The Stars

Icon:  Six stars laid in a circle


Children of The All Mother


Bebinn - God

Harvest / Life / Charity

Icon:  Egg with a flower inside

Vozekka - Goddess

Storms / Chaos / Trickery

Icon:  Cat

Erydion - God

Death / Under

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Mater Orci

Before man, Before the cataclysm and life, there was God who shall  shape the universe to his design. There  was Barbelo who embodies Silence and shall stand by his side during the creation of all things  and give birth to Lucifer, Michael, Gabriel,

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𝒥𝒶𝒸𝓀𝓈𝑜𝓃 '𝒥𝒶𝒸𝓀' 𝒩𝑒𝓌𝓁𝑜𝓃 𝑅𝒾𝓅𝓅𝑒𝓇

𝔍 𝔞 𝔠 𝔨     𝔱 𝔥 𝔢     ℜ 𝔦 𝔭 𝔭 𝔢 𝔯

Serial  Killer ,  Psychotic ,  Sociopath  &  Vampire .


Full Name: Jackson Ripper   Species: Vampire   Gender: Male   Marital Status: Single   Family: x0   Occupation: Informent   Locati

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𝒟𝓇. 𝒥𝑜𝓃𝒶𝓉𝒽𝒶𝓃 𝒞𝓇𝒶𝓃𝑒

Scarecrow, Head of Arkham Asylum, Psychiatrist  & Psychopath.

Full Name: Jonathan Crane   Species: Human   Gender: Male   Marital Status: Single   Family: x0.   Occupation: Head of Arkham  Location: Gotham City   Home: N/A 


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𝒟𝓇. 𝐻𝒶𝓇𝓁𝑒𝑒𝓃 𝒬𝓊𝒾𝓃𝓏𝑒𝓁

Human, Psychiatrist & free to be whoever she wants to be!

Full Name: Harleen Quinzel   Species: Human   Gender: Female   Marital Status: Single   Family: x0   Occupation: A Menace to Society   Location: Gotham City   Home: Anywhere

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𝒜𝑔𝑒𝓃𝓉 𝒞𝓁𝓎𝒹𝑒 𝒮𝓂𝒾𝓉𝒽 

CIA, Bounty Hunter, Hitman for hire & single parent


Full Name: Clyde Fenn Smith   Species: Human   Gender: Male   Marital Status: Widower   Family: x1 daughter - Natalie, alive.   Occupation: CIA Operative   Location: New York Cit

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