Site Rules and Terms of Service

Writer's Realm: Rules & Terms of Service

(By creating an account on, you agree to these Terms and Conditions)

1. General Rules and Guidelines

  • Safe Environment: Writer's Realm is a creative community, and the Admins have zero tolerance for out-of-character drama. Please maintain civility and kindness at all times.
  • Respect for Different Viewpoints: As a member, you acknowledge that this is a diverse community where not everyone will share the same viewpoints. Public debates on religion, politics, ethics, etc., are discouraged. Please respect each other and the broader community.
  • No Unauthorized Advertising: Advertising other websites, external groups, or content without explicit approval from an Admin is strictly prohibited. Any unauthorized advertising will result in an instant ban without questioning.
  • We Are Not a Hub: When searching for threads, avoid seeking other writers solely to market your personal way of writing that pulls members off the site, such as through Discord, personal chat rooms, email, or secondary writing websites. Members choose to write on Writer's Realm as their platform. Instances of this behavior may result in removal of content searching. Do not come to Writer's Realm with the intent to thread elsewhere.

2. Content Guidelines

  • Creative Freedom: All genres of writing are welcome, allowing your creativity to flourish. However, please note that unless content is shared through inbox or private messages, it may be visible to the public.
  • Smut/18+ Content: Explicit sexual content is permitted only in private messages or inboxes. Such content is prohibited in public areas, including but not limited to: Profile comments, Global comments or message boards, Forums and Blogs, Groups, and Global chat. If you have questions or need clarification, please contact an Admin.
  • Prohibited Media: Pornographic images and media depicting nudity are strictly forbidden across the site. Any prohibited content will be removed by the Admins, followed by a written warning to the user. Failure to comply with the warning may result in account termination.
  • Account Limit: Members are allowed up to ten (10) active accounts. If you exceed this limit, steps will be taken to reduce the number of accounts to ensure the site runs smoothly and storage is used efficiently.
  • Underage Characters: Any content involving underage characters in adult-themed plots will be dealt with strictly. Depending on the severity of the infraction, this may result in a warning, immediate deletion of the content, or a ban.
  • Sexual Content Thread Searching: While Writer's Realm is an 18+ writing website where users can explore various themes, please avoid spamming thread searches with content strictly focused on sexual themes. Staff members reserve the right to remove thread searches that do not comply with these guidelines. If your story involves sexual themes, refrain from displaying explicit details about your desires until you have found a suitable writing partner and can discuss privately.

3. Public Chat & Message Boards

  • No Spam: Any form of spam is strictly prohibited across the site.
  • Public Conversations: While chatting is encouraged, please avoid flooding public message boards, the global comment section, and public chat boxes with extended personal conversations.
  • Chat Moderation: We have Chat Box Moderators on duty. Any misconduct as judged by them may result in a warning, suspension, or ban from the chat system.

4. Administrative and Site Management

  • Administration Applications: Staff applications may open from time to time depending on the website's needs, growth, or changes in staff. All members are welcome to apply when applications are available.
  • Partnerships and Marketing: Writer's Realm is an independent website and will not partner with other sites or platforms.
  • Events: Events hosted by staff members are designed for fun and may include prizes such as gift cards, game codes, on-site badges, and bragging rights. Members are welcome to host events but must contact an Admin to post them.
  • Realms (Groups): Groups are for collaboration and bringing worlds, cities, and guilds to life. If a group remains inactive for too long, it risks deletion due to inactivity. Members will be warned via inbox before deletion is considered.
  • Plagiarizing: While plagiarism is a serious issue, Writer's Realm will not involve itself unless valid evidence such as photos, videos, or other context can prove an exact rip of one's character or content.
  • Discipline: Writer's Realm is a privately owned company. Administration reserves the right to decline service at any time for any reason.
  • 18+ Website: By joining Writer's Realm, you confirm that you are 18 years of age or older. Writer's Realm will not be held responsible for individuals who falsify their age. However, the Administration reserves the right to take appropriate action against members found to have misrepresented their age.
  • Why We Monitor: Please be aware that the Owner of Writer's Realm, along with the Co-Owner and Admins, have the ability to content moderate. This means that even if your profile, blog, or group contents are set to private, staff members can still view these sections. This monitoring is in place to ensure the safety of our site members from issues such as spam, pornographic content, phishing, and harassment.

5. Enforcement of Terms

  • Consequences of Violations: Violating any of these terms may result in warnings, suspension, or termination of your account.