Realms Liability Waver


Liability Waiver

Legal Responsibility for User Actions:

In the event of any legal disputes arising from unlawful activities conducted by users on Writer's Realm, please be aware of the following:

  • User Responsibility: All legal actions related to unlawful activities performed by users are the sole responsibility of the individual user involved in such activities. The platform, including its Admins, Co-Owners, and Staff, shall not be held liable for any legal disputes or actions resulting from such unlawful activities.
  • Acknowledgment of Waiver: By registering for and using Writer's Realm, users acknowledge and agree to this waiver. Users accept that any legal claims or actions arising from their own unlawful conduct will be directed solely against them, and the platform will not be liable for any such actions.

This waiver is read, understood, and acknowledged by users upon registration and use of the site.