Sleeping with the enemy ( Villain2024)

"Gaheris" That name buzzed around Mirza like an annoying fly, each time the speaker uttered it her annoyance grew. "Gaheris!" There it was again. If they kept things up at this rate soon the name will be reduced to nothing more than a collection of meaningless screams. He pondered if the mortal would bust a vein if she kept yelling like that, or better yet if her entire head would explode. Wouldn't that just be amusing? Just Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa and pop--blood, brain and pieces of bones everyone. The very image was almost enough to make him forget his annoyance over being summoned like a dog, but then the mortal woman yelled it again "Gaheris!!!"

He spun around to--he didn't know--turn her inside out for her insolent, but when he reached the halfway mark he recalled that Gaheris had been the name given to this mortal body he now had possession of. One might argue the name given to the mortal soul who had been the original owner, but Mirza highly doubt any consideration had been put into the soul before the body had been granted a name. It would have been called Gaheris regardless which mortal soul had ended up claiming ownership. "My apologize your majesty I was distracted."

"We can see that" the woman said, her annoyance over being ignored ebbing away. "We do wonder what had you so captivated." The unmistakable hint of jealousy filled the air. More than that it was a beautiful reminder on why he chosen this body rather than the countless others that were his for the taking. Queen Thiziri Decazes was deeply and irrevocably in love with Gaheris Lecce, and he intended to milk that devotion for every ounce that it was worth.

Not everyone agreed with the affection the Queen had for him--a fact that was made evidently clear when more than a few exchanged glances. They found the entire notion of nobility sharing a bed with commoners to be despicable, through they found it more tolerable if the nobility was male and the commoner female, but they would never voice those opinions aloud as the last time someone dared was still fresh within their mind. The most horrifying part was that it had been her own father and previous king whom she had slaughtered in such a gruesome manner.

No one had believed her capable of such an horrendous act. She had been the perfect example of what an noble woman should be--elegant and poised. More than that--although technically a bastard--she had been her father's favorite and could have persuaded him to agree to let her marry whomever she wished if she had made the attempt, but that had not been the outcome Mizra had wanted. He needed King Yelisey Aritza removed as his continued reign was disadvantageous for Mizra's goal, He had considered a number of ways to achieve the previous king;'s demise, but when he learned of the affection Thiziri Decazes had for a palace guard by the name of Gaheris Lecce he just knew that was the route he had to take as it not only gave him the death he sought but kept two lovebirds from having their happy ever after.

It wasn't because the two might have found themselves banished to the deepest pit of the netherworld or worse enduring endless torment within the beyond. It was possible that was the queen's fate, but as for Gaheris--he was no more. Mizra had consumed his soul when he took possession of his body. It had been with Gaheris consent. He had wanted power and Mizra had promised him the power of the universe at his fingertips, although he was very aware Gaheris wouldn't have agreed if he known what would happened. He had particular screamed such when he realized what was happening to him. The gall. There had been a time when mortals had held competitions to be granted the honor of sharing Gaheris fate, but somewhere down the line they decided Oh no my eternal soul I just can't give that away. Pfft. They understood nothing. He was giving them a deeper purpose.

"I was ensuring Lorien didn't find his way back" He told the Queen

"I thought you said that was impossible" Queen inquired.

"I said it was impossible for him to return from the beyond, but until the rift between this realm and the beyond is closed there was still a chance--especially for someone of Lorien's talent."

The Queen considered for a few moments. "It is done? He won't come back to torment our people?"

"It is done" He told her. The one who was going to torment the people was you he thought. They had no ideas of the horrors that awaited them--horrors that if everything progressed the way Mizra wished would make Thiziri Decazes the most hated monarch in Erkivares' history. Not only that he didn't actually send Lorien to the beyond. What he did some might argue was much worse--especially for one whose magic was their soul. Mizra had--let's just say soon Lorien magic will start to fade and when it does it would cause him unspeakable anguish. Mizra didn't relish over hurting Lorien, but sometimes one must cause another great pain for them to learn their place.

"Good" She said. "This calls for a celebration. It is not every day a monster is defeated." A single clap of her hands were all that was needed to summon everyone gathered into a festive mood.

"If you'll excuse me, your majesty." He bowed before turning to take his leave

"You're leaving?" She was not happy. Of course, she wasn't. She wished to spend every possible moment with him, and her physical desire for him was more than a little palpable. The feeling was not mutual. He much rather slit her throat than share her bed. This was not saying he didn't do the deed with her. He did regularly because sacrifices must be made if he wished to continue his ruse.

"I must. While this is consider a great victory" He gestured to where Lorien Decazes had been sent into the beyond. "The war is still far from over" Those words had the Queen raising her hands to give another clap to summon the end of the celebration. He quickly closed the distance between them, seizing her within his arms in such a manner that garnered a collective gasped from those gathered and he whispered into her ear. "Have your celebration, my love and when I return we shall have one of our own that will cause the very stars to fall from the sky" He kissed her in front of everyone--as deeply and passionately as he could muster before releasing her just as suddenly and was halfway  towards the exit before he noticed the collective silence that had fallen over the area.

Glancing over his shoulder to find Queen Thiziri Decazes sitting there with her fingers upon her lips that curved into the tiniest smile which grew when her eyes met his then she raised her hands. clapping her hands one more time to order everyone back to the celebration. "We eagerly await your return." She told him, turning away as she couldn't bear the sight of him leaving.

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