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Character Species

Oelian and Junath

Character Gender


Character Relationship Status


Character Appearance

Name: Allelujah Planao

Physical appearance: Sharp features, wild looking and unkept hair

Height: 6’4

Body build: Muscular, Athletic, Broad shoulders, strong arms with thinner legs

Shape of face: Diamond

Eye color: Warm reddish brown with cloudy pupils due to blindness

Skin tone: yellowish hue - tan

Hair color: Slate Blue (blue hair is also known as a common Junath characteristic, which he is half)

Type of hair: Waist Length, Thick and unruly

Hairstyle: Bangs parted in the middle, he wears it pulled back in a low ponytail. He has lots of broken strands that tend to fall forward over his shoulders. Occasionally wears bandanas.

Physical disabilities: He suffered from the sickness called “Bloodbane” as a child, and lost his eyesight at the age of 10 because of it (unfortunately very common if you were born on the planet Oelia during that time) Miraculously he didn’t die and mysteriously healed on his own and other than being blind, he does not seem to have any lingering symptoms of the fatal B.B. disease.

Usual fashion of dress: Dresses for function, usually wears a skin tight armored suit, with thicker heavier fabric over top. 

Character Personality

Al is full of life, always commanding the spotlight; he has a desire for attention and admiration, and struggles with criticism. He’s independent-minded; chasing his dreams no matter what it takes. Snarky and sarcastic, it’s typical you’ll get belittling and bully type humor from Allelujah. He gives off a harsh, selfish and aggressive demeanor. It takes a special kind of person to get through to him and see that he’s really quite warm and affectionate.



Character Likes

Favored Scents: Anything Citrusy, Nature, Rubber, Newly Washed Hair, Uncharted Space, Ripening Vegetables, Blood, Sweat and Fear, Fresh Air, Spring Water, Warm Electrical Wires, and Cassella Sullivan


Character History/Story

Oelia History

Oelian's have always been known as a war faring people, lusting after power and mastery no matter the cost. Because of their domineering society and uncorrected stupidity, their planet Oelia suffered the greatest consequences. It began with the cultivation of the mineral Thaerium, which was rare in the Fisheye system, but abundant on Oelia. From Thaerium mass production of nanotube sheets and their alloys began; nearly everything from Oelian's weaponry to their dinner plates was constructed from this material which proved harder than diamond. However, the planet's prosperity would later be cast in shadow due to their carelessness. After production the degeneration of Thaerium even in low amounts became a highly toxic substance. Without proper disposal of the drummed up Thaerium it would eventually seep out polluting the planet's water supply, and causing irreversible damage and inhabitable conditions. The toxin's scourge was the cause of countless deaths on Oelia, spreading disease over a 50-year time span before a cure was conceived, and the mineral fully ceased to be used in production. The virus became widely known around Fisheye as "BloodBane" recognized as an agonizingly slow, gory, and crippling way for one to die.

Forced to start over and rebuild on their sister planet Juna, the Oelian territory (sectioned off from Junath laws) Is known today as Oelia de Novo. In receiving little to no accommodations or medical help when needed through the Federation, many Oelian's conspired that the Federation had hidden motives from the beginning.

Thought to have aided in the destruction of their planet through the toxic production of Thaerium, the Federation took Oelia down from where they stood as one of the most technologically advanced and martially skilled civilizations of Fisheye.

Despite majority feelings some Oelian’s still produce weapons and trade/work with the Federation. Although Thaerium is Illegal by Oelian law, an underground Oelian organization is working to mass produce it again and sell armory to the federation. Oelia's dangerously toxic and inhabitable planet is the only place able to obtain the resources needed for thaerium, thus making the advanced weaponry rare and highly sought after. The shell organization called Cataphract Armaments through Retrieval Processing, or C.A.R.P. are heavily funded through the Federation. A small domed community close to the Factories keeps workers safe from the toxic environment of Oelia and able to work their for extended periods of time. Federation supplies are sent often to ensure there is enough to survive on and live in relatively normal conditions.


Juna History 

Junath's are a spiritual and isolated race, their life style is unlike all else in the Fisheye System. The most notable differences are their strict laws forbidding technology and their extreme commitment to their community. For Junath's their faith and the way they live are inseparable and interdependent. Many outside the Junath culture think that their avoidance in advanced tools and their separation from the rest of the Galaxy is because of their beliefs. It is thought that breaking of their laws taints ones soul, and therefore stops them from reaching the afterlife, what they call Novissimis Porta. However, the truth is that many simply do not understand the complexities behind the secluded society. Junath's are unique in that they have a special sensory power for energy of all kinds, and are very likely to celebrate a quadricentennial birthday. They live long, and live extraordinarily well. Their bodies rarely if ever contract sickness or disease, same goes for their breeding stock and greenery. Anything that lives in Salvation, Juna thrives.

 When Oelian's began to spill into Juna, they looked upon the natives as their own built in serfs. Before then, Oelian's were already familiar with Juna's people and had a terrible reputation for suckering their women into an institutionalized form of sex slavery back on the planet Oelia. However the sociology between Oelian's and Junath's changed as they found a unique use for the blue haired dwellers. They found that Juna's population possessed a naturally unique power; The ability to manipulate energy and life force within the living. Through that manipulation the faculty of miraculous healing could be achieved without medicines or intensive operations. This became incredibly important to the many sick Oelian's now invading Juna after having had destroyed their planet Oelia to the Thaerium toxin. As Oelian's worked to rebuild their society on Juna, they also began to pay Junath communities around their capital of Salvation in large stipends for doing nothing more than what they have always done, agricultural work. The catch was they would eventually become dependent upon the rising fluctuation, and would soon have to take on a more active role towards the Oelian invaders. Those identified as possible Healers would be spilt from the ordinary and were trained and then employed as specific medics in aiding the symptoms of Ricanetaz (a treatment for the Thaerium toxin) through routine sessions. Junath's abilities combined with the drug Ricanetaz became the closest thing to a cure that Oelian's would ever hope to find for the blight of Bloodbane.

 Junath's as a whole seem to have a more bitter outlook towards Oelian's - This is for obvious reasons, but the two races could not be more different from one another. That being said, Junath women are heavily outcasted if they choose an Oelian mate, or any line of work (especially prostitution, which is quite common.) Any offspring being of Junath/Oelian blood means that the person is instantly considered purely Oelian by the Junath community and not welcomed. Another note worthy practice of Junath men is not cutting their hair - Growing ones hair long is a traditional religious custom, and a visible signifier of Junath identity.

Character Inventory



The Gemini Solis  


Infamously named by the Federation, meaning ‘The Twin of the Sun’, the Gemini Solis looks to be a uselessly blunt, pitch dark blade, the length of your average Katana. It's unique in that it was made on the planet Oelia through the use of the now illegal production of Thaerium. The Gemini Solis has a density harder than that of a diamond, and is made of carbon nano-tubing. Besides being used as a sufficient club, its useless as a sword to anyone other than Allelujah. The swordsman's abilities allow him to draw point negative energy from the vacuum of space, and manipulate it to envelope his sword. The dark energy and the carbon nanotube causes a vibration, as the Gemini Solis essentially acts as a lightning rod during the operation. The result is a plasma casing around the blunt blade, carrying the energy of the sun its capable of cutting through anything it goes up against. Additionally, the sword also becomes blinding to his enemies bare eyes, which works out perfectly for Allelujah.  12633388080?profile=RESIZE_400x


Character Abilites

12663688670?profile=RESIZE_710xinfo coming soon 

Writer's Writing Style (OOC)

Paragraph, Multi-Para, Novella

Writer's Favored Genres (OOC)

Fantasy, Romance, Violence, Anime, Rated R, 18+, Gore, Action, Adventure

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  • Let me get you on discord so I can bring you around! 

  • I will persist in my annoyances at the behest of my lord, Lady Serenity. I have been tasked to bring you to her to mend an old bridge. If I do not here back from you, I fear the worst punishment. 

  • Hey bro, long time. Been looking for you on occasion. Let's reconnect. 



  • 200.gif?cid=ecf05e47e7tft97zwr4xw80ej0txubnuucvz7t72iu1hh8cd&ep=v1_gifs_related&rid=200.gif&ct=g

  • 12664063091?profile=RESIZE_400x

  • You lost the game

  • Hey I'm new to this was hoping on getting some help learning 

  • Your mom, ya HoeMo

  • Smelly

  • Stinky

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