
Hello, The name's Marly, I'm sure it may be a familiar name to some of you around here. I've had a passion for writing for a long time. That still doesn't stop me from making a million typos so bear with me. I'm busy at random times, so don't feel bad if I ignore you. One week I'll be here, then I may turn up missing for a while. I'll always come back. I've got a sailor's mouth so be expecting it if we ever occ chat. I no longer take profile coding requests. Though if you have something you've started and gotten stuck on, feel free to ask. There are many other talented people on here who also know how to code. If I'm swamped, try them :)



I'm very limited on plots right now. The way I write, every character will affect my character's story. This builds one big arc that I absolutely love. I will often reference things and people from Val's past. More often than not, these are real people's characters! A large thread with multiple writers just ended, leaving me stumped with Valkyrie. Her goals have been accomplished; she's currently just sitting stagnant waiting for a spark of something. If you have plot ideas, please pour them out to me because I'm completely stumped.

Current Active Threads: OPEN-ish



Advanced Coders, feel free to ask for my layout whenever. You're welcome to just use the selectors or tweak it to your liking. I'll send it right over. The layout will probably change often. I get bored and like to come up with new things.

I fucking love fan art. If you wish to draw my character, I'll be sure to display it on my profile <3 I'll make renders part of my profile layout scheme; and of course will credit you.

Feel free to use my character in any books/blogs etc. I'm happy to help push someone's storyline along. Just please let me know when/if you do - I'd love to read :)


For all Text Art: Cool Text| My Lovely Faceclaim: Mahafsoun <3






Currently: Kaladon - (Hometown in Russia)

Status: 95% (Minor Puncture Wounds.)

Feeling: "There has to be more." 

8345187052?profile=RESIZE_400x Eye Color:: Amber Yellow/Electric purple when Berserking

Personality:: Somewhat Condescending. Gracefully insane. | INFP

Occupation:: Retired Weaponsmith/ Current Mistress. (Serious Mad Scientist Vibes)

Species:: Void | Berserker

Height:: 5'8"

Physically:: Lean with visibly toned muscles.

SIGN: Scorpio (November 6th)




  Valkyrie once hunted the supernatural, dedicating years to this perilous career before becoming one of the very beings she pursued. Her transformation began when she fell for a vampire, a decision that changed her life profoundly. However, when her lover abandoned her, believing it was for her protection, Valkyrie felt only betrayal. This betrayal triggered her latent berserking genes, leading her to kill him in a fit of uncontrollable rage.

  Years later, Valkyrie underwent significant changes and encountered many new creatures, including Atlas. Initially, Atlas was her servant, subjected to her cruel torture and drunken rage. Her cruelty stemmed from a twisted attraction, which eventually led her to pursue him romantically. Unbeknownst to her, Atlas was the King of the Void. Through their contact, Valkyrie’s body began to disintegrate from the inside out, resulting in her painful death.

  Valkyrie was resurrected years later, regaining her lost memories with the help of a Cambion. She is haunted by questions about her revival: Who brought her back? How did they do it? And who was the man with black hair and amber eyes leaning over her when she awoke? Her memories of that day are fragmented and unclear.

  Later in life, Valkyrie had a child, Titania, whose life was tragically short. Valkyrie, consumed by the new power Atlas left her, distanced herself from her daughter. She has since mastered many void abilities and discovered that the entrance to the Void's realm resides within her weapon. Declaring herself the King of the Void, Valkyrie faces discontent from others in the Void Realm. Yet, with no one to challenge her claim, she remains the False King.


Currently, Valkyrie has since grown comfortable with Atlas's disappearance. With the help of an ally named Draco, research has been conducted on both Valkyrie and her weapon. She has come to believe through this science that Atlas dwells in her weapon of choice; one he knew she cherished. Even though she once cared for Atlas, she will do everything in her power to keep him contained, for releasing the King could forfeit her Void inheritance. What's even more worrisome, however, is that the Void's power continues to infect others with virtually no cure.

After the Great War ended, causing the death of her mortal enemy, Amir, and her servant Ceres, Valkyrie has returned to her hometown in Russia. There's an odd aura about this place that she sometimes cannot stand. Amir and his people built this place with their magick. Is it now free for the taking? With no ruler for the traveler's town, Valkyrie has debated seeking out the Talisman of Absolute Law. This Amulet has been hidden for quite some time. Ceres, however, leaked snippets of information regarding its whereabouts shortly before her passing. It is said to have the power to bring lesser beings to their knees. Perhaps she'd have her kingdom yet.

Still, there remains the issue of Vasharti, the son she never wanted. The child of intrusion and torture, the child of experimental rape at the hands of Amir. Valkyrie never wishes to see him, but does he feel the same? Only time will tell.






Valkyrie possesses a deeply condescending personality, particularly evident in her interactions with her servants. While reserved with strangers, she is far from shy. Her treatment of her servants reflects a dark mentality, occasionally unleashing pent-up rage upon them. Gracefully insane, this trait fuels her ambitions, spurred by a transformation triggered when Amir's oppression forced her into an unrelenting quest for power. She harbors a profound addiction to Atlas, her devoted servant whose mysterious disappearance upon her resurrection deeply effected her, until she learned of his where about. She now does everything in her power to keep him contained. Prior to mastering void abilities, she was entangled in a passionate but tragic affair with a lover she ultimately killed in a berserker rage. Despite her serious and business-minded demeanor, Valkyrie harbors conflicting desires: a longing for a fresh start but can't share the persistent fixation on people and interactions from her complicated past.

Beyond her triggers, Valkyrie once enjoyed a semblance of normalcy. In a previous life, before acquiring her void powers or even her first servant, she was passionately attached to a lover. A vampire hunter at the time, she found herself consumed by a perfect love that abruptly ended when her lover, fearing for her safety, severed their bond. The ensuing emotional turmoil unleashed Valkyrie's berserker rage, leading to a tragic outcome that haunts her to this day. Occasionally, echoes of this attachment resurface when faced with individuals reminiscent of her deceased lover.




Valkyrie is a dark beauty, with long black hair that is typically drawn back to keep it out of the way. Standing at 5'9" tall, she towers over the typical female stature. Her physique is fearsome, boasting well-toned muscles that accentuate curves beneath smooth skin. Her eyes usually shimmer in a golden yellow hue, though they transform into a vibrant purple when she enters a state of rage, a manifestation of both her Berserking status and the Void influence inherited from her late servant. Even outside of battle, Valkyrie maintains a classy appearance, although she spends less time in front of the mirror than most women her age.


Valkyrie bears a scar on her stomach, a reminder of a brutal battle with her formidable enemy, Amir. He was the only man she could never defeat, the one who managed to exert control over her. Despite her intense hatred towards him, every attempt at retaliation resulted in injury, leaving her feeling like Amir's punching bag. His abilities consistently outmatched hers. In their final confrontation, Amir nearly took her life by turning her own weapon against her, slashing deeply from her right hip to the lower left part of her rib cage.



Valkyrie distinguishes herself from most supernaturals by lacking the ability to cast any type of magic and possessing many vital points akin to humans. As a berserker, she grows stronger as her anger or injuries escalate. Skilled in wielding a scythe, Valkyrie has the ability to materialize her weapon at will since her return from the Void. She proves to be an exceptional ally but an even more formidable adversary. Valkyrie has gained the knowledge that scythe now contains the former Void King, Atlas, allowing her to wield his power as her own.


Overwhelming physical strength: Valkyrie possesses incredible physical strength, capable of shattering boulders and causing small fissures. This innate ability is unmatched among most supernaturals, and her strength increases with her rage.

Undying Stamina: Despite her slow speed compared to other supernaturals, Valkyrie's body has developed remarkable stamina. She can endure numerous fatal blows before succumbing, akin to a tank-like resilience.

Void Defense: Infected by the Void through Atlas, Valkyrie gains passive defense in battle. The Void's mist acts as an additional protective barrier, particularly safeguarding her weapon more than her body.

Berserking: Valkyrie's most dangerous ability triggers during near-death experiences or emotional turmoil. Dark purple veins spread across her body, her eyes blaze with a purple haze, and she gains enhanced physical strength, stamina, and telekinetic abilities. This state is time-limited and taxing on her body.


Magic: Valkyrie lacks understanding and ability in magic, leaving her vulnerable to magical attacks despite her formidable physical prowess.

Speed: Compared to other supernaturals, Valkyrie's speed is considered slow. While faster than humans, she can be outpaced by high-grade vampires, demons, and lycans.

Insanity: Easily triggered by known vulnerabilities, Valkyrie's mental state can lead to erratic behavior or uncontrollable rage, potentially disrupting her focus in battle.

Resistances & Extras

Draining Kiss: Valkyrie can drain life-energy through a kiss, a skill likely inherited from Atlas. She has mastered this ability to imbue a person's essence into a weapon temporarily.

Void's Kiss: Valkyrie can infect others with Void Sickness through physical contact, such as a kiss or a slash from her scythe. Individuals vary in their resistance to this affliction.

Void's Protection (Resistance): Initially susceptible to mind control, Valkyrie's exposure to the Void now shields her against such effects, though her thoughts can still be read.




(If my character engages in a relationship, it will be solely to that person. Not to say she isn't a cheater, But I won't do AU relationships.)


Valkyrie has been through the ringer with love and isn't keen on returning to it. Her past experiences have proven far more costly than she anticipated. If she were to enter a relationship again, her partner would need to be more powerful than she is to keep her berserking rage in check. Despite this, her interests are quite varied. Valkyrie has a particular inclination for weaker, scrawny individuals, both men and women. This preference stems from her desire for control and the simple satisfaction it brings, as as a evidenced by her relationships with servants and a few allies. Any potential relationship for Valkyrie would likely be driven by benefit rather than love.

As a Mistress, Valkyrie often takes on servants as she sees fit. Many of her servants have endured the brunt of her drunken rages and torturous tendencies. She is selective about whom she accepts into her service, seeking potential in those she chooses to mentor. Nowadays, Valkyrie has become more discerning and lenient, taking on fewer servants than in the past. With her rise to the position of King of the Void, she now seeks guardians rather than mere slaves. In the Void realm, guardians are dedicated to protecting and preserving their King, embodying a role of greater significance and responsibility.




"..Do you love me, Atlas?" The fatal attraction... Atlas was once a simple servant of Valkyrie's, and their relationship remained so for several years. However, Valkyrie's fascination with Atlas ultimately led to her downfall. Her death came swiftly, but her resurrection followed not long after. Now, the servant she once desired lies dormant within her weapon, feeding her newfound power. Valkyrie has abandoned any romantic notions she once had about Atlas, focusing instead on containing both him and the power he provides. VIBES



"You're no King." Amir was the central antagonist in Valkyrie's life. His death has lifted a significant burden from her shoulders. Initially, there may have been a hint of attraction on Valkyrie's part when she encountered the King in his lesser form, but this only intensified the madness of his betrayal. Once a charming and captivating man, Amir grew increasingly power-hungry and malevolent. Valkyrie discovered that she had always been a target of his schemes since her youth. Perhaps this was why he took her off the streets of Russia and provided her with a place to call home. She would later become his unwilling genetic contributor to the next King of the Cosmos. Amir remains the primary source of Valkyrie's insanity, her power-struggle mentality, and her deep-seated distrust.;VIBES



"You want power..With just one kiss, you'll have your wish." Once a bride of Lucifer, Ceres fell from grace and suffered greatly. The Fae, stripped of her wings, struggled to navigate the Earth without her beloved. Her desperate love for Lucifer ultimately led her to Valkyrie. Valkyrie granted her the power she sought, though she kept many details hidden. Unfortunately, the Void became Ceres' undoing, leading to the death of a cherished servant and healer. VIBES



"I'll kill you myself if you ever cross my path."The mere mention of Vasharti's name evokes anger in Valkyrie. She was forcibly made to conceive Vasharti with his father, Amir, against her will. Dubbed the "perfect Starcaller" by Amir, Vasharti's ascension to the throne of the Stars is assumed following Amir's death. Valkyrie hopes only for him to remain in his position and to stay out of her life. Thus far, her wishes have been respected.VIBES



"Look at what you've done to me.." If only Valkyrie's story had ended here, with a happily ever after. Valkyrie loved Alexander deeply—a love she didn't fully appreciate until it was lost. She will never forget the night they secretly met, with him coming from his coven and her from an unnamed hunter's group. Valkyrie was ready to embrace this new world with Alexander, but he prioritized her safety instead. Unable to accept his reasoning, Valkyrie's Berserking Status was triggered for the first time. The huntress lost control and ultimately believed she had slaughtered her lover. Or so she thought....VIBES



"You missed a spot." Nik, also known as Omega, holds a peculiar place in Valkyrie's heart, though she'll never admitted it to him. Perhaps it’s his scrawny physique or his cluelessness that reminded her of Atlas. Whatever the reason, Valkyrie found it difficult to stop her mind from wandering. She derived a strange satisfaction from watching him scramble at her commands but treated him more as an acquaintance than a mere servant. Nik never faced abuse from Valkyrie. Additionally, Nik was indirectly responsible for Valkyrie's capture by Amir. Valkyrie keeps this secret, never revealing that she traded herself to ensure Nik's safety. A series of unfortunate events and emotions lead Valkyrie to a mental break, tossing Nik into the Void. A place he surely wouldn't survive. She hasn't returned to the Void Realm since. VIBES



"You'd best stay out of my way, son of Lucifer." Valkyrie has always harbored a deep-seated dislike for Jett, even before learning of his role as Amir's Alpha Servant. Despite Amir's all-knowing intelligence, he failed to see the trickery Jett was orchestrating right under his nose. Jett served as both Amir's shield and weapon, eventually becoming a key figure in steering Amir further into madness. This made Jett and Valkyrie natural adversaries, with their interests never aligning. Yet, have the tables turned? Valkyrie can feel it, no matter how far away Jett is. The pull of the Void has coiled itself around the Hell Spawn. Now with her puppet strings in place, she'll call him home when it's time.VIBES



"Does he Fuck you like he loves you, Seren? You're just another pass time." Seren holds the position of Second in Command to the throne of the Stars, having trained directly under Amir. This connection naturally makes her an enemy of Valkyrie. During Valkyrie's captivity, she couldn't ignore the overwhelming jealousy emanating from Seren. Ultimately, Seren's witchery played a role in Valkyrie conceiving Amir's child. The mutual hatred between Valkyrie and Seren is intense, each despising the other with equal fervor. VIBES







Valkyrie has always been a passionate drinker, but with past events in her life, this has become a daily occurrence. She also drinks to ebb away her building rage from the Berserker sleeping within

Thoughts of Atlas or individuals resembling him trigger Valkyrie’s insanity. While this sickness has gradually diminished over the years, she remains haunted by those memories.

Even though crafting weapons is no longer her primary profession, Valkyrie continues to do so on the side. Her clientele typically consists of repeat buyers or individuals she still finds useful.

Her blood has a mesmerizing effect on Vampires, often inducing states similar to hypnotic drugs. This is a result of the Void's curse in her veins. Prolonged exposure can also lead to infection.

Valkyrie has a peculiar interest in younger males, a trait that stands out in her otherwise calculated demeanor.


The City in the Sands

Kaladon, the city in the sands, sits nestled in the mountains north of Siberia. This small traveler's town, encased in the cold and desolate highlands, is a striking contrast to the harsh desert heat it experiences. Kaladon’s buildings are mostly worn and rickety, constructed from weathered wood that bears the brunt of the sun and sand. Kiosks are often no more than carpets and blankets spread across the sands, with stamped-out dirt roads serving as makeshift marketplaces. The city has a distinctly third-world feel, with some areas lacking basic amenities like electricity.

Dust storms are a common occurrence, causing most residents to wear scarves wrapped around their noses and mouths to protect themselves from the relentless grit. Certain parts of Kaladon remain unexplored, barricaded by large black thorns and shrouded in legend. Rumors tell of treacherous beasts lurking beyond these barriers, though these stories are more folklore than fact.

Once built and named by the Starcaller species, Kaladon now stands as an abandoned Earthly relic of their past, serving as a haven for all species despite its lack of formal laws or treaties. The city’s vibrant yet precarious existence continues amidst the harsh desert landscape, where mutual need binds its inhabitants together.



August 24

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Paragraph, Multi-Para, Novella

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Fantasy, Violence, 18+, Action

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    *Scratches at the Void door*

  • The ACCOUNANt pitter pattered his little peeties up to the dusty doors of the Berserker's home in Katsforlambs.

    A clipboard smashed repeatedly on the wooden surface of the threshold, sending splinters and blank sheets of paper scattering to the sandy pathway up to Val's house. RE S U M E S. She would have to read them later. 


    The Handsome creature wailed in his best singing tune that had yet to win him any drinks in the karaoke lounge. It ended with a high pitch screeeee that he used to summon mice when he was at home.

    (It was rigged)

    Bean's smol arms appeared from his chest floof and scritched at the door. Not only was he ready for his interview, he needed to collect rent from the TENNANT inside. 


    Bean adjusted the bowtie he had wrapped loosely around his m i ss ing wing stump.

    Tax season was over, he needed to do more tax things. He had ten years of whatever the mess lady needed ten years for.

    He brought his (Agnes') whisk to cook with, just in case.

  • The objection stopped Nikolas’ words in their tracks like they were trained to halt. The tone had the Vessel biting his tongue. Nik looked on speculatively when the Berserker turned her attention to the door instead. The door she’d failed to reach several nights before when he found her bloodied in the yard. The blood in the sand and gravel had worn away by now. It had been long enough that he didn’t blame her for the moments of silence. How strange must it have been? He didn’t know what happened to her during the time away, but he knew how strange it could be to come home to a place after so long. Inevitably, he followed. Nik let her take the lead, ambling after down the path after grabbing a bag and a jacket and shutting the door. He was following like a distant shadow, quiet until the event she might collapse and he’d have to say I told you so. 

    “I didn’t touch it,” Nikolas confirmed promptly with a slow shake of his head. “It gave me a bad feeling from the start. Bad enough that the demon repelled it. I felt like I was going to be sick, and they’re not usually the skittish kind… I guess that explains why,” He deduced. Her collapse over the egg was still fresh in his mind as well. Berserker. Weaponsmith… Mad scientist? What kind of project was that anyway?  

    As the Merchant’s Road came closer into their view, Nikolas cast Val a look from the corner of his eye when spoken to. She earned his full attention at what sounded well enough like a forewarning. One part of him heeded it and had plenty of questions. The other side of his brain was one that was tired of worrying. The cigarettes could kill him. The desert could. The demon latching onto his soul was certainly trying to; he didn’t know what stopped that one.

    Lofty hues swept around to the shops closest that he had come to know by now. “You know I used to hate this place, especially after you left. It was just a street full of dusty shops in the middle of fuck-all nowhere… and I didn’t know what to do with myself. I hated the sand; the weather’s pretty fucked.” Nikolas’ carrying on paused once they reached a table of interest, and he raised a brow. What the vessel saw at first were seven colorful and bulky rocks, not their hidden potential inside. He waited until the transaction was done and the stand was left before continuing.

    “But you know, my demon’s trouble doesn’t follow me here. It's almost like Katalam doesn’t exist at all. For the last couple of years, I’ve been able to sleep. I kept busy and made a little money. I’ve learned magic faster than I ever did in the city. It’s quiet, peaceful. People tell stories from everywhere. I never thought I’d want to be in a place like this.” He strayed only to pick up an item or two from the food merchants among the wares, carrying a bundled-up package of fruit and a sack of rice in the bag over his shoulder. He noticed Val’s stride wasn’t as driven as when they left the house. The longer their trip down the road, the closer Nik’s hovering became. 

    Valkyrie stopped suddenly enough that she’d hear Nik’s own shoes come to a halt afterward. Wait. His face fell and expectant eyes grew wide little by little. Was she kicking him out, or did she want him to leave? It would have sounded different for sure. Wouldn’t it?

    “-Why? I mean- You didn’t take me in for nothing, you said it yourself that night...” Nik stammered. What did he know about the pact, anyway? Maybe not enough to go speaking loosely about it, but he still let that comment hang in the air, loose ends and all. What point was he trying to make? Nikolas’ feet were rooted in place while Valkyrie turned around without another word.

    It took several minutes after she shut the door for it to open again. Frankly, he didn't know where else to turn. Nikolas looked around for her expectantly once inside with the lost puppy look not fully wiped off his face. The items he picked up were set on the counter. “Do… you think they regretted being with you?” Nikolas prompted. “The servant, I mean.”

  • Well, you best start packen' your bags then


  • Owing : Tempu

  • "You're going to be the slave,"

    "If anything."

    This was on the assumption she wouldn’t be burnt to ashes first, but such a being was no ordinary woman. At this rate, she just about had him flustered, even if draconic expressions were more difficult to read. Now he, or they were in a difficult spot, and horribly exposed from prying eyes to see.

    Without so much as a word, one of his front claws suddenly swooped over to snatch her figure up. Shortly after taking hold of and confining her inside the digits of a talon, both massive wings unfolded themselves and extended outward, beating against hefty winds. In seconds, his immense weight was lifted off the asphalt, only to begin propelling himself forward diagonally as sirens were heard approaching from behind.

    Knowing he had to minimize any visibility from pedestrians below, the massive reptile flapped his way towards overhead clouds to hide himself. As they finally flew through them, Valkyrie would start to feel a build-up of moisture inside his claw, and on her body due to the water vapor, in addition to being bombarded by cold air since she wasn’t in the most convincing place.

    How rude of him to not let her ride on his back instead.

    . . .

    A good few miles were placed between them and the nearest settlement, having retreated into the wilderness to avoid being a sight for sore eyes. A clearing surrounded by a crescent-shaped rock formation was found before closing in on it, simply gliding down for his upcoming landing.

    All but one claw opened up to set foot on the grassy and mostly flat terrain. His wings ceased all movement until his front-right talon would open to let Valkyrie roll out if she didn't step out instead. All three heads were already observing her simultaneously, only two of which had a narrowed expression. 

    The one on the right, however, was too busy admiring her figure, despite the likelihood of her being a wreck from their flight. Its maw was curved into a slightly visible grin, which earned it a scoff from the left head. This was a likely hint at the trio having independent thoughts from one another, even if they were all compressed into one body in his human facade.

    "You had my curiosity,"

    "But now you got my attention with that stunt,"

    "And I don't know what to do with you."

    While contemplating their next course of action, one talon lightly pushed on her waist, possibly knocking her down. Only then did his digits start lifting and playing with her limbs, purely due to the right head taking control of said claw.

    "You're going to help me lure any would-be hunters into a trap."

  • Three more days passed with Nikolas’ hovering. He hadn’t made efforts to leave the house, not when there was activity there for the first in quite some time. He fell back into a regular routine of the past that seemed foreign after Valkyrie’s disappearance. He spoke when spoken to, besides the questions that would slip out and inevitably go without answering. The Vessel learned soon enough there wasn’t any point in prying, at least not for the time being. There was ample space given by the time the third day rolled around. Nik was an object in the room that kept meals prepped in the kitchen and lurked on occasion to see how she might be faring.

    While Val made her way downstairs, Nik’s presence was made on the couch. He was reclined back with what must have been his feet on the coffee table by how fast they moved off of it at the Berserker’s sound. A black notebook was set on the table ledge once he sat up. He looked at Valkyrie expectantly for a few silent moments. His lips pursed at the question. “I didn’t have anywhere else to go... after that night, y’know, I couldn’t get out of Russia the way I came in.” His eyes cast to the door where she was looking and back to Val. “-And after you disappeared I waited; I figured you’d be back, I knew I’d made a deal. I guess at that point I’d stayed here long enough, there wasn’t any use going back anyway. There wasn’t anything left to go back home to. Not to mention the demon’s quieter out here, I’ve got some sleep for once. I figured Katalam out and made the best of it. Now you’re back, and… no offense but it looks like you could use some help.”

    To Nik’s own eye twitch, he watched the bandages begin to unravel from the woman’s arm. She might feel his judgmental stare down while she did it but he wouldn’t say a word.

    Nik’s head shook slowly. “No, I didn’t. I just took a peek inside, I swear. I didn’t touch anything… sure explains the scythe though,” He murmured. “That egg though… What's inside of it? Is it really a living thing?” He watched as she stood up. She did look a bit better than the days beforehand.

    Enough to get up and leave, though?

    “You’re sure, already?” He didn’t need to remind her that she had just got back, did he? Nik’s gaze shifted to the window for hints of the weather. She had a point with the stillness of the day. He stood up from his seat slowly. “Can I come with you at least?” Nik offered without too many seconds of thought.

  • Owing: Janos

  • Nikolas watched incredulously as her hand was placed right back on the side of the shell. It looked like an egg, but what kind of bird was as big as that? Unless it was something else entirely by the sinister sense he was getting out of it. The glow of the energy coming off the berserker's hands was another thing. What the hell was she doing to it?

    Whatever it was, it seemed important. When his shouting and shaking did no good he ceased it and watched anxiously; there wasn’t much he could do, was there?


    When her eyes closed and her body fell backward the Vessel was there to catch her. He grimaced at the blood that had wept from the newly opened wound and glanced back up at the egg for what might happen. In the next few seconds, he drew in a breath and looked back down at her. “You’ve been here for like twelve minutes and this is what you do… what the hell’s gotten into you?” He murmured aloud. Valkyrie was hoisted off the ground carefully once more, making sure the robe’s belt held tight. He managed to get her through the doorway without banging into anything on his way out, glancing back at the egg one more time before he kept walking.

    Nurse Everett to the rescue, he thought. His mother would have loved the sound of that. Not under the shitstorm of circumstances he had fallen into since then; what would he even tell her? Val was set back down gently in the same guest bed and he drew in a deep breath. Why have one more bloody room in the place? The bandages that had started to seep were double-bound just a little tighter for the time being. Hell knew when she would wake up this time, or what it all meant. 

    When he was done, he went to wash his hands and peek his nose back into the weapons room. He studied the egg in the corner before he closed the door.

  • All attention is drawn downward towards his hands. Inspecting them by the looks of it. The word glamour barely reached him at the ears as he had other matters to see to. Disrespect? Not exactly. The creature, as it was, found that the little game he’d played had somewhat compromised his guise. Not the serpent one, no, but the one he was wearing now and has been wearing for so long. Perhaps, he thought to himself, it was due time he took another? Residence, as he calls it sometimes. His gaze turns upward and then around, eventually, his attention falls upon Valkyrie. But out of the corner of his eye, he spies the shackles. Closing his eyes momentarily, he does a little something, and that something places the shackles back in his hands, rather than around his wrists.

    The shackles had been tampered with prior to even placing himself on auction as he had. His game had been child’s play and yet, he hadn’t been seen? Amusing, he thought as he looked at the shackles. They practically melt in his hands, the gems were not spared.

    Her thoughts on him remain her thoughts alone, not that he’d care of her opinion or the obvious disappointment plastering itself upon her womanly features.

    He takes a breath before lifting his gaze once more. Oh, how he wished to stretch himself, but this was hardly a place that could accommodate him. Her words finally reach him, apparently, she preferred the snake over what stood before her. He placed a hand over his chest, planting his palm flat there. An apology, that’s what it almost looked like, were it not for the small burst of laughter that happened. “Were it only days that I devoured the creature, I could have regurgitated it and surrendered it,” he said.

    Can he open a portal? His gaze looks for the nearest mirror and to it, he moves to. Be it small or large, it doesn’t matter, because the moment he touches it, it turns into what she was asking if he could do. The mirror had turned black before he laid hands upon it, failing to capture his likeness. Unable? Who knows.

    He didn’t have to be here and if he wanted, he could leave.

    If he did, then what? He’d return from where he came and do nothing. He was biding his time for the moment and this is where it had brought him. “Would the lady like to see more tricks?” Oh, he had one for her, perhaps this would put her in better spirits? The portal shuts and the mirror is once again what is a mirror. Given that the object is no bigger than his head, he puts on the strangest smile, he holds the mirror in front of his face. It is still not reflecting, at least not until he’s turned it to face her.

    Large red fingers emerge from within the glass, holding then the edge of the frame. Others on the other hand follow suit, attempting to stretch the mirror and come through. Opening the mirror enough to allow what’s on the other side to gaze in. The frail-looking creature holding the mirror is nothing but a heap of clothing on the floor. Yet the mirror remains in mid-air...

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I Have No Life

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Credits: Nik / Omega Music: Vibes
Based off threads between the writer of Nik and Valkyrie(me)
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