

Jett Morningstar | 236 Years Young | Retired Butler 

Son of Lucifer & A Slut Vampire

"Where do I go from here.."
8380476252?profile=RESIZE_584xOrigins: Jett was born a bastard child, and raised oddly normal for a supernatural. His mother was a whore for blood. While she retained rank as a pureblood Vampire, the plasma had become a drug addiction, which caused her to fall quickly. In a dangerous deal with Lucifer, Jett's mother fell pregnant. Of course, Lucifer never had time for his spawns, leaving Jett to his mother. Due to the fact that Endora, Jett's mother, was a Vampire and Lucifer a fallen angel; Jett was birthed without an exact name for his species. He bare's no fangs or blood-thirst, as well as no wings from his father's side. This leaves him...mostly normal. Our red-head retained most of his mother's traits and near to none of his father's, leaving him much weaker than most of Lucifer's spawns. None-the-less, Jett was gifted with his mother's abilities; ones that would put most demons to shame...A Healers Touch.

Past: Although Jett was a wanderer for a good portion of his early years, it wasn't without purpose. His mother was dead now. Jett expected this outcome from a young age. Her hellbent ways and thirst for plasma ultimately were her downfall. Jett despised his father with every fiber of his being. Even strongly disapproving of his mother's ways, Jett still cared for her, even as far as feeding her with his own blood. Jett always longed for the power he was denied at birth. The throne would one day be his. Perhaps that day was closer than he thought, or would he be sadly mistaken.. After a meeting with a Starcaller known as Amir. Jett found that the two had similar goals. Yet Amir's strength and power-control already seemed strong enough to face his father without help. Silently Jett plotted. Amir wished to kill Lucifer, and it seemed he would attempt to with or without Jett. His father's death would mean, the throne open. With his mind made up, our red-head vowed to serve Amir. For the longest time, Amir knew nothing of Jett's true plans or even the fact that Jett had Lucifer's blood running through his veins. His life as a butler for several loyal years came to an end when Amir began to slip even further into insanity; ultimately casting Jett away.

Presently: Ceres, a Fae from Katalam became his world quicker than he'd have thought. The two were good friends. She was a captured pawn in the game his twisted Master, Amir had been playing with Lucifer. Jett witnessed many bad things done to Ceres in Amir's clutches; her wings had been cut, her body beaten and her innocence ravaged. He eventually convinced Amir to free her. The two would not meet again for several years. Down the line, Amir cast Jett aside. Jett would eventually find his way to Ceres where the two were inseparable. She as his friend, and he her guardian. Getting herself into a situation with the Void, Ceres had lost all Fae concepts. She became a mage, the void fueling her power. Ceres, like his mother Endora, was hellbent on one thing, Killing Amir. Her twisted will was unclear, and Jett still does not know the reasoning behind it. She would eventually get her wish, at the cost of her own life. Jett was there, witnessed, and even helped the poor girl carry out her plan. He couldn't leave her alone, and she'd have carried out her plan either way. Jett was rescued from the battlefield by his sister Vivette. Ceres's overload of the Void's magic had killed her, but also her fearsome target. Jett remembered it clearly, she combusted with magic. Her body simply couldn't contain it. Now the Void that once ran through her veins taints his own body. While Jett has seen instances of the curse, he's yet to be fully engulfed in its insanity.




The Trickster: A title that no longer belongs to him. While Jett was always known as cunning and witty, he's actually mellowed out more than normal due to the Void's poison. This is alarming to the few that know him. Jett has always come off strong and for better words.. a jerk. Those personality traits aren't lies, but underneath, our red-head has the heart of a lion. He's always been a white knight and fails to follow in the footsteps of most children of Lucifer. While his depression from losing Ceres has a drastic impact on his mood, he does still retain his earlier traits. 

A Sickness: The Void is no joke. It grants great power but with it great pain not only to the holder but the people around him. The sickness is recessive but tends to surface at the worse of times. It has begun to mess with his brain in horrible ways. Jett has recently blacked out and slaughtered a small Pho Noodle Cafe of civilians. He also has terrible dreams of void cursed demons far worse than what Hell has to offer. The curse has begun to take a toll on his metal. 




Brilliant Green: Jett is a natural-born redhead. It's always been one of his most stunning features. However, close in second place is his electric green eyes. These were a hereditary gift from his mother's side. All healers in his mother's bloodline carried these exotic green hues. While Jett is built well, he's not over muscular. Toting his famous careless wifebeater and black jacket, Jett doesn't dress to impress. 

Jett's Inheritance: Jett grew up and lived his whole life with an uncommon trait called Heterochromia. His green eyes were his natural skin color, but his right eye was always red. This triggered Jett to wear an eyepatch literally everywhere he went. The red hue was a gift, or more so a curse, from his father. While it gave Jett a few of his Father's abilities. It had also proven to hurt him in turn. Since the Void's coming, the Red eye gene has gone recessive, leaving Jett with his natural green hues.

The Sickness: While the Void only pokes it's head out on minor occasions, it stirs within the redhead. When the curse takes over Jett, his eyes (like all Void creatures) will shift to an electric purple color.




A Dangerous Chanter: Jett's talents, as a supernatural are extremely unique. He typically isn't much of a fighter unless you push the right buttons. Inherited from his mother, Jett is an outstanding healer. He has the ability to use recovery magic as well as other supporting magics; this makes him a well sought after ally. Although Jett possesses such brilliance in the supporting aspects of magic, he's yet to use it on anyone other than himself and his Late Master, Amir.

A Signature Trait: Aside from his outstanding healing abilities, Jett retained a few of his father's weaker skills, allowing him small offensive bouts if needed. Jett's mostly recessive crimson eye ties in with the abilities that his father passed down to him. Our-redhead's signature trait, however, is his speed. At normal speed, he's no different from that of an average demon. Though with a spell, spoken from his tongue, he has the ability to quicken himself and allies; literally multiplying his speed to unknown numbers. He's in no way the fastest creature in the world, but faster than most is better than none. Almost all of Jett's spells must be spoken from his lips, meaning they are extremely hard to replicate unless his voice is present. Still, he's been known to teach Ceres, an imprisoned Fae of his past Master, a few of his minor spells.


  • "Haste" - Once spoken, Jett's speed will greatly increase. He can use it as long as his stamina permits it. This skill can also be directed at others. 
  • "Blood Boil" (Name and Skill inherited from his mother) - Once this word reaches an enemy's ears, their blood will begin to heat causing them to lose focus and fight more poorly. Note: This ability takes a lot of stamina to maintain. 
  • "Bloom" - Any plants in the area will open and secrete a pollen that, if inhaled, puts the breather in a sleep/drowsy state.
  • "Crush" - Once spoken Jett or any allies, it is directed to will gain a strengthening boost for their physical strength. Side Effects: The listener's eyes may radiate red. This is Jett's second most used ability.
  • Sacrifice - Jett will begin muttering in tongues. All of his energy will then leave his body and travel to his targeted ally. All of his energy enters the target, knocking Jett unconscious in the process. The target gains a huge power boost and a restoring aura that quickens the healing process. 
  • "Cleanse" - Upon speaking this word, Jett's hands will begin to radiate a warm green aura. This green light is a healing aura. If Jett lays hands on an ally while in his healing state, their wounds will begin to heal.
  • Kiss of the Snake charmer *Special Skill*(Name and Skill inherited from his mother.) Jett reveals his crimson recessive red-eye inherited from his father. Jett's gaze becomes contagious. If one locks eyes with him. Their body falls under his control for a set period of time; usually around 5 minutes. *If the user has a more powerful mind than Jett, this could backfire causing serious harm to the redhead. 
  • Enhanced Senses - I.e, speed, strength, hearing, sight. All supernaturals usually possess these traits.




Pansexual | Single | No Interests

Most of Jett's ties have been cut. This was not his intention, both enemies and allies of his have come to traumatic endings in these past years. A lover is almost out of the question for him. Taking after his father, our red-head enjoys the thrill of a one night stand. He sees sexual desires as a necessity rather than seeking out a meaningful relationship. Taking after his father, Jett has no preference in gender or species. However, he has been seen leaning more closely towards Human-like females in his past. Jett can always be sucked into a relationship, it's just very unlikely.


dDNwbTQ.jpg?profile=RESIZE_180x180 CERES (Princess)

A captive Fae of Jett's late Master. During her time in captivity, Jett was tasked with caring for Ceres. Eventually, the two formed a bond of friendship. Over time, Jett convinced his Master to release the Fairy. As soon as the order was given, Jett freed Ceres. While their interactions ended for several years; the two rekindled their friendship later down the line when Jett finally drove his Master to madness. In their time apart, Ceres had dove deeper into chaos. Not only did the Fairy lose herself to the Void but also regained control over its power. Hellbent on finding her love interest, Ceres couldn't see the love Jett fell deeper into day by day. Her death tares at Jett's mental. Her curse has passed on to him, one that he bares to the best of his ability. Only in his fit of Void trances does he see Ceres. While his body commands havoc during these trances, his mind is finally at peace. VIBES VIBES

dDNwbTQ.jpg?profile=RESIZE_180x180 NESEVA (Pipsqueak)

Jett met Nes by a freak chance; He at a bar and she on a hunting mission. After her interference in several affairs that night, Jett finally decided to help her on her mission in order to get the Hunter out of his hair. Needless to say, Nes oddly reminds him of someone. He's done much in their short time together to keep her from harm's way. In the past, he's even gone so far as jumping in front of a feral Vampire for her sake. While he sustained injuries from the incident, he's never shared that information with her. After parting ways, Neseva continued her hunting missions. This time, it tied her directly to Jett. While she had been bound by her duties, Jett was slipping slower and slower into madness. She now may be his only hope in conquering the Void's sickness. VIBES VIBES

dDNwbTQ.jpg?profile=RESIZE_180x180 AMIR (Master)

Jett spent the majority of his life with Amir. Straight out of Hell, Jett was able to swindle his way into a butler position for the King of the Cosmos. His goal? Use Amir for the strength he himself did not possess. Years of work paid off. Before long, Jett became Amir's alpha servant and more so his consultant. For a King with such vast knowledge, Jett was able to eventually turn his mind against him. In the end, however, Jett cast his plans aside for Ceres and abandon Amir. This threw the King into a turmoil that even Jett did not expect. Ultimately, Jett was dragged along in battle with the King when Ceres dove into a war she couldn't fight alone. The outcome? Only Jett survived. VIBES

dDNwbTQ.jpg?profile=RESIZE_180x180 VIVIETTE (Sister Dearest)

A Knight of Hell that Jett has spent a few years not only living with but working for. Jett deeply cares for her whether she sees it or not. At one point in time, he even called her his 'sister'. A grand compliment coming from a Son of Lucifer. Originally, his only plan was to take the prize that was once his Master, Amir's. The duo's relationship didn't work out, driving both Viv and Amir deeper into their own chaos. The only difference, Jett was there for Viviette. He now holds composed anger towards his sister as she's left him in his time of need. The abandonment Jett currently feels due to Viv's disappearance continues to loom. This also keeps him away from his current residence on the top floor of the No Sonno Cafe. He currently has no plans on returning 'home'. He's abandoned all of his belongings there as well as any thoughts of life with his sister in the picture. VIBES VIBES VIBES

dDNwbTQ.jpg?profile=RESIZE_180x180 MAYA (coming soon)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

dDNwbTQ.jpg?profile=RESIZE_180x180 VALKYRIE (False King)

A Mistress of the Void that Jett knows far more about than he leads on. He was there when his Master first took her in. Jett also witnessed a sense of love blossom from Valkyrie for his late Master. Though he knew all along, his Master's plans. As Valkyrie came to her senses, the two would find themselves on opposite ends of the battlefield more often than Jett had hoped for. A fearsome warrior she is. While she calls herself King of the Void Realm, Jett has known Valkyrie long enough to tell something in that statement isn't correct. Since the great war and his Master's death, Valkyrie has made her feelings towards Jett clear. He does not cross her path, even if she holds the reigns on his Void Sickness. VIBES

dDNwbTQ.jpg?profile=RESIZE_180x180 ENDORA (coming soon)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

dDNwbTQ.jpg?profile=RESIZE_180x180 LUCIFER (Father)

Jett's father, an identity that he doesn't disclose to most. Even Jett's late Master didn't know of his origins until the end was near. While Jett did spend some time in Hell alongside his father, they were years wasted. At one point in time, Jett longed for the throne, much like all Sons of Lucifer. The trickster would use his late Master, Amir, in order to obtain this. Though towards the end of Amir's reign, Jett found interest elsewhere. His plans, his goals, dropped. He still doesn't care for his father and isn't sure how to react if the two were to cross paths again. His last vow; to not be a pawn to either side. Thus far, he's stayed neutral. VIBES






Jett is a heavy gambler. This is his sole source of income.

Endora, Jett's mother, was murdered by his father Lucifer

Jett keeps his father's identity a secret.

 Jett's blood is extremely tasteful to Vampires. It's unknown if this is from his mother's genes or his father's. Perhaps both. His plasma has been known to have addictive features that to some had become irresistible. 

Jett was a blood mule for his mother in her last few years. He did this quietly and willingly. He holds guilt for being part of her downfall. 



Writer's Writing Style (OOC)

Paragraph, Multi-Para, Novella

Writer's Favored Genres (OOC)

Fantasy, Violence, Realistic, 18+

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  • Having glanced up, Neseva's eyes quickly shot back down to her phone and her disobedient face flushed by the sight. Honestly, she needed to stop getting into situations like this. Why didn't he just put the pants on, she was sure his boxers were fine. Oh, whatever, at least he had the towel on. It was the least she could ask for. 

    She had purposely kept her mind away from his while he was in there cause that was the least she could do. It all became easier the more she trained to control her powers with the elf woman. And now it was similar to not letting it wander. 

    His question puzzled her if only for a second. Why would he ask something like that? But then she had to consider herself to think more deeply about it. 

    Deeper about him.

    Maybe he was willing to level with her finally after all this time of them fighting against each other.

    "Has it ever crossed your mind that I'm doing this for the sake of helping you, Jett?" She insisted, her voice holding neither sarcasm nor belittlement. She stared at him, hoping to catch his eye if he tried to look at her to gauge her expression when she spoke. If so, or not, she would continue soundly, finding a portion of the blanket covers to pick at. A flaw in the seams that she often looked for in people even.

    "In every instance that we've ever run into each other, I've never asked anything of you. I did not need to. I don't look at people and think about how I can use them for my own good." She bit her lip in thought. She never thought she would find herself needing to derogate her actions as good to someone. But then again, not as many people were as selfless as her. 

    "You might call me sensitive or a stupid little girl, but I can see a cry for help when it's right in front of me. With the way that you're acting and the expectations you have out of people, or those around you, I can see that you think the world wants something from you. Maybe people have only ever taken things from you or pushed you aside. Gave you what you needed and told you to run with it, right? So long as you weren't their problem? Tell me to shut up if I'm wrong, but... I don't think that I am."

    "And right now, you need help more than anyone. There's something internal going on with you, one I can't put my professional finger on, but there is something. I might not know how to help it right now, but I can learn how to." Tugging a chip of dead skin from her lips, she thought of her words, of the meaning. Considered if he would listen at all. They were at each other's throats so often, this felt weird almost to speak candidly like this. 

    Realizing how she might have gotten off track, she lifted her head, looking towards the door where she could hear the thoughts of the server counting the room numbers, likely looking for their own. "So, to answer your question. Nothing. I want nothing from you than to maybe listen to me and let me help you. But only if you want it. In fact," Nes huffed as she slid from the center of the bed to the door, the knock was yet to come but she was waiting. Continuing with, "I wouldn't be surprised if we woke up and you were gone in the morning. At least you could leave with the fact that I won't hold it over you. Can't force a horse to drink after all."

    A quaint shrug of her shoulders, then a glance of her golden eyes over him. "Will you be getting dressed, or are you just going to eat in a towel?"

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  • I have ideaaaassss I just have to get them downnnn

  • xx

  • Tamara had already noticed the way his eyes darted about, scanning his surroundings as if searching for unseen threats… or perhaps wrestling with his own thoughts? His tale was intriguing, and she couldn’t help but wonder how one could divulge so much to a stranger with the first question. Other than the obvious influence of alcohol and a mind muddled by anguish, he seemed to be telling the truth. There was a raw honesty in his voice, yet it was laced with a wretchedness that was ever so present, yet she couldn't quite place.

    The attack, however, was something that she did not anticipate. When his hand shot out, coiling around her throat with inhuman speed, her eyes flared gold. For a brief, flickering moment, her features twisted into something monstrous. It was a split second’s flash, perhaps a trick of the eye in that faint lamplight? No matter– it was gone as fast as it came, and Tamara resisted the instinct to retaliate.

    This man was far from human.

    His grip was firm, but it didn’t cut off the air supply– this was more of a test than an assault. There was something far beyond this strange longing for this songstress he spoke of. His story was just the surface of a deeper, more complex motive. And she, too, was no different, still looking for the things she lost within very limited means…

    With a slow, deliberate smile, she relaxed in his grip. Her lips didn’t even move, and yet her resounding voice dropped to a mellowed whisper. A brush of charmed silk, from this woman who bore an expression that’s far too calm for the situation calling for it. Deep auburn curls were tousled by the breeze, briefly flitting through the pale face that it framed. “You’ve got the wrong creature. But you’re just as lost and cursed as I am. 

    Cursed to relentlessly long for the things that were no longer there. Damned enough to never find them. 

    “If you’re truly curious about what I am,” she continued. Glittering eyes narrowed. “You can always take me to the water.”

    Drown me like how you wanted to drown all of these away.

    The cold night air swirled around them, carrying the distant sound of the water’s edge. Tamara waited, her chest pounding with a strange mix of fear and excitement, all of that bleeding into the enchantment lacing each word. It had been so long since she felt this alive, since she felt anything at all beyond the numbing routine of her existence in this sleepy town.

    Anticipation and suspense were bizarre things, luxuries that this place couldn’t always afford. It was a sensation she had almost forgotten, buried under layers of monotony for the sake of blending in. Now, in the tight grip of this stranger who was more than he appeared, she felt it rekindle.

    “Go on, see for yourself.”

  • "In the pool area, I'm presuming." Nes retorted upon the comment of the jacuzzi matter-a-factually. "Most normal hotels don't just have it in the room. That's more of a penthouse sort of thing. Certainly not around these parts of NYC. This isn't the Ritz." Were there hot tubs in rooms at the Ritz? Probably. Nes had never been in one. Not that she didn't have the money to, but because it never crossed her mind.

    She was more for being on the ground with her best friend showing her all the desolate nooks and crannies of the city rather than up in the sky in some fancy place such as that. A 1-star could be a five-star if with the right person after all. But perhaps she was far too humbled.

    "I'm only speculating--" She interposed quickly after he echoed her words, not intending to offend him by any means with them. She didn't know what he was, only that he was something. He had something in him and he clearly wasn't human at all. He gave a strong demonic presence yet she could be reading it wrong. She was known for that. 

    Gotta hand it to her, Neseva was one who knew how to take an insult when it was thrown at her. It was nothing new to her after all that people didn't like or much even wanted her around at all. She did talk a lot and she knew that. She did get too serious with things. 

    Her brows were heavy with agitation as she watched him take off his gore-stained clothing. Standing pensively then everting her eyes once it was far too much skin for her to willingly maintain the blazing citrine glare with. She wasn't here to watch a show. Why did it seem like every male in her life had to strip in front of her? This was getting far too close to her becoming a sexless innkeeper at this point than she wanted to admit. Not that she cared, it was never her intention, she just hated that it always happened to her.

    Despite it, she steeled her shoulders the more he went on. Sure, Neseva had had several insults tossed her way before. None that slicked as deep as her soul though. That was known. It didn't feel good. Just like every other insult that was tossed at her didn't. It was all she could do to stiffen her upper lip and allow it to roll off of her the best that she could.

    He was hurting, he had something ulterior going on with him, he just didn't know any better. He was sick. He was hungry. 

    Any excuse that rationalized herself that she somehow deserved this because he was the one who was hurting instead. 

    Yeah, Nes, let's just think that.

    Just disregard it. 

    Just like she should have ignored turning her head to meet his voice then quickly turned it away in the same movement. Her lips pressed together tight against her lips, eyes wide, and her ace uncontrollably flushing a deep crimson at the sight. Seriously, what was her luck with dudes undressing in front of her?!

    Only when she heard the shower turn on and he stepped in did she turn her head, her eyes on the door and it slammed closed with little effort of her power. Breathing a sigh she strode back to fall onto the bed, her hands and phone in her lap.

    "What the hell am I supposed to do with this?" She grumbled to herself, falling back into the bed with a sigh while she waited.


    However long he was in the shower she went about getting that room service going. Ording him a pizza and herself an alfredo pasta. She'd seen enough red today that she didn't want any chunky bits to be added to that. Along the lines of that, she was messaging her leads at the HSHQ, preparing for a what-if scenario for this situation. If she could get him to the HSHQ they could analyze him and see what was going on internally. She knew that there was more to him than he was letting up. 

    Bah, that was a future thing for her to handle. For now, she kicked off her chucks and sat in the center of one of the two beds, waiting for Jett to finish washing and the food to get there. If he wanted cigarettes he could get them himself. When he exited, hopefully, dressed, her eyes were down at her phone. Refusing to look up she said, "The food should be here soon get yourself comfortable."

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  • "Playing God," Neseva started in a huff after the explosion of power she expelled to get him off of her as she regained herself before continuing, "Would insinuate that I have a say on your life or death. Considering I have no care in the latter, means I have no strings to pull, now doesn't it? I have no intention of pulling anyone's strings of destiny much less yours. I'm not here to decide whether you get to live or die." No, not really. Not in that way. In reality, he would be held for trial for his crimes to see if he was worthy of walking free. The HSHQ would then decide if he were fit or worthy of attributes and time then be monitored while guided into a better state of life. 

    But Nes wouldn't tell him that.

    Not that she thought he would care at all.

    Instead, she commanded that he follow her. Since it would seem he might act better with some control in his life. Not that she wished to control him. He just seemed to like a more dominant hand-- Oh hell whatever.

    She'd grown apprehensive with his hesitation, but as he began to walk she let out a silent sigh under her breath. Waiting for him to fall in step with her before she continued at a semi-normal pace. A little slower for herself to allow him to stay close. The huntress had no idea where his mind was nor if he would topple over at any moment. 

    "You've seemed rather responsive to demanding types. Maybe you're going after the wrong kind of kink." Right, 'cause she'd seen the type of chicks he'd picked up in the past. All seemed willing, and all seemed happy to fall at his feet. And whoever or whatever woman had been in his visions didn't appear to be the gentle type either. But then again, there were a few heartstrings shredded for it too. So maybe feeble was exactly the kink he needed not to get attached. 

    "I'm not hunting you. You so happened to be in the right place at the right time." That was pretty much the norm for him, wasn't it? Or else how had they both ended up together so many times now?" Leisurely, she would pull her phone from her pocket. She flicked through motels that were close by. "And I live her for the time being. New York isn't exactly a big place despite its size. It's not inevitable we've bumped into each other as many times as we have." 

    Lifting her head from her phone, she narrowed her thoughts for a moment, then looked back to it. "Besides the coffee shop. That was totally coincidental. I didn't know or expect you to be there of all places. Anywhere else... well, they kind of were your scene, so..." Not to judge his character at all. But a demon at times tended to go where that sort of crowd was. Soooooo...

    Her golden eyes went to the cigarette when it was pulled from his pocket and all the way up to his lips. She had a mind to force it away but figured his brain could use the shitty chemicals in it. Thus thinking better she left him to do his drags of it. "No, not jail. I doubt I could get you on a plane to HQ. And I don't need cuffs. Besides, I feel like you'd like that too much." No, he likely would have a show of getting himself out of them now, wouldn't he?

    "A motel will do good for you while I think about what to do. What you didn't isn't something as simple as a slap on the wrist. So we can talk, and let you take a shower with all that gore on you. "She side-eyed his bloody blotched figure. The blood was dry and crusting to his skin. Flaking in some places. At least she wasn't faint of it. Or him for that matter. 

    "You genuinely think you're going to have any time for a dip in the jacuzzi? What, you gonna go in your boxers?" With a roll of her eyes, she causally brought her finger to the screen to change the rating of the motel. Finding a 5-star one fairly close by and went about heading in that direction of it. For the thank of Frank, it was only a block away. Leaving their conversation light for the remainder of the way until they came to the leasing office. The Vacancy sign bright and happy. 

    "Wait here, I'll get the room," Nes told him smoothly as she was stepping in. Keeping her mind reached out to him in case he decided to make some kind of run for it. The man at the desk was happy to accommodate her. It took no less than ten minutes for the key to be handed to her and she was stepping out. A 'I Love NYC' shirt in hand along with some overpriced pants from the souvenir shop she hoped would fit him. 

    Silently she would walk them to the room which was three doors down from the office. With a turn of the key in the lock, she pushed the door open, offering him to go in first.

    She didn't know what to expect from a high-star hotel that was close by, but it was better than what she thought. Sleek black floor of the kitchen met with the plush carpet of the living area. Black and white beds--two of them--with dark oak headboards and smoothly made sheets with fluffed pillows at the top of them. The room had a gentle smell of lavender that made Nes scrunch up her nose but she opted to ignore it she waited for him to shuffle in then she closed it behind them. Offering the clothing to him. "You should wash up. Is there anything you want from room service? Or you one of those demons who only feeds from the souls of the innocent?"

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Jan 4, 2021

I Have No Life

WR Knight

WR Guardian



𝐍𝐄𝐕𝐀𝐄𝐇 and Jett are now friends
Community Leader
Jett left a comment on Message Board
"First Person or Thrid Person? I have a hard time reading First person, but opinions? "
Jul 17
Jett replied to LavenderSwan's discussion In search of writing partner(s) seeking FxF collaboration.
"Welcome to the site. I'm also an older writer. I hope you find some good threads here. Most all the…"
Jul 17
Jett left a comment for Jett
" All caught up - replies done"
Jul 17
Jett left a comment for Minako
"Hmmm what will this profile becomeeeee"
Jul 17
Jett liked Mephistopheles's blog post Mater Orci
Jul 16
Minako and Jett are now friends
Community Leader
Jul 16
Jett left a comment for Jett
"Owing - Cass"
Jul 8
Jett left a comment for Jett
"All Replies Sent"
Jul 4
Jett left a comment for Jett
"Owing Victor"
Jul 3
Jett and Capricorn are now friends
Jun 17
Jett left a comment for Jett
"Coming back from a long hiatus: 
Maya - Replied
Nes - Replied
Vic - Owe
If you're not listed,…"
Jun 13
Jett and Evangeline Altir are now friends
May 16, 2023
Jett left a comment for Jett
Maya: Replied
Agnes: Replied
Cass: Replied
Pipsqueak: Owe
Scarlett Emaurri: Owe /…"
Mar 5, 2023
Jett liked Alexander's blog post "I'D DO IT ALL AGAIN" [MOTUS ANIMI EVENT]
Mar 2, 2023
Isabo Hendrix and Jett are now friends
Community Leader
Mar 1, 2023