Umbral Elithri

Umbral Elithri is a species that is derived from Lunar Elithri. When the Lunar Elithri's mother goddess became ill and started to weaken, they knew their time would soon be up. A small group refused to accept such a fate and began to look throughout the realms to bargain with another deity. The deity they found in the Umbral Realm, however, was a mad, dying god. He accepted their bargain. The bargain was made. However, the god tricked them and their offspring were his. The offspring were no longer Lunar Elithri. They looked similar to their descendants, but they had dusky grey skin, sensitivity to sunlight, and the ability to manipulate shadows. The Umbral Elithri were cast out by the Lunar Elithri, forced to find a new home.


The Empire of Nocturnastra, perpetually shrouded in dusk, was conquered by the Nightterror brothers, the leaders of the few Umbral Elithri still remaining. They finally got tired of being shunned from every place they went, so they went to war and conquered, creating their own empire. The Umbral Empire kept those they conquered as their citizens, choosing to not ostracize, but to allow those of all species to live in the Empire, provided they abide by the laws. Nocturnastra is run on Arcanomechanica, a type of technology fuelled by magic. The technology is Renaissance-era, but advanced. For example, a spyglass that when you peer into it works like a modern-day telescope. The Arcanomechanica is created via special magic-infused crystals, among other such methods.

Nivahn Nightterror


The Mage of Ruin | The Crimson Emperor | The Son of Shadow

Caind'r Nightterror


The Warlord | The Umbral Commander | The Soldier of Shadow

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Multi-Para, Novella

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Fantasy, Romance, Violence, Rated R, 18+, Gore, Action, Adventure

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Aug 20
kuro replied to The Nightterror Siblings's discussion Looking For Roleplays
"salut moi aussi je suis a la recher d un partenaire de jeux de role est j avous que sa me tent bien…"
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The Nightterror Siblings is now friends with Syrius Gilroy and Merlyn de Aternia (semi-hiatus)
Aug 19
Merlyn de Aternia (semi-hiatus) replied to The Nightterror Siblings's discussion Looking For Roleplays
"Currently attempting to re-enter roleplaying so I may be a bit slow, but I'm interested in rping.…"
Aug 18
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The Nightterror Siblings might be going to When Villains Triumph
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The Nightterror Siblings posted a discussion
Hello! My name is Henna. I am currently looking for roleplays for the siblings. Caind'r and Nivahn…
Aug 17
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Aug 17