Hello! My name is Henna. I am currently looking for roleplays for the siblings. 

Caind'r and Nivahn are brothers, but the polar opposite of each other. They rule Nocturnastra, a city of eternal dawn fuelled by Arcanomechanica, low-grade technology run by magic. 

I would love dark plots and roleplays. I wouldn't mind doing AUs or time slips or things like that where they wind up in other worlds or where someone from another world winds up in Nocturnastra. I write paragraphs to novella [300-1000+ words], but I can do as little as three paragraphs depending on how little or how much my partner gives me.

For romance, I prefer MxM, but am open to MxF. Nivahn leans more towards men and Caind'r leans more towards asexual.



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  • salut moi aussi je suis a la recher d un partenaire de jeux de role est j avous que sa me tent bien de rp avec toi parcontre je parle presque juste français et je suis dispos a un peux tout

  • Currently attempting to re-enter roleplaying so I may be a bit slow, but I'm interested in rping. Please dm me if you're interested!

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