Jesidril Things

It felt like air burst inside Jesidril's lungs as her eyes shot open with a deep gasp. The pain instantly surged in and she felt her throat being blocked with a thick fluid.

She quickly rolled over and laid on her stomach before the urge forced her to vomit, emptying what was inside her airway.

When her vision cleared, all she saw was one thing on the floor: Blood.

Agonized coughs sounded around her as she slowly pushed herself up with what strength was left from her arms and moved one leg forward, firmly pressing a foot on the ground.

This heavy rain... These stab and bullet wounds... That stench of blood and these dead bodies around her... Where was she again? What was she doing here?

What the fuck happened?

Then, her mind clicked when she jogged her memory a little. Right. She was here to defend Gladyss' honor without that woman knowing and even with how many times her mind had told her not to do anything reckless, a part of her was still confused as to why she did what she did... As to why she would go this far.


Of course.

Because she just hated it. She hated seeing the woman―who almost never knew tears―broke down in front of her just because a nobody wanted to be somebody.

This global corp... She couldn't help but slightly laugh at the thought that such things would happen in an organization that was built to hold the world together. Yet, of course, she had to remember that not everyone shared those visions. Pathetic assholes.

Then her ears caught that sound of clicking above her and as she raised her face, there was a gun aimed at her forehead but she didn't flinch. She was used to it.


"Such a shame that someone like you follows someone useless: a woman who couldn't lead." A man's voice and she remembered how she despised hearing it.

Jesidril grinned; he was still calling her 'useless' despite everyone else proving him otherwise? She sure lived rent free in his misogynistic head.

The man scoffed, "Women only have one purpose and that is to submit to men. You don't really have any rights to do anything else. You live and die as one helpless human being who should only cling to the strong. And you...

"You already made it right by making yourself a dog. The wrong was making your master a woman."

"I see." Jesidril replied, "What, you think you're right that women are weak and fragile just because they stumble down like this? Just because they're a little softer, they can't fucking lead?

"Stop giving me this crap."

And as she stood, she pressed her forehead against the mouth of the man's handgun while her sharp glare never softened―like a tiger looking down at its prey.

"You don't even know that she had guns pointed at her like this twenty-four seven and you have the audacity to say that you're above her just because you had little scars back when you were in the military? You sure have the balls to compare yourself with her.

"Listen to this, you will never be like her. In all aspects, she is better than you.

"And this dog is extremely faithful to its female master that you so despise of."

The man narrowed his eyes and the grip on his handgun tightened that Jesidril could hear his rubber glove squeezing against steel. What a pathetic woman.

"Stand down, you do―"

"You stand down, asshole." Jesidril then grabbed the gun's barrel and with her own grip, she crumpled its metal and bent it upward like it was just paper to her.

The man's eyes widened and immediately hopped away to create a decent distance between her. Such brute strength. Women shouldn't be this physically strong. What on gigantimus...

He looked down at his weapon and threw it away. It was already useless to him.

"Who fucking told you to look away?" He heard Jesidril speak close to him and the next thing he knew, a powerful punch met his face and was suddenly sent back flying, crashing onto multiple layers of the building walls with sharp clouds of dust trails tailing after him.

The last wall caused his back to bounce and abruptly halted his advances then his body dropped to the ground. He didn't even have time to react to pain. All he knew was it was too fast.

He grunted as he struggled to push himself up but then flinched when he heard Jesidril's foot stomped nearby. What the fuck? He flinched? He was afraid of her? Him? A man, afraid of a woman?


"Get up."

It felt like her voice completely shook his core. What the fuck?

He raised his head and froze when he saw it.

Those murderous, tiger-colored orbs glowing within the dust that it looked like it was veiling the monster in it and as it subsided, it revealed the calm yet angered Jesidril with her piercing and unwavering gaze. Yet, there was something within those eyes that made him feel like he was staring at an unknown abyss which was far more terrifying than when he was in the battlefield back in the army.

Booster Level Three: Prehistoric Series: Arctotherium Angustidens.

"Get up," Jesidril repeated, "I'll show you what it's like to be in women's shoes when they meet men like you."


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Kale - The Wandering Lazy

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