Bellum in terra sicut est in inferno

Bellum in terra sicut est in inferno

After the Fall of Lucifer, God has made the world prosper, creating mankind and life itself.  He watched as they prospered  and saw them grow in his image, but of course he could not watch them for so long. He had other duties to attend to and must take part in them so that some semblance of order is obtained. So he sent down his Angels; giving them the title of "Watchers" who are tasked to observe and protect them from any harm that is beyond mortal kind. for a time thing were perfect, a home for mankind with no evil in sight and all was right with the world, but peace is known to never last for so long.

As the Watchers observed mankind they began to notice the Females becoming more and more attractive as they grow. They began to think impure thoughts and started to have strange desires to claim them for their own. Such desires were shamed upon in Heaven for they must remain pure and abstinent or else they may suffer the same fate as Lucifer. But there was one who thought this was folly and believed that union with mankind should not be shunned upon so easily. That was Azazel, second in command of the Watchers and he made his voice heard and was commited to join their lines with mankind. 

The leader of the Watchers; Samyaza who was conflicted with his desires could not choose for his own. So he decided to have a vote to decide the path they should take; to follow Gods will or to take mankind in their hands. Once the votes were in it was unanimous; The Watchers have chosen against God and took Mankind as their own without realizing that they were just pawns and about to change things for all eternity. They exposed themselves to mankind, they declared themselves Gods and formed a new council for themselves; The Grigori. They have forsakened God and took mortal women as their wives; as they mated they gave birth to abominations known as Nephilim.

Azazel did something different, with the council of a hooded figure he forged weapons and taught magic to mankind. For he knew that God will act on their betrayel and sin. they must be prepared for an upcoming war. The Grigori  were many and knew the world like it was the back of their hand, they had the advantage. In the Grigori their were 24 leaders in counting that lead the Watchers to the path of darkness. they were Samyaza as mention before, Azazel as well, then there is Apollyon, Sachiel, Butator, The Chosen Scion, Kokabiel, Rahab,  Suphlatus, Gadreel, Sariel, Ananiel, Turiel, Af, Bezaliel, Sathariel, Baraqiel, Penemue , Chazaqiel, Tamiel , Samshiel, Zaqiel, Asbeel, and Armaros.  They gathered many mortals into their cause and taught them the ways of combat and mystic arts, they tainted them and made them sinful.

Two Days before The Angels went to Hell

When God learned of this he was outraged by this, he was astonished by this blasphemy and could not let this go. He wanted to smite them down all at once and be done with it all, to do such irresponsible and outrageous sins behind his back was unforgivable. If it weren't for Raphael he would have done what he wanted to, instead he entrusted his angels to take care of the watchers, as for the mortals he sent Uriel to speak his word to one known as Noah. He will flood the word and restart from scratch so that everything was right with the world. All seem to be in order until Raphael spoke to him in private which made him curious since he does not usually ask for his council.

"Father, it is not enough- though our power is strong it may cause great damage to the world. Not only  that  we don't know what to do with the Watchers once they are defeated, we need the aid of-" Before Raphael could finish his sentence God would show his anger by his power; causing the heavens to shake and lightning forming from every angle. "You dare ask me to get aid from the children of evil itself? Do you know what I had to do, what I had to sacrifice to bring life to this world? If I summon them for their aid they would enter the world and cause nothing more than pain and agony."

  "They would not leave until they have claimed the world for their own!" He made his words clear but Raphael stood firm and spoke back to God; speaking his mind to his Father so that he could understand. "They could have attacked at any point Father, their Kingdom had not once made claim for war or power against you or mankind. The first time they entered the world was done on the act of competion." "Compeition that caused Adam and Even to spurn me and leave paradise, not only that Lilith is gone as well and we have no idea where she is!" God shouted in return, he wanted to make his statement stand and will not let his child overule him.

That is wheb Michael stepped in to intervene so that Raphael would not take the full force of their Father alone. "Father please listen to him, he speaks reason and means well. Though we have the advantage we do not have the means to contain them once they are defeated.  Not only that if we used all our power it would cause us to become weak and perhaps then the Imperium might use this as an advantage to spill out from their realm and into the world. I'd say its better to have them as an ally now rather than an enemy later."

God took a moment to consider it and finally decided to agree to it, sering two of his sons stand before him telling him that they needed aid and could not deny the wonders of beyond. So he nodded his head and calmed down. "Very well, Michael you and your brothers will go to Hell and demand the aid of Hell. Do not fight them otherwise you all might not leave unscathed, if they wish to bargain then do it. If you can get their aid then there may be hope for them...and a place in heaven."




When the time came for war, Michael lead the charge along with Gabriel against Samyaza and Sariel. Man and the Grigori fought against the Angels showing that they are evenly matched. The battle was endless and showed signs that the scale was tilting to the side of the Grigori.  Gabriel was now pinned down by Samyaza with a staff toward his neck. He knew that if he doesn't act soon or gained aid he would be dead, same goes for Michael was held down  as Sariel grabbed onto his wings ready to tear them off. 

It was by pure luck that the gates of Hell would open as Lucifer leads an army of Demons. Knights, Dukes and Presidents joined the battle aiding the army of Heaven against Grigori.  With their effort in the war Heaven has defeated the Grigori and bound them, Lucifer would decide their fate along with Mephistopheles. But for now Victory has been given to Heaven and thats all that matters.


Meanwhile On the otherside of the battlefield; at a workshop that is owned by Azazel, The watcher in question was gathering his belongings. He was getting ready to flee from the battlefield so that he could avoid the wrath of Heaven and Hell. But then he was met with a the hooded figure he sought council with blocked his path. He would growl and acuse him of lies and decit, he accussed him for making them think that Hell would not interfere. The Hooded Figure would remove his hood revealing to be Satan himself with a smile on his face.

"Thats the thing about my brothers, they enjoy the thrill of making the impossible..possible." After he said that he would suddenly move in a blink of an eye gripping Azazel by the neck and squeezed breaking his windpipe  so that he wouldn't be able to speak. After that, Satan would leave as Raphael would enter the workshop and found Azazel like that. Raphael was confused for the moment then thought that the battle caused Azazel to suffer that wound and so he captured him and brought him to the other captured Grigori.  Mephistopheles revealed himself from the darkness as he witnessed it all, in his hand was an apple which he would take a bite out of while staring into the fire of Azazel's forge.

"Hm...all is according to plan, just as I planned." Mephistopheles muttered before taking his leave from the workshop, making his way toward the defeated Grigori. With a slight grin Mephistopheles chose a fitting prison for them, one by one he imprisoned The Watchers into cards that match their roles and actions. Heaven decided to bury them deep beneath the earths crust so that they would never be free from their prison nor allow anyone to use their powers for evil. Now that the war was done, Michael fullfilled the promise between him and Mephistopheles allowing them to roam the world but after the deal was done did God flooded the world which allowed Angels and Demons to watch it all unfold wiping away the taint and Nephilim that was left in the world.  Noah has done his task and built the ark and brought the  animals  into the new world.

Now the new world is up for grabs, heaven and Hell can now have reign over it and they shall see who will have full dominion over Gods creation. Mephistopheles stood beside Lucifer as they watch the ark sail across the raging sea. "My Kingdom shall reign on this world." Lucifer spoke in a soft voice that Mephistopheles could hear. This made him smile only to shook his head for a brief moment. "Of course...your majesty." 


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