imperator gehennae

imperator gehennae

After the banishment of Satan and the New age of Hell has commensed; The Imperium decided that they should not simply split the realms like they did. They met in the center of their birth and decreed that they must stand united as a True Imperium with an Emperor to pave the path for devil kind. the reason was simple; Now that Satan has been banished due to being consumed by fear it made the Imperium look weak.  This could not stand, there had to be change and so they decided to nominate who should be the Emperor of Hell; because Mephistopheles defeated Satan and taken over two circles he was nominated to be Emperor at first. Then they nominated Ziminiar, of course he was nominated for the sheer power alone but he refused to take the role as emperor since he desires solitude.  Than there was Abaddon; all expected him to take the role like it was offered to him like it was a platter.

But to everyones surprise he refused, stating that if he would rule their would be nothinng left. It was an honest sentence, one that made the rest think that something was off. So it would seem that the answer was clear until Lucifer barged in and challenged the Imperium. He nominates himself as the Emperor of Hell, joined by his fellow Angels  they declared independence and right of council. The Imperium saw this as blasphemy, though Mephistopheles freed the Fallen Angels there were not deemed as worthy to represent Hell. Although the Imperium disapproved of their interference, Mephistopheles seemed to have welcomed them with open arms. 

He offered them a chance to prove themselves that they are ready to be part of Hell  and not as slaves or pets for the Imperium.  So to decide who  becomes The Emperor  They decided to hold a contest of sorts, a battle of the mind. The leave their bodies and fight in celestial form taking the forms as they desire; fire, water, snake and lion, dragon and kraken.It all seemed to be going on for days but back to where their bodies were it was only minutes. As they continued they were suddenly forced back into their bodies when suddenly a glowing light filled Hell as The Archangels Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel,  stood before the Imperium with purpose in their eyes. 

The Imperium cursed and defamed them for there unwanted arrival in such a traditionial competition.  Mephistopheles seemed rather annoyed while Lucifer would look surprised by his brothers appearance. It was Michael who was the first to speak and he made his words clear. "Our Fathers creations have been corrupted and seduced by traitors who call themselves The Grigori. War is coming and if you do not act now it will spill into your domain. Our father asks that you act in his name!" 

Silence came  to The Imperium before laughter echoed throughout Hell, they could not believe that Heaven was demanding them to act on a war that is in Heaven and earth. "You have no power here, thos domain is our own."  Titivillus declared while Corson agreed; they indeed have the playing field. Although the Archangels are powerful, The Imperium were the true First born and can be an even match if they ever went to battle. The only reason why they never invaded Heaven was because they did not want to deal with their own Father. Once the laughter died down The Imperium was ready to cast them away or fight to the death but Lucifer decided to intervene. "What is in it for us, do you really believe that we would follow his word without something in return?" 

This got all of the Imperium's attention, how dare a fallen angel speak on behalf of the Imperium and all of Hell. But Mephistopheles would step forward and stood beside Lucifer with a sly smirk. "Your brother speaks true, so what does Heaven offer to Hell?" The Archangels took a moment to consider their options, they act on their Fathers will but they were not sure what would he allow until. "Freedom to walk the earth, and roam it as you see fit." Raphael shouted which caused Gabriel to glare at him with distain, how could he offer such a thing as if it was his to give.

"Raphael-!" Michael tried to speak but Mephistopheles clapped his hands together to silence any bickering.  We accept your proposal, I believe my brothers and soon to be sister will enjoy roaming the world Father created. We'll make sure that this boon will be used to our benefit. As for the 'Grigori' we will aid you on your little extermination, however  those little angels that rebelled; they are not allowed into Hell." The Archangels were ready to speak their minds until Mephistopheles added. "We already have enough of your kin as it is, this is our paradise and it already has enough of your kin that could make an army."

"I don't want to assume that you  and dear 'Father' are just sending Fallen Angels just to overthrow us?" Those words shut the Archangels up while Lucifer would look away rolling his eyes for a brief moment. Once the verbal agreement was made Mephistopheles would hold out his hand toward Michael, he winked at him while chuckling under his breath. Michael hesitated for just a moment but would soon take Mephistopheles hand and shook it believing there was no other way. The agreement seemed to be sealed to the Archangels, but Mephistopheles  knew better then to trust the words of one foolish Archangel. The Devil would suddenly pull the Archangel in and stole a kiss from him, this surprised the Archangels and the Imperium; but Michael was even more surprised due to the sudden feeling and touch. 

He had no idea what happened until Mephistopheles pulled away from the kiss just to lick his lips. "What did you do.." Michael spoke with harsh breath, his lips slightly red from the kiss, Mephistopheles perked his lips before answering his question. "We made a contract you and I, that is to make sure that you keep your word. If you fail to take your end of the die." Thse chilling words caused Michael to become more pale then ever before, he stumbled back toward his archangel brothers before they left through a glowing light. Lucifer would glare at Mephistopheles with disgust.

"When your the Emperor of Hell, all things must be bound by blood and contracts...learn that well Lucifer, if you truly want to rule over Hell."


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