

I am open to new roleplay threads

Threads are Selective/Open

Character Age


Character Species


Character Gender


Character Relationship Status


Character Appearance

Douxie is tall, and has sleek, straight black hair with indigo streaks (which, in the past, he wore in a top knot bun, and he regretted it immensely in the future, as revealed in History in the Making). If looked closely, he has a small scar on his left hand, over his thumb area. He wears an enchanted bracelet on his left wrist which he uses to cast his spells (in the past, his bracelet was short, but over the 900 years since, it takes up the majority of his forearm). When angered or provoked, his eyes glow bright blue. In his present attire, he wears a black sweatshirt, gray jeans, and black high-tops. He also wears a skull-shaped necklace around his neck and wristbands (two on his right side and a watchband, disguising his charm bracelet, on his left).

Character Personality

Flirtatious, patient, charming, well-meaning, mysterious, calm, hardworking, kind, brave, loyal, reckless, determined, selfless

Character Likes

Rock music, playing his guitar, learning magic, pies, his friends, adventures

Character Dislikes

Gumm-Gumms, not being taken seriously, his past self (and his hair tied in a bun), having to choose between his friends and the world, milking the Slorr.

Character Inventory

Charm bracelet/gauntlet/watch, staff/Spellcaster guitar, time map, eternal time trap, knife, guitar

Character Abilites

Magically Enhanced Physiology, Enhanced Strength, Enhanced Durability, Agility Magic- Spell Casting, Magical Energy Manipulation, Magic Attacks ~ Magic Blasts, Magic bursts, Magic Aura, Magic Shielding, Magic Detection, Infinite Hallways, Conjuration, Smoke Generation, Sleep Inducement, Banishing, Surface Adhesion, Telekinesis, Binding, Pyrokinesis, Fire Blast, Memory Projection, Glamour, Astral Projection, Flight, Semi-immortality Indomitable Will, Staffmanship, Martial Artist, Multilingual, Monsterology, Charm, Guitarist, Moonlighter, Competent Tutor, Palmist

Weaknesses: Magic Depletion, Lack of Shadow Magic, Recklessness

Writer's Writing Style (OOC)


Writer's Favored Genres (OOC)

Fantasy, Romance, Rated R, 18+, Comedy, Action, Adventure

About the Writer (OOC)

While I'm no novice when it comes to role-playing and storyline development, my writing has suffered and has become lazy over the years. I wish to quell that, over time.

I mainly roleplay 18+, preferably 21+ as I'm 31, and I try and stay clear of anything below that. If you are younger than 18, please know that plotting will be obsolete and futile. While I do roleplay as Douxie who passes as a 19-year-old teen and I understand that it would be difficult to avoid it, he may end up being the ONLY exception to this rule. Take this as your warning.

I am well-versed in and specialize in Colin O'Donoghue characters. I have played Killian Jones/Captain Hook from Once Upon a Time for many years now, but also dabble in his others works as well - i.e Brennan Sullivan from The Dust Storm, JJ Sneed from Heartstrings, Michael Kovak from The Rite, David Harrison from Carrie Pilby, Peter from What Still Remains, Hisirdoux Casperon from Trollhunters: Wizards and many of his other works much smaller than those.

While my profile may be based on one particular character at any moment depending on the plot line of my main partner and muse, please feel free to choose another of your liking!

Plot soon!

Earned points: 4

I Have No Life

I'm New Here

WR Knight

WR Guardian

Site Tester


Contest Win!

Coding Guru

Douxie Casperan updated their profile
Aug 27, 2022
Douxie Casperan updated their profile
Aug 20, 2022
Douxie Casperan liked Douxie Casperan's profile
Aug 20, 2022
Douxie Casperan updated their profile photo
Aug 20, 2022
Douxie Casperan updated their profile photo
Aug 20, 2022
Douxie Casperan updated their profile photo
Aug 20, 2022
Douxie Casperan updated their profile photo
Aug 20, 2022
Douxie Casperan is now a member of Writer's Realm - Roleplay
Aug 20, 2022