
September 18

I am open to new roleplay threads

Threads are Open

Character Age

17 / 18

Character Species


Character Gender

Male, Other

Character Relationship Status


Character Appearance

Tan skin with small white spots around their eyes, hazel brown eyes, Phamtom white hair with black tips, puffed. Nose, and lips are pierced with them wearing small black earrings. Baggy shirts/hoodies with biker shorts. Skin tight tank tops with baggy pants

Character Personality

An out going person who can beat someone if they ticked him off, a huge cat person who has to deal with people who hate on them for like cats. His ADHD would act during his classes so he would have to control it somehow. A huge gamer and has won a few tournaments with cash prizes so they would feel more confident when in game cause they mainly get first but rages bad if anything lower. He has a loving family to others but their really aren't that nice, making him make dinners for their siblings, chores for them, cleaning every room spotless.

Character Likes

-Fluffy things, (Cats, stuffed animals , hoodies, ext) blasting music in their headphones as they do things, hang with Ashi (Mina), climbing (trees, mountains!), the color blue! In love with blue, the ocean, andsleep.

Character Dislikes

- ADHD meds, the dark, spiders, quiet places (or places where you have to be quiet), when they have to read in front of the whole class (project or book), Their father, and Monday mornings.

Character History/Story

Rider Turi was once an adorable kid with an older sister, but his parents had their issues. His mother often fell to her controlling husband, and he had a grudge against heroes. After all, his mother was Nana Shimura, and he was put up for adoption by knowing only that his mother wanted to pursue her career.

Character Inventory

Loyalty and dependability are always top strengths in the workplace like school. This person is on time and can always be counted on to not only complete their work but help others with theirs, too. No matter the chaos the workday brings, a reliable employee is one a supervisor can turn to on the road towards success.

Character Abilites

Creativity. ... Leadership. ... Teamwork. ... Time management. ... Organization. ... Attention to detail. ... Adaptability.

Writer's Writing Style (OOC)

Paragraph, Multi-Para, One-liners

Writer's Favored Genres (OOC)

Fantasy, Romance, Violence, Anime, 18+, Action, Adventure

About the Writer (OOC)

i am a 19 year old girl finishing out school and trying new things I like to read and draw I have a kind girl friend, I am a pansexual who uses any pronous.

Earned points: 0

I Have No Life

I'm New Here

WR Knight

WR Guardian

Site Tester


Contest Win!

Coding Guru

Rider Turi is now a member of Writer's Realm - Roleplay
Aug 15, 2023