"Sesshomaru-sama??' Jaken called,curios about the sudden stall of his Lord and his vigilante glare to the East.
The daiyokai laid erect in his elegance and stoicism. His white clothing and light armor presenting a blue hue as it blended with the abyss on that cold night. A vast set of sparkling stars speckling the night sky above him,yet his golden orbs remained in a particular direction for a few seconds.
An icy breeze embraced the daiyokai ,carrying his long silver strands and bringing him an absolution for his skepticism for earlier. Picking up the unmistakable scent that permeated the air and nostrils of the daiyokai with human blood. The earth was no doubt stained with it.
"Jaken. Stay here with Rin." Sesshomaru ordered vaguely. His facade never fading as the stoic calmness left a rather cold chill to crawl up the imps spine.
Meanwhile as he stalked the grounds,the golden gaze of the silver haired daiyokai fell discreetly on one of the two swords fastened to his sheath by his waist. For some time,now,Tensaiga had been emitting strange vibrations in random situations with no distinct pattern. As if trying to draw his attention to something he had not yet uncovered. During his rare tests the energy of the sword would penetrate his dreams. Showing him strange visions of Meidenkai-an antique artifact adorned from his father.
Tensaiga ,the heavenly rebirth fang, having kept it untouched within it's sheath,carrying it out of pure obsessed respect for his father,despite the sting in his pride than a prized momento.
Recently discovering the swords untapped power,it now showing a new sense of power,what was it trying to show him? Why was Meidenkai so important?
After the fall of the infamous Naraku,did Sesshomaru found himself free to investigate the foggy message the Tensaiga was trying to convey to him. it's signals bringing him to the border of the Western lands, in the search of the Meidenkai. It had been reported that the prized artifact was in possession of Sakagama Soujiro. A human general who once was a loyal ally to his father. Sesshomaru took a glimpse of him many eons ago. Soujiro's family still wielded the lands of Kitami. Therefor,his search would start there.
Lord Sesshomaru followed the small trail,slowly leading toward the village to be presented upon reach. The screams and screeches muffled in the air,soon fell silent. Stillness. The ambiance deeming dangerous. Crossing the last few trees that dimmed the small village,being greeted with the carnage that he anticipated. Human bodies of men,women and children lay lifeless on the cold,hard ground. Covered in grisly wounds and coagulated blood secreting all over the dirt. Flooding the entire village with a fetid dark red.
However,another was a target amidst the shed. Golden hues stared sternly at the debris.
"Reveal yourself."