Hello! I am looking to do couple of plots with people who were interested in playing a male character (the pairing being F x M). Here are some information about me that is of importance!

✶ I only write in third person/past tense. Length of my replies depend on my partner, but I typically write two paragraphs minimum and can write 1000+ words if the situation calls for it! Quality over quantity though, so no pressure in writing an essay just for the sake of writing in length; I will match what you give me („• ᴗ •„) I'm pretty chill in terms of spelling and grammar, but I need to be able to understand you haha

✶ I may ask for a writing sample to get to know one another's styles/writing level! Feel free to ask for mine as well (or can be found on my profile page) (ノ´ヮ`)ノ*: ・゚

✶ The only mc gender I play is a female, and the only pairing I play is a heterosexual one. In the past, I have experimented with different pairings/genders, but I get the most joy from writing the said pairing/gender!

✶ I only use original characters, although I don't mind having them placed in certain fandoms!

✶ Please be my friend ╰(▔∀▔)╯I need to be able to talk to you about the plot and hash out ideas haha I need to know that my writing partner is as excited about our characters/plot as much as I am!

✶ I would prefer to RP through discord out of comfort/familiarity, but I wouldn't mind having another platform/write here! Communicate with me on what you would like and I can make it work (⁀ᗢ⁀)

✶ I am all ears for all genres, as long as the plot is mature and characters are older than 21! I prefer some type of romance happening, but it definitely doesn't have to be the main focus!

✶ Speaking of our characters being older than 21, I would prefer my writing partner to be 18+ out of comfort and familiarity (´・ᴗ・ ` ) No offense to those who are younger, since I too was in their shoes couple years back (but even then I RPed with those who were in my age group hence I hope you understand!) ❤

✶My preference for character appearance is real life. Although I don't mind anime face claims, I do need them to be somewhat realistic! All characters, again, must be over 21.

✶Communication is key in general. If you no longer want to write with me, or the plot doesn't appeal to you anymore, please inform me! I won't take offense to it, and I will do the same to you!


I have quite a few plots I can give out as suggestion, but that is dependent on what my partner is feeling like doing hence feel free to reach out to me with your preferred genre (or plot if you already have one you would like to explore)! Thank you for your time and I hope to talk to you soon!

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  • I can certainly work with your parameters and would love to bounce ideas around.

  • Hello, I'm new to the platform and I was wondering if you'd like to discuss role-playing? We share many similarities, especially doing only heterosexual relationships.

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