Hello, my name is Ash. 

I'm new to this site but I have been roleplaying for about 10 years. I prefer to exclusively rp on discord, to keep all of my different rps in one place. 


As mentioned I love plots with darker themes. These themes include, but are most certainly not limited to: abuse, obsession, addiction, violence, and while I haven't done horror I would really like to try.

Whatever we do, I love to focus on romance.

I write in third person using past tense (present tense throws me off)

I primarily write MxF (me playing female) but I am also willing to do MxM and occasionally FxF.

Double up friendly, I have plenty of different characters to choose from, my profile just holds my favorite. 

I generally like doing plots that have heavy NSFW content, but I need a good plot to hook me as well. I love to get into planning together. 

I generally write about 1-3 paragraphs. The exception to this is my starters which usually break the discord character limit at least once. 

I will write as much as necessary for any given scene, so if you give me a lot to work with, I will give it right back. 

I have a lot of free time as a house wifey, so I get to my rps very quickly, and I have very few limits in terms of content. 

I have plenty of plot ideas, here are just some tropes I've been wanting to write for:




Forbidden romance

Arranged marriage

If we click, I'm also down to do multiple different plots. If you get bored with whatever we're doing, I have no problem with coming up with something new.

If you're interested, please dm me. I'm always looking for new rp partners, so lets talk details 🫶🏽

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  •  i woeld love to    tho i am scared you dont mean "new rp partnets" in the way i am new. i have everything to learn but love the darker and obscure side.

  • I am interested in scenarios others have. I would love to delve more into romance and bounce ideas. I always have romantic elements in my upcoming novels.

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