I am authoring an upcoming fantasy/adventure series centered around history, mythology, and legends. I like to branch out to different scenarios to put my 8 main characters in. 

My forte is in fantasy, adventure, and pre-20th century periods. However, I am adaptable to any genres, universes, and time periods. I typically avoid fandoms, aliens, zombie apocalypses, futuristic sci-fi, and alternate dimension jumping. Though I can be convinced into the right scenarios. I am experienced in NSFW and smut. However, that is not my primary focus.

Breif meet the characters-(According to their alias)

The Owl: The oldest and most knowledgable. A sorceress capable of many feats, and extremely unpredictable. There is no sure determination of how she will act and behanve in any scenario.

The Wolf: My most deveolped and adaptable character. Born before history itself, the Wolf is cursed to be undying by an ancient entity. Often tries to be passive and observant, even hiding his mythical abilities and skills. Struggles internally far more than he does with external forces.

The Lion: Born in ancient Africa, the Lion is a supreme survivalist and leader. The Lion is stoic to the powerful, and gentle to the defenseless. Seemingly the most powerful. Cursed by the ancient entity, different abilities.

The Bear: Born in the Cradle of Civilation, the Bear is the big guy, the strongest.  He is always determined to play the hero and take the spotlight. Cursed by the ancient entity, different abilities.

The Dragon: A true Chinese dragon that has fallen from grace. He must live as a human until he has earned back the grace of a dragon. Reincarnates if he is ever killed. Lives by the code of honor, duty, and discipline.

The Eagle: Born in ancient Latin America, the Eagle is the spiritual guide. Has a strong connection to the spirit world. Blessed with true immortality by a powerful being of light.

The Serpent: Younger than the Lion, but equally an African survivor. Struggles to find purpose and has a particular resentment for men. Cursed by the ancient entity, different abilities.

The Jaguar:  The youngest, born in Latin America. Passionate at heart, but demotivated by pain avoidance.  A distant yet caring huntress. The last to be cursed by the ancient entity, different abilties.

Basic Plot Ideas-

Strange New World: Main characters wake up in an unfamiliar world, captured by slavers. The small realm is inhabited by tribes of species. Currently being torn apart by two warring kingdoms.

In Plain Sight: My OC's pretend that they are normal human beings and that there is no magic. Various plot points to go off of.

The Apocalypse: The sun releases a powerful magnetic pulse that fries technology. Civilization collapses from the turmoils. (Realistic problems, fantasy problems, or both.)

Mytholgical: A wide variety of reanacting events of mythology.

History: A wide varitey of reanacting events of history

Legends: The hunt and experience of legendary tales.

I am open to new ideas and have much more information to my own scenarios and lore to my OC's. 

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  • this seams cool as hell! I'm in. 

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