12543977054?profile=RESIZE_710xHello there!

I am seeking LONG TERM writing partners!Β 

I have a wide range of characters from vampires, demon's, angel's, mortal's, anime and more!Β 

I'm seeking writers who write a paragraph or more as I do NOT favor one liners. I prefer comments over inbox :)

Please comment below if you are interested and seeking a long time writing partner as well!Β 

Thank you for your time!


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  • Hello! I saw your message on here and also your blog for Kate Bishop, which got me hooked! I'm new to this site but not new to roleplaying. I roleplayed for about 7 years and that was with the same writers and the same storyline. Granted, said storyline had branching arcs etc which is pretty natural when it comes to long-term roleplays. Rest assured, I'm very much used to long-term roleplays and I find them to be more fun as it adds more room for character development both for the individual character but also between characters. I only recently got back into roleplaying because I've really missed roleplaying. I think the only drawback in my case is that I may be a bit rusty but at the same time, I'm in the mindset to write for Daisy so I think it's just a matter of time before I get into it again.

    As for the length of replies, I'm very used to paragraph/s and sometimes it may just be 1-2 paragraphs and sometimes it can go higher. It really depending on the context, scene and so on! In short, I'd be happy to write with you long-term and as of now I think Daisy meeting Kate would be interesting, as they're both part of the MCU but I'm willing to roleplay with either preference you might have. And if we start a roleplay between Daisy and Kate and it doesn't vibe, then we've atleast tried that and can try a different character for Daisy to meet.

    I do apologize for the longer reply but I felt I wanted to explain as much as I can in one reply.Β smileΒ ThankΒ youΒ for your time!


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