As the post says I am looking for roleplay across various titles!

At the moment the muses I feel the most pulled toward are:

- Beta Ray Bill.

- John Stewart.

- Chris Redfield.

- Zaeeed Massani.

- Markus Cousland.

- Zack Fair.

- Batou.

- Vegeta.

- Future Gohan.

- Garou.

- Renji Abarai.

and Luke Skywalker ( Legends but, canon accepting! ).

BUT: I am not limited to those. Feel free to check out my page for a list of characters. These are not muses I pulled out of a hat but, rather, have written across the years.

What specifically am I looking to write? Long-term stories across a variety of genres.

Action, Adventure, Crime, Mystery, Cyberpunk, Fantasy, Horror, Sci-Fi, Speculative Fiction, Superhero, Survival, Thriller, Urban, Death Games, Historical Fiction.

Crossovers are iffy
Examples of no: Vegeta with any universe but Dragon Ball, anything that requires time travel / making a point out of universe hopping. ( Comics are an exception to the latter because their 'multiverse' expands one metaverse. I wouldn't want to crossover...say..Halo with Bleach.)
Examples of yes: Zaeed Massani with Sci-Fi, Chris Redfield with military/espionage/etc types.

I don't mind comedy and satire but, I prefer it to be mixed into events as you'd find it in real life. Situational rather than the focus. Example: Chris Redfield and Jill Valentine are clearing a building. Chris stubs his toe on a chair and swears loudly. Jill laughs at him.

I don't mind romance, sex/erotica/smut, or taboo themes ( incest ) but:

  • I am only interested in exploring hetero themes for romance/sex. Platonic/antagonist connections with any gender are welcomed otherwise.
  • I don't care for it to be the pure focus. I prefer it to happen within the story, or even alongside it.
  • No characters below 18. ( I think that's a site rule anyway. )
  • Taboo has to be discussed.

In practice, I am a paragraph-to-novella writer.
-- Typically if I am only doing 1-to-3 sentences I am likely bantering. I do not mind bantering but, I also do not want to banter for several hours at a time. I can do it in 1-2, sometimes 3-hour bursts. After that? I tend to struggle to remain focused.
--- I am by no means an actual stickler for length. This is just more or less how my brain operates. If you do not have the paragraph in you for a reply, do not force it. I won't. So long as it gives me something to work with, and you are putting forth the effort - we will get along just fine

If you are looking for a fast writer I am not him. I'm not likely to make you wait a month on purpose but, you may not get a response every week if we are doing multi-para to novella, either. If you don't mind a wait? Great! We'll get along.

I'm returning to forum style writing. Discussions here or in messages is fine. Writing in a thread or messages is fine.

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