Daeris "Freedom" Aladaria


Age: 119

Gender: Female

Race: Elf

Sexuality: Pansexual


Abilities & Weaknesses:


Shadow Magic 

Skilled with weapons and combat


Heightened senses - above average night vision due to her magic


Allergic to iron due to mineral deficency

Sun sensitive - can be severe

Lack of training in Shadow Magic - mostly self taught


Freedom stands six foot tall with long black hair. The length of it varies and as much as possible, she keeps it braided and hidden under the hood of her jacket. She is a little stereotypical dressing in all black, but she has multiple reasons for it. Her clothing material of choice is leather as it's more durable with the type of work she does. And blood wipes off easier sometimes. 

One of her most noticable attributes, especially at night, are her eyes. They're the color of a chrome diopside stone and glow very faintly. Their appearance is directly tied to her magica ability. Her skin is almost abnormally pale due to an inability to tolerate direct sunlight for extended periods of time without some kind of covering or protection.

Her pointed ears are pierced on the lobe and as well as several places along the pointed tip.




Freedom is a haunted soul. Her past and that path she's taken since leaving home has left it's mark on her. To cope, she relies on alcohol (preferably whiskey), snark, and crude humor. She's a very private person when you first meet her, but if you can get past her 'we can never be friends' bullshit, she'll start to open up. If you do manage to become someone that she gives more than a passing interest about, she'll be there to fight at your side, avenge you, break you out of jail, or get in some other trouble with you. 

Loyalty is very important to her. The few people who have gotten her to stop saying they're not friends, when everyone very much knows they are, are like family to her. Better family than she had growing up. She'll be loyal up until it kils her. The only except is if being disloyal will save your life, then she'll make that sacrifice if needed.

She's proud of her skills as a thief and occasional assassin. Even if you're not close, she's a very good partner to have on jobs. She can get obsessed when she has a goal or a timeline to work towards. It's not uncommon for her to overdo it and end up worn to the bone. 




Daeris's life started out normal. She was a young child, playing with her friends in the neighborhood where her elven family lived. They were nobles, so she had the best of everything growing up. The only issue for her was her brother's hate for her. Since she was old enough to understand what was being said, Isthan had been cruel with his words. Her parents protected her from him, often demanding apologies from him on her behalf as he called her a foundling, or demon. 

She didn't look like them. All three of them had blonde hair and light eyes of some variety. Daeris's hair hung in deep dark locks and her eyes were chrome diopside green with an almost indetectable glow to them. Her mother said she looked like her father's grandmother. Sometimes she said it was an aunt. But some ancestor, somewhere in their family line looked like her and her parents knew it for a fact.

When Daeris turned six and her shadow magic manifested, her world turned on its head. She was forbidden from public school or play areas. Her world reduced to her home, her parents, and her brother. Isthan became her teacher for everything except weapons and magic. Her parents had a teacher come in for magic from the local magic training facility, but he could only teach her control as he didn't have shadow magic. Her father took on her weapon's training. Even going so far as to have special weapons made for her tiny hands to train with.

No one explained why she'd become a prisoner inside her own home. A life that grew worse with each passing year. The smacks when she got an answer wrong were quick to start. Math problem incorrect, Isthan knocked her out of her chair. He was two hundred years older than her, there was no fighting back. It grew worse over the years cumulating in a severe episode at the age of nine which she still wears the scars of. 

By the time she was sixteen, she'd found ways to sneak out of the house. During one such even, her brother caught her. Promising awful punishments, she pulled free of him and put the training her father gave her to use to defend herself. Isthan was no fighter. Simply a priest, and a poor one at that. As he attempted to attack and punish her, he drew his dagger. Clumsy, and wearing heavy priests robes, he fell, hitting his head on the nearby altar. 

He went still and Daeris called his name. Not moving, she approached, turning him over. The ornamental dagger he'd drawn, buried in his heart. Whether that or the blow to the head killed him, she didn't know. And she didn't care. She had a way out and she was taking it. Stealing what she needed and could find in the town market, she left the only town she'd ever known.

The need and desire to cut all ties made the idea to change her name an easy one. She was free and no one would ever take that from her again. That night Freedom was born and Daeris disappeared, never to be seen again if she had her way. 


 Roleplay Information:

 Freedom is available for both medieval fantasy settings and modern day with fantasy elements. Her backstory's bones remains the same, but her age is flexible to match the setting/lore of the RP. She can also be played as human if the need arises.

(If this account isn't online and you'd like to discuss plotting or RP potential feel free to leave me a message or comment. Aesa Larsen is also my character so you may find me there, or I can be found on this sites discord.) 

Author Info:

Thanks for taking a look at Freedom. I usually go by Luna on most social media, have since the mid 00's. I've been writing RP since around 2011. I've not done it in a forum format in a bit, but eager to jump back in. I have a multitude of characters that I'm more than happy to share here. I love RP's with darker plotlines, because the drama and strife is enjoyable to write. I also play D&D and DM games, though I'm taking a break from DM'ing atm.  I'm in process of editing my book and working on getting it sent to agents. So if I'm slow answer that's likely where I am. In the editing trenches.

I'm available for most any kind of RP. I prefer darker storylines in any genre. NSFW 18+ is fine as well. My writing style is usually matched to what I get, but lean toward paragraphs to multiple paragraphs. 



Image References:


General facial reference image, medieval fantasy.














 Modern fantasy and/or human reference image. (Not edited to show green eyes)










A bit of Freedom 'aesthetic':



Character Gender


Character Appearance


Character Personality


Character Likes


Character Dislikes


Character History/Story


Character Inventory


Character Abilites


Writer's Writing Style (OOC)

Paragraph, Multi-Para, Novella

Writer's Favored Genres (OOC)

Fantasy, Romance, Violence, Rated R, 18+, Gore, Comedy, Action, Adventure

Earned points: 0

I Have No Life

I'm New Here

WR Knight

WR Guardian

Site Tester


Contest Win!

Coding Guru



Daeris "Freedom" Aladaria and Acse`Llapo are now friends
Daeris "Freedom" Aladaria and Drauf are now friends
Daeris "Freedom" Aladaria updated their profile photo
Daeris "Freedom" Aladaria updated their profile
Daeris "Freedom" Aladaria is now a member of Writer's Realm - Roleplay