
March 3

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Character Age

before time

Character Species

Demon King

Character Gender


Character Relationship Status


Character Appearance

Fashion becomes him, Suit and tie prim and proper. With cane in hand, his eyes blue with a chance of gold when in a certain mood.

Character Personality

Dark, twisted, malevolent, and has a sick pleasure for malicious intent. devious in every single way and has a aura of trust surrounding him to mislead his victims.

Character Likes

Carnage Souls Wars Hell Lucifer power Contracts

Character Dislikes

Broken Contracts Children Fellow Demons trying to claim his turf Gabriel Michael Djinns Fae hamsters

Character History/Story

Long ago after the Fall of Lucifer, one demon had to rise from Hell. They were clawing and crawling their way up the food chain reaching so far that it managed to get the notice of the 7 Kings of Hell. It was a fallen angel that had not yet taken shape, perhaps being torn apart after its fall from grace. Slowly but surely it began to take the shape of a proper Demon becoming stronger from the souls of the living and fighting other Demons for their power. But that was not enough to satisfy this growing demon for it was hungry for more. Although it was hungry it knew that time was the key factor to grow its status. So they waited and waited until the time finally came when The 7 Kings of Hell gathered and spoke of a way to enter the realm of the Living. This caught the Demon's attention and listened carefully to their words. The mortals found a way to summon Demons to their realm so that they could use them to do their bidding. This did not sit well with the Demon, downright angered by such notion. So they decided to do a few tests, torturing demons that were once summoned by mortals only to return after finishing their 'Master's' demand. They figured that they were summoned before, and they could be summoned again, so they made sure that once they were resummoned they would mention them to their so-called Masters so that they could try and summon them. Time has passed and the demon would grow even stronger from the souls that they collected in Hell. Finally, the demon felt a pulling sensation in their chest. They knew what it meant, they were being summoned to the mortal world. So they answered the call where he would be in the middle of a crossroads wearing a fancy red robe and a helm with horns. Taking the form of a man he gazed upon his 'Master' and greeted him as a friend. Little did anyone know that this encounter would lead to alterations between summoners and their demons. The Demon managed to trick their Master by making a contract that binds him to his will forcing him to make changes to how summoning works so that The Demons can have offerings from those that summon them; souls, worshippers, and artifacts from bygone ages in return for; knowledge, power and everlasting life. If the contract is ever broken the deal would be null and void which leads to demons claiming their souls as a token of a bad deal. This led to the demon becoming Infamous in Hell, taking the title as the King of the Crossroads, or the Crossroad demon. But all shall remember this Demon as...Mephistopheles.

Character Inventory

Souls Cane Ravens Grimoires Totems Helm with horns Cape

Character Abilites

Magic the elements time manipulation constellation manipulation Contracts Immortality Mind manipulation Charisma intelligence

Writer's Favored Genres (OOC)

Fantasy, Romance, Violence, Anime, Rated R, 18+, Gore, Comedy, Action, Adventure

About the Writer (OOC)

I'm back~!

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