Meet the Cast

This Forum is for sharing Protagonist (that's you) and Antagonist (that's them) information with other members. Please only add to this if you have already discussed joining Bad Moon Rising world with Lacrimosa and/or Belladonna.

Introductions and toasts, boasting and bravado!

We accept and are not limited to the following:

  • Humans
  • Hunters (preferred within our lore, but understand there are different types)
  • Wizards
  • Witches
  • Summoners
  • Vampyr (if created/molded to fit within the lore)
  • Shifter types
  • Fae
  • Demons/Devils (lower devils. Sorry but good ole Lucifer and his brethern are considered a type of Godling in our books)
  • Evolutionaries
  • Supernatural Enigmas

These will need approval:

  • Psychics
  • Ghosts

Please, forego the following:

  • Godlings
  • All Powerful Gods/Devils
  • Anime Demons
  • Anything with Tentacles
  • Or, Former Hookers/Pole Dancers/Porn Stars. (that's a joke, lighten up)

Thank you, The Management.

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