Mater Orci

Mater Orci

Before man, Before the cataclysm and life, there was God who shall  shape the universe to his design. There  was Barbelo who embodies Silence and shall stand by his side during the creation of all things  and give birth to Lucifer, Michael, Gabriel, Raphael and Uriel. But before their rule and the creation of  Heaven and angels there were others that have came before them.There was Khaos who embodies the  endless Void, The Darkness whos veil covers all things in her shadow along with her consort who embodies time itself.  Vitriol who would devour the stars and was the embodiment of energy, Ouroboros; The mighty Dragon  who embodies Infinity and the universes cynical nature. Then there were the Outer Gods who fought against them to claim dominion over all only to be defeated in the End.  

But there was one Deity that stands out from them all, one who embodies antimatter, chaos and evil. Her name was Ayin; the Pre-Existential Primordial Deity and she was in every way powerful in her own right. She was the older sister of Barbelo and is the exact opposite of God for she was the Anti-God. Her power could rival even God himself, for all things that are close to her would turn into dust and fade away. Before Barbelo became the wife of God, God himself had sought Ayin who wanted to learn about creation.

Foolish as it was for she does not know how to create only to destroy. However he swayed her into belief that she could create beautiful things and he can aid her. So for what could be days or could have been years they had showed signs of trust and respect. As things went by there were signs of intimacy between them which led to birth of the first Demons Those first were; Satan, Mephistopheles, Abaddon, the four principal kings and Titivillus. Ayin, overyjoyed to have children of her own for once in her entire being felt at peace.  But with every blessing lies a shadow in the dark, for Ayin witnessed God doing the exact same thing with her sister Barbelo.

Not only that  she was there when they've taken their vows, that was the last straw that broke Ayin. She confronted him and challenged him, telling him that she would tell Barbelo what he has done and to reveal the children that they had.  God was unsatisfied with this and so he had no choice but to seal her away. He would ask for the aid of Barbelo who taken the name Asherah after their marriage to cast her way dismembering her body and throwing her remains into Khaos themself, he told his wife that Ayin threaten to destroy their creations and themselves. He played the role of a saint  while acting out his will to be The Creator of all things in front of his wife and children. The children he created with Ayin he had casted them out as well deep within the void so that they would never challenge him or enact revenge.

He would rule unchallenged and make Heaven and mankind, but little did he know Ayin had placed a curse upon his creations. She vowed that her children shall one day bring ruin to all creation, and her body shall be their Kingdom to rule over for all eternity. Khaos, feeling pity for their sibling would grant her wish; with the aid of The Darkness they shrouded her remains and shaping it into a dark and foreboding dominion. Her flesh is the ground made out of brimstone, her bones are pillars of rock and stone.  Her blood is the fire that represents the rage she has towards the two that has betrayed her.


After they finished their work they would send her children deep below the crevices of Ayin's being so that they would remain unknown and free from the eyes of God. For decades they have remained in their mothers 'embrace' buried in brimstone and sand. That is until The war on Heaven took place,  Gods own children fought against eachother in a form of Rebellion with Lucifer his first son leading the way. Asherah in fear for her son pleaded to God asking him to not destroy him or her other children that joined his side. Hearing his wifes plea he was compelled to listen, and so he casted Lucifer and those that followed him or even those that did not fight in the war into the Void.  Thus the Fallen Angels and Lucifer discovered Ayin's body and made it into their own domain; a prison they called it. 


Thus they called their new domain Hell where they could not leave and are forced to live here for eternity. As this goes on, The Children of Ayin were slowly awakening from the presence of the Angels and started to spill out of the brimstone and started to attack the Fallen Angels and  to claim what is rightfiully theres. It was Satan who fought against Lucifer and his fallen angels and forced them to submit to his will. Thus Ayin's vow has been fullfilled and thus the Mother of Hell's will has been done.



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