Monarchia inferni

Monarchia inferni

After the battle between the Children of God and Ayin, The victors claimed the spoils of war. Satan imprisoned the Fallen Angels and made all know that He and his siblings are the true Rulers of the realm which they call 'Hades.'  They used the fallen Angels to build monuments, statues and a Fortress; promising them short breaks from their bondage.They have made a home in Hades and they were enjoying every single moment of their rule. At the time they haven't given themselves a name so they finally gather together and came up with one that would suit them well; making them seem like Conquerors; The Imperium.

As time went on, The Imperium began to excavate their domain finding new terrain for them relish. Through their determination they have found eight more parts of their realm which made it clear it was made for them.  To celebrate their discovery  decided to choose who gets to rule over the 9 parts of Hades. The First realm, considered the main realm due to their awakening was taken by Satan himself where he ruled like an Emperor, giving him the nickname; Caesar. The second part was owned by Gaap who ruled over the realm as his den of lust in what he calls 'love' where he uses and abuse the fallen angels that strike his fancy.

In the third part of Hades, Corson ruled filling the realm with his gluttony by devouring any foolish fallen angel who tries to escape his realm. On the fourth part of Hades, Amaymon who ruled over the realm filling his Greed and desires, he made rare jewels and rare minerals in his domain. Those who dare take whats his shall suffer with no end.  Abaddon; one who enjoys the sheer pleasure of his power and strength,  claims 5th, 6th and 7th parts of Hades filling each realm with his Anger, heresy and violence. Those who enter his realm are influenced by his will.In the 8th realm, Ziminiar does not claim rule over his realm for he does not desire power or strength for he prefers his solitude, letting Titivillus take over in his stead. As for the 9th realm, Mephistopheles rules the realm  with his cold embrace, in this realm He has every Fallen Angel here as his prisoner- including the one who lead the Rebellion; Lucifer.


With the rulers satisfied with their dominions Mephistopheles offered His siblings each a ring to show their rule. For that alone They named their realms the 9 Rings of Hades, for each ring is the symbol of their domains. They're cruelty and malice and will to dominate can be witnessed by gazing upon their rings alone. They were unchallenged, they had no equals and believed only in their will. But of course the Imperium is not truly perfect, for there are those such as Abaddon who always wanted more.  He always tries to claim the rings for his own by attacking with legions of his own breed of demons known as  Locusts.

Satan does not dare challenge Abaddon for he knew that the battle between them may destroy Hades completely. So he left Abaddon to his cival war between the others. Because of this there was some who questioned his rule while others speak behind his back. This made him become paranoid in his rule, he always looked over his shoulder to make sure no one would defy him.  It gotten so bad that he would not dare leave his Fortress that was made by the fallen angels. Due to his inaction it brought chaos in the 9 Rings. So Mephistopheles came to him and became his confidant so that things would get back to the way they were.

With Mephistopheles aid he managed to restore order in the 9 parts of Hades while keeping Abaddon at bay. Because of this Satan would begin to become even more paranoid thinking that Mephistopheles was schemeing against him. This all boiled up in a meeting between the Imperium, for Satan lashed out at Mephistopheles and ridiculed him and declares him an enemy of the Imperium. Such accusations did not sit well between the Imperium, for they disagreed with Satan's words. But Mephistopheles did not fret nor was he angered by his brothers outburst, instead he offered a challenge that will decide who should remain in the Imperium and who shall be exiled.

The challenge was simple; corruption, God has been busy with creation- so much so that he has not realized that Hades was so close to one of his creations; man. To win this challenge they must corrupt one of Gods creations and the Imperium will decide the winner. So Satan and Mephistopheles left Hades to corrupt the creations of God. Satan found Eve and saw the beauty in her, owe how he was smitten by her.  Though he was entranced by her he still commited the deed; he learned about the forbidden fruit and persuaded her to eat it who in turn convinced Adam to eat the forbidden fruit. 

With this Satan considered himself the victor as he went back to Hades, until Mephistopheles returned. During his time in Paradise he listened and waited, until finding something much more interesting. He found Lilith, the first woman on her own and no longer in The Lords grace. He listened to her, and appreciated her- so much so that he gained her trust. He offers her power and riches and to never be controlled by men and be who she wants to be.

She agreed, and so he took her to Hades and takes her as his prize. When the time came to decide who is the true winner of the Challenge was none other then Mephistopheles.  Though Satan did trick Eve into eating the forbidden fruit, she never stopped loving God or join their side. Lilith however defied God and Adam, leaving Paradise willingly and promised that she will bring damnation in the Imperium's name.  Satan could ot believe it, defeated and humiliated by Mephistopheles. 

Once it has been decided The Imperium decided to banish Satan  from the 9 realms. But God had other plans, for he knew of what Satan done decided to punish him by transforming him into a snake. God warned the Imperium that if they were ever try and disrupt the Order of Paradise again they would suffer his wrath. God would leave after making his word known, with Satan becoming a serpant Mephistopheles would step forward and pick up his former brother. He did not wish for this, but knew this would happen.

Now that Satan was no longer ruling The First Circle, Mephistopheles would take the Circle for his own. As for the 9th Circle, Mephistopheles releases the Fallen Angels and allowed Lucifer to rule over it. This was all part of the agreement; Mephistopheles had been secretly speaking with Lucifer in his cell. They had been talking as if they were friends, giving advice here and there and even made a deal between eachother. The deal was more like a bet;   Lucifer betted that Satan would bring the Imperium to its downfall while Mephistopheles bet it was his twin Abaddon who would bring the Imperium down. 

With every bet there is always the chance of a prize; Lucifers prize is to rule Mephistopheles realm.  Mephistopheles honored the deal and gave him Satan's ring to show that he and his kin  are free and rule over the 9th circle of Hades. As for Mephistopheles who now rules over the 1st Circle of Hades...His first decree is to change the name of their realm from Hell.


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