First and foremost I would like to introduce myself to whoever is reading this. My name is HelRhys. I've been writing for some 8ish odd years, and I've been roleplaying for 3/4s of that. I'm an adult, and prefer only 20+ partners. 

My favorite genres to write are fantasy, slice-of-life, or sci-fi. I am in some fandoms and will do fandom roleplays (albeit rarely). I'm pretty picky with writing styles, so please do not reach out unless you: are a semi-lit to lit writer, do not use astericks, and use proper punctuation (not required during texting/ooc i could not care less then). I also like to write 18+ content/NSFW, although it is not required. 


I have several plots lined up, although they are non-detailed and I prefer to work a plot out between each partner to make something more unqiue/fun for both parties.

I also write mainly transgender (FTM)/transmasculine characters - meaning my charactes are queer, have ""female"" parts but are masculine presenting, as this is what I am most comfortable with. I write using my own perspective on gender as I myself am a transgender person. (FTX). If you aren't comfortable with that, I recommend not reaching out. 



feel free to reach out any way you like, if you like. I promise I am chill. I will even send cat pics I promise. 




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