
Its been a hot minute since I've indulged in the art of roleplaying and writing with complete strangers. Excited.

As a queer person, myself, I like relatable but that doesn't mean non fantastical or purely romantic. I have a few plotline ideas (Historical: Royal x Peasant, Forbidden Love themes both modern and fantasy and more) but am fully open to annd hoping for your ideas and suggestions. Enjoy character developement, slow burns and long lasting stories.0

I plan on committing to a minimum of 1-2 responses a day consisting of 3+ paragraphs. My roleplaying career dates back to the forums of early 2000s Neopets. (wow, I am getting old) With that now pointed out, preferably seeking individuals 21+.

Open and welcoming of gore and/or sexual themes as they pertain to the plot. Not looking to write all smut and no evidence of a plotline. 

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  • Community Leader

    Welcome to the site. I'm also an older writer. I hope you find some good threads here. Most all the writers here are long-term and great collaborators. Feel free to pop into the live chat to chit-chat and meet a couple of them. I'd also encourage you to snoop around at some profiles and add some folks that you think interest you. Most people here add people they are interested in writing with as friends; This typically starts an interaction. With that being said, filling out your profile with your characters/muses may drive some more threads to you as well! I look forward to reading about your characters if you choose to build your profile page!

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