hey y'all. i made an account here a little while back and then didn't do anything with it, so here's take two! i've been roleplaying for about 10 years (mostly on goodreads) and love using it for writing practice. i'm not entirely sure how this site works yet so... bear with me. 

i'm 24 and only rp with people 18+ (sorry, just what i'm most comfortable with). multi-paragraph is preferred. 

i really like creating complex worlds and lots of characters with my rp partners. so if you want to build something from scratch and do it long term, i'm your gal. 

my main interests are fantasy, historical fiction, romance, gothic romance, and action/adventure! right now, i've got a few gothic/Victorian characters that I'd love to work with, but i'd also really love to do a historical fantasy/1700s vibe/seafaring crew looking for a mysterious island thingy. if either of those sound like your vibe, i'd love to write them with you! 

message me if you're interested! 

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  • Let's do it. I'm single pats but detail oriented and romantic/fantasy.  Hit me up sometime if you're still looking. 

  • Hey there. Nice to see you are looking for collaboration.

    message me with a plot line and let's see what we can do.


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