|plot one|
It is the era of adventure. Ships fly on white wings in all directions, braving the trials of the sea in hopes of making the next discovery — pirates, great green storms, mysterious monsters of the deep.... Similarly, on the continent, the inventor is king. It seems a new discovery is being made every day, but after this year all curious eyes have turned to a mysterious island, long thought to be home to a society far more advanced than our own, one that houses the secret to controlling time itself. On orders of the King, a crew takes to the sea in search of the mysterious island, oblivious to the powers sought by the crown.
|plot two|
Set against the backdrop of Victorian England (or a Victorian-inspired fantasy backdrop), Muse A is struggling to rein in a monster that lives inside them. Since they were very young, they’ve been haunted by a shadowy figure that lives in the back of their mind. It started with bad dreams; now, it’s turned into episodes of possession. The fiend — whatever it is — is driving them to madness. Finally, Muse A seeks out the help of a local fortune teller (Muse B). Rumor has it she’s are a witch, and that her supernatural talents are much more than just a hoax...
|plot three|
Muse A was a prominent figure in a vast, prosperous nation…until it was taken over by a cruel ruler with devastating magical abilities, becoming just another piece in their growing empire. Muse A’s parents were murdered, as were most of the noble families of the land, by the ruler’s forces. While Muse A led as many villagers as he could to safety and refuge in a neighboring kingdom, they lost their family, home, and title. Now, they intend to claim what is rightfully theirs. After having trained for years as an assassin, they disguise themselves and take on a servant’s job at the ruler’s castle. But killing the ruler has turned out to be a much bigger problem than they originally planned…
|plot four|
Cirque de Fantome, a traveling circus, dazzles citizens with risky acts and dazzling costumes. It never stays in one place for long. The owner of the circus was a greedy and malignant human whose goal was to make a little cash, and he used black magic to do it. He wanted performers, he wanted fame. So, he made a deal with a powerful being, giving over his soul so that he could gather the souls of others and force them to do his bidding. The poor, vapid bloke didn't know that he'd gotten the short end of the deal however; he thought he was the master in all this, when in reality he was not. The creature wants his payment, and he isn't going to wait for it, hence why the circus only stays in one place for only a short period. The man who owns it is on the run. While this goes on in the background, the ghosts of the circus are unable to leave, trapped by the contract of the owner. They are unable to harm him, or go against his word. They too are on the run with him, for if they are caught along with the owner, they know they will not be spared.
|plot five|
Muse A’s kingdom has grown fairly poor. Her sibling has recently taken over the throne after the passing of her father, but they haven’t been able to make any economic advancements. When Muse A meets Muse B, the young king of a neighboring kingdom, they take a liking to each other immediately, and Muse B is quick to request Muse A’s hand in marriage. She reluctantly agrees to the union because of the state of her kingdom and the benefits of an alliance. Muse A is then sent away to Muse B’s kingdom to live at his castle and the wedding is set to be held in one months’ time. Soon enough, she hears of the apparent tragedy that Muse B has gone through, losing his previous three wives -- and the outlandish rumors that the King had something to do with their deaths. It seems, however, that the wives are not completely gone. Muse A hears scratching on the walls, sees shadowy figures darting past her doorway as she lays awake at night. She begins to fear she is being haunted by their spirits, and that maybe there is some credence to the rumors after all…
|plot six|
Muse A is a royal in their realm, and one of 12 young royals in line for the throne. But here the crown is something that is won through a Grand Tournament, where each of the many royal siblings must enlist a champion to fight for them. It is a deadly, brutal contest where the champions must face many challenges, and Muse A’s champion, Muse B, may be way out of their league…
Random Starters
  • In a kingdom where magic no longer exists, a team of grave robbers lives beneath the city and prowls tombs at night in hope of finding magical relics they can sell for hefty prices.
  • tk

|name| celia annaliese finch
|age| 22


|name| wendall alatar finch
|age| 25





21 years old | red hair | green eyes | 5'4"
|name| Arianwen Nedira Caedyth |age| 21
In a land where things are always growing, a girl is hidden among the trees. When she was just a toddler, conflict between her kingdom and its neighboring territories was so bloody that there was concern for the safety of magical families. Arianwen, along with several tutors and servants, was tucked away in a small castle deep within the woods. The castle had been abandoned for centuries, and she would be safe there. Her father would eventually come to stay with her on rarer occasions. In the woods, she learned the songs of the beasts that her father taught her, learned how to call upon them and care for them. The castle, once quiet and lonely, slowly became filled with a legendary menagerie of mythical creatures. Her family had always had the ability to call upon them, and this practice kept Arianwen sane.. [Inspired by Patricia A. McKillip's The Forgotten Beasts of Eld]
Viola: Pray God defend me! A little thing
would make me tell them how much I lack of a

Margeaux Heloise Damas
~ Publishes scientific/mathematical papers under the pseudonym M. Sacha Travers Ph.D
~ Occasionally called Margie by her family (specifically her younger siblings)

Woman, she/her/hers pronouns
|relationship status|
Betrothed to the Viscomte Gustave Noyer of Orleans

Margeaux is a very thin, lanky girl, lacking the curves and girlishness of her younger sister and mother. Standing at 5’9”, she is taller than most girls her age, which allows for her to pass as a young man with some ease. Her right foot is also worth mentioning — the whole thing is made of shimmering copper parts and hinges, and sometimes clunks or squeaks when she walks.

Spurred on by her inventive Marquess father, the lady has a deep passion for science and mathematics. She was a born prodigy and takes great pride in the work she does in secret. Of course, being both a genius and a disabled child led to Margeaux being quite isolated from other children. The love of her family has kept her from being too lonely, but the princess still feels a void between herself and the rest of the world. One of her most secret desires is to have companions who will both understand her and accept her. Margeaux tends to value cleverness over sincerity — or at the very least she feigns indifference to matters of the heart. After being ostracized and ridiculed for much of her childhood, Margeaux has become quite callous towards others. She is not charming like the other women in her family, not by a long shot, and her intense desire to prove her own cleverness often makes it difficult to make friends. Margeaux knows she is the smartest person in the room and wants to make sure everyone else is also aware of her superior intellect. Her arrogant and cool exterior is a safety precaution, though. She’s been burned one too many times by flattering courtiers and seemingly cheery ladies of the court. Because of this, Margeaux is practically always on the defensive, always bracing herself for the jeers that follow her wherever she goes.

The product of a difficult pregnancy and birth, Margeaux was born with a dull foot and a superior intellect. The foot was an easy fix — because the part she’d been born with was entirely useless, the Marquess, who had always been enamored with mechanical inventions, had hired a team of inventors to create his daughter a new one. The old one was done away with and she was fitted with a foot made entirely of metal, one designed to be removed and replaced as she grew older and larger.

The false foot made her quite the oddity at court (“Empousa”, the sons and daughters of dukes and courtiers would snick to one another whenever they saw her clumping down the halls, after the monstrous women of Greek myth who had legs made of copper, but she loved her prosthetic fiercely nevertheless and considered it a token of her father's love. ) As she grew older, Margeaux’s limp lessened), surely, but it was her mind her that made her an absolute anomaly. She was born with the gift of reason, able to solve complex problems from the ripe age of three. Unfortunately, because she was a princess and not a prince, she was not permitted to study math or science as her older brother was. So as she grew and her mind expanded further, Margeaux studied in secret. She took common household things apart and used their spare parts for inventions, she snuck into the greenhouse late in the evenings to experiment with plants, and jotted formulas in the corners of her diary pages. She was not, however, as secretive as she believed she was and was finally confronted by her father the King on the subject of her education when she was but twelve years old. The Marquess, a purveyor of science and discovery himself (though too daft to do much more than appreciate the art of research and the pursuit of knowledge), permitted her to study in secret… so long as she remains discreet. From that moment on the Marquess became Margeaux’s coconspirator. On the rare days when she could steal her father away from meetings and miscellaneous duties, she would show him her inventions and prattle on and on to him about her carefully crafted theories.

But though her parents looked on her kindly, and her father both knew her deepest secret and encouraged her in it, most of the world saw Margeaux as a curiosity and something best kept at arm’s length. She was the subject of much ridicule as a child. As she grew older, the jesting stopped but it was still nearly impossible for her to make friends. Margeaux had little interest in all those trivial things the other young lords and ladies seemed to busy themselves with — fashion, hunting, poetry, and whathaveyou. Unlike her younger sister Romy, only fifteen but already as achingly beautiful as their mother, Margeaux has never been particularly pretty or particularly charming. People ignored her, that proud, know-it-all, "defect"...

But being the second oldest of the children, Margeaux has always told herself that family was, above the acceptance and adoration of her peers, the most important thing to concern herself with. She adored her father, even if he was daft and dreadful in his duties, and both envied and idolized her charming mother. And, because of the malevolent nature of her older brother, Margeaux has taken it upon herself to be the protector of her younger siblings. She has spent much of her twenty-three years looking after the three of them, entertaining them and teaching them, guarding them and teasing them.

Occupying herself with family and with research left little room for loneliness, after all.

And, since the age of seventeen, Margeaux has taken to writing under the pen name Sacha Travers and living vicariously through this young French researcher whom she invented. Sacha, a doctor of mathematics and a mystery to all, is well regarded throughout the educated community and his aptitude for engineering has been praised highly throughout the continent...

~ Plays the violin and adores music for its numerical qualities. Music and mathematics are one in the same to Margeaux.

“Mathematics reveals its secrets only to those who approach it with pure love, for its own beauty.”

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Writer's Writing Style (OOC)

Paragraph, Multi-Para, Novella

Writer's Favored Genres (OOC)

Fantasy, Romance, 18+, Action, Adventure

About the Writer (OOC)

howdy! i'm 24 and i've been roleplaying since i was in middle school. i started out on goodreads, but that's pretty much dead now. i'm trying to branch out because i'm wanting to get back into writing. 18+ only (sorry it's just what I'm most comfortable with). i like fantasy, adventure, romance, and historical stuff. i especially love creating huge worlds with rp partners. dm me if you wanna create a story together!

(created an account and then forgot about it, so here we are again! still learning the ropes!)

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  • Hello Celeste,


    I'd be open for a roleplay in case you're still looking for someone to write with. I love to build a world, to build characters, to plot 18+ and to give plenty of room for character development. 


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Lee Davenport replied to angel's discussion who's down for a historical fantasy adventure?
"Let's do it. I'm single pats but detail oriented and romantic/fantasy.  Hit me up sometime if…"
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Acse`Llapo replied to angel's discussion who's down for a historical fantasy adventure?
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message me with a plot line and let's see…"
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