Passionate Romance and fantasy roleplay. 


- Anne Rice

- Buffyverse

- Lovely War 



February 15

I am open to new roleplay threads

Threads are Open

Character Age


Character Species


Character Gender


Character Relationship Status

Open to anything.

Character Appearance

( ( OOC: This roleplay account and those associated with it are fictional, multi-para/novella stile writings that are un-rated, and not family friendly. I do not inherently like to write about romance and sex I just chose to for the main character. Do not read this material unless you are 21-25 and do not take anything seriously. I am a fantasy writer, and a poet. I hope all fellow artists of the world enjoy my writing.))

((Other Characters Include but are not limited to:

'Faereli The Lily Witch' a.k.a 'The Celtic Witch

'Esmeralda the Christian Witch'

'Axelle', of course.

"The Mermaid Guardian Ariel of Atlantis"

I don't do Prince Eric. 

'The Sirens Call' a Siren named Atlantis

'The Elven Princess of the Fae' Annabelle.

and last but not least,

'A Witch named Skyla' Who saves lives and in times of the Witches Redemption, calls upon The Queen of The Forrest and Moon Goddess Hekate, Infamous Protector of Witches and the Crossroads. Blind faith is her strongest asset, besides magic ✨

'An it harm none.' ))


M y M u s e s : 

Edgar Allen Poe



Marvel Comics

"Lovely War," by Julie Berry

Van Gogh

Anne Rice and her novels

Practical Magic

and my personal and very individual experiences on this lovely planet and school we call, Earth.


Honestly I'm so greatful my writers block is gone. I truly hope you enjoy some of what I write and have fun, adults only.


Rated R content. 

Character Personality

Axelle is strong willed and resiliant. She fears almost nothing. In addition to her forditude and benevolant endurability, she is an empathetic angel. Her compassionate nature is what guides her in helping to Healing her charges.  


Character Likes

Each character has specific likes and dislikes, find out as you roleplay with them.

(ooc: p r o f I l e, u n d e r c o n s t r u c t I o n)


Character Dislikes

' '  


Character History/Story

Practice Storyline:: 'She grew up in the Northern hemisphere but this time, she has just landed in Southern California. She is laying on the ground in the middle of the day and it is raining all over, her ability to see is perfected but the water keeps everything hidden. 

She is equipped with an Angels most powerful gift in addition to being humans guides, her wings. She smiles at an older man and tries to hide her fangs. She is and Elven protector of faeries. One of the most fabled and fearsome guides in mythology. She protects nature, and is seen by mortals as Goddess Aphrodite, or the Sacred Feminine Holy Spirit of God. 


Her only curse, for being the Goddess of Love, Passion, of Empathy and Grace? She can never fall in love. You may think her and Son Cupid are all fables, but they were real. She could sweep into any situation unseen, and begin the courtship of any mortal man or woman, just with one shot from her Son's bow. 

She lost her place in our modern Digital Era. As mortal coils began overthrowing the power of love, The Creators power. God's love.

As did her son, and the meaning of Valentines Day. 

Character Inventory

'She is equipped with an Angels most powerful gifts, Divine protection. Her Wings, claws, and canine teeth fully grown.'

An invisible cross-bow, and the gift of command over animals and the faeries sacred nature.'


Character Abilites

Healing and Regeneration (can heal others)

Clairvoyance (visions in her dreams or sudden visions when touching inanimate objects)

Clairempathy (clear feeling)

and the ability to speak with her mind and read others, Telepathy

Does not/ Will not include the use of/any storyline including "dark magic" or "real magic". Anyone with real gifts from God such as the clairskills or mystics welcome and this content along with my personal life and my writing is rated R, and is not for anyone under the age of at minimum 30. 

I am a poet, writer, and artist of fiction and non-fiction. I will not tolerate any bullying of me or anyone associated with me.

My solitary practices are and always will be henceforth known as solitary. Do not message me to ask me to do a "spell" for you. That is a ludacris thing to ask of  anyone in our modern digital age. Thank you.


Warriors, all of them, they all have digital futuristic bodies clad in protective armor and Divine Enchanted Weapons

These are God's Strongest Warriors

May their story and this story of war bring peace in these horrifying times of war.


Writer's Writing Style (OOC)

Paragraph, Multi-Para, One-liners, No-Preference

Writer's Favored Genres (OOC)

Fantasy, Romance, Violence, Anime, Rated R, Gore, Comedy, Action, Adventure

About the Writer (OOC)

((OOC: Just another starving writer and artist that has a great imagination. Have a good day ❤️))

Earned points: 0

I Have No Life

I'm New Here

WR Knight

WR Guardian

Site Tester


Contest Win!

Coding Guru

Arch-Angel Axelle updated their profile
Arch-Angel Axelle updated their profile
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Arch-Angel Axelle and Darth Larzz (Multi Muse) are now friends
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Arch-Angel Axelle updated their profile
Dec 30, 2023
Arch-Angel Axelle updated their profile photo
Dec 24, 2023
Arch-Angel Axelle updated their profile
Dec 24, 2023
Arch-Angel Axelle is now a member of Writer's Realm - Roleplay
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