
July 27

I am open to new roleplay threads

Threads are Selective/Open

Character Age


Character Species

Anthropomorphic Fennec Fox

Character Gender


Character Relationship Status


Character Appearance

Forsetti Topaz is a 24 year old fennec fox. His fur is tan with dark brown marks on his face and the tip of his tail. He tends to wear a set of light leather armor dyed red and purple with gold accents or a purple hoodie and tights depending on the situation. He also always wears a royal purple bandana. He has a vivid pair of teal eyes.

Character Personality

Captain is a very bouncy guy. He prefers to have fun instead of fighting. He cannot stand conflict and does everything to prevent it unless necessary, which he admits it sometimes is. Incapable of sitting still, he is always moving in some way, whether that is pacing while talking or fidgetting with some random item.

Character Likes

Friends, pasta, pastries, comfey clothes

Character Dislikes

Conflict, fish(to eat. He likes watching them swim though), being alone

Character History/Story

Forsetti has been through quite a lot in his life, between working in a brothel to living through an abusive household to fighting a dragon to save his homeland. Let's start from the beginning, though. Forsetti grew up alongside his two siblings, Akira and Reginn in the Topaz household as the decendants of a king who was forcedto abandon his throne to avoid execution. His father tended to be harsh towards them, either criticizing everything they did or full on hitting them. For quite a while, none of them did anything. Akira took to hiding and Forsetti became her protector. Reginn, however, went down a darker path and took out his anger at his father on anyone he could find. This drew him and the rest of his family apart, except for his father who liked how his son turned out. Eventually the two remaining siblings run away to escape their family. Akira and Forsetti, 18 at the time, were forced into work at a brothel to keep themselves from starving as no one wanted two scrawny kids with no skills working for them. Despite the horrible job and life, Forsetti decided that something had to be done in the town and began fighting whenever he could to protect people. While he never was that big a help, he did manage to stop quite a few people from getting hurt. Later on in life, Forsetti had grown stronger and left his life at the brothel, with some trouble. He now often assisted the law with bringing in criminals. At this point he learns about his homeland and the tyranical dragon who now rules over it, a situation that put them on the verge of a civil war. The fox decides to make his way to deal with the dragon. After quite a while, he breaks his one rule and slays the beast(who is a smart and sentient as any humanoid). This is where we find him these days, dealing with the aftermath of a hard life and trying to find what to do now.

Character Inventory

One dagger covered in runes saying "Oathbreaker". The runes are covered eternally in dragon's blood which cannot be washed away nor dry. A flametongue scimitar.

Character Abilites

Forsetti is capable of copying other peoples spells as long as they are instant. For instance, he can copy a fireball but not a floating light that doesn't disappear immediately.

Writer's Writing Style (OOC)

Paragraph, No-Preference

Writer's Favored Genres (OOC)

Fantasy, Romance, Violence, Rated R, Child Friendly, 18+, Gore, Action, Adventure

About the Writer (OOC)

Hi! I've been looking for a good roleplay site and found this one. There's not much to tell about myself. I'm just here to tell good stories (though probably cringey knowing me) and have fun doing it.

Earned points: 0

I Have No Life

I'm New Here

WR Knight

WR Guardian

Site Tester


Contest Win!

Coding Guru

Forsetti "Captain" Topaz is now a member of Writer's Realm - Roleplay
Sep 10