Im borred out of me mind. Why does no one wanna rp???

*does gandum style* I'm so cool

I am open to new roleplay threads

Threads are Open

Character Age

4.572 Billion years

Character Species

Intergalactic Space God

Character Gender


Character Relationship Status

Single pringle.

Character Appearance

one large eye for a head and in a pink and black suit. Is very hot

Character Personality

sassy, Like Jax from the amazing digital circus

Character Likes

icecream and freedom

Character Dislikes

almost everyone. not u tho

Character History/Story

has spent my entire life floating in the void and controlling all the planets rotations and revolutions but after it was automated by the stupid smarty pants sun I don't have anything to do! I decided to shrink myself down and land on earth. who knew all these people lived down here! But my excitement was short lived. I got captured by some weird people in lab coats that hurt me and stuff. this is where you come into play!

Character Inventory

plastic spoon

Character Abilites

nothin rn

Writer's Writing Style (OOC)


Writer's Favored Genres (OOC)

Fantasy, Romance, 18+, Gore

About the Writer (OOC)

not ok with sharing anything meself rn. maybe later! ^^

Earned points: 8

I Have No Life

I'm New Here

WR Knight

WR Guardian

Site Tester


Contest Win!

Coding Guru

Maw and 𝟜 are now friends
Feb 12
Maw left a comment on Message Board
" yo, im looking for a lab rp partner. I'm borred out of me fuckin mind rn AGHGghghaHHH"
Jan 2
Akio and Maw are now friends
Nov 28, 2023
Lee Davenport and Maw are now friends
Nov 19, 2023
Maw posted a status
im bored asf. i rlly want an 18+ rp
Nov 7, 2023
Maw and Merlyn de Aternia are now friends
Nov 6, 2023
Maw left a comment on Message Board
"Im looking for an 18+ lab rp if anyone is up for it."
Oct 31, 2023
Maw posted a status
looking for a 18+ rp plsplspls!! im borred af
Oct 31, 2023
Maw updated their profile photo
Oct 25, 2023
Maw updated their profile
Oct 25, 2023
Maw left a comment for Akio
"hey, can i rp with u? 18+ is preferred"
Oct 25, 2023
Maw is now a member of Writer's Realm - Roleplay
Oct 25, 2023