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Character Age

Undetermined, estimated mid-thirties to early fourties.

Character Species


Character Gender


Character Relationship Status


Character Appearance

Height: 6’0

Weight: 175lbs

Hair: Black, unkempt shoulder-length hair with gray whisps throughout.

Skin: Caucasian, pale

Distinguishing marks: Aside from being covered in scars overall, he has four large scars across his face, namely across his right eye, which has gone blind due to injury. The eyelid remains closed and scarred.

Eyes: Right gray (blind), Left pale blue

Clothing: Vanator is never seen without his Seraphic Aegis, a sacred suit of armor personally blessed by The Angel of Purity himself. This armor, a reflection of the purity within one's heart, is a constant companion, though in Vanator's case, it bears the heavy weight of tarnish due to the trials and tribulations he has faced. It's a part of him that he never sheds, a symbol of his unwavering commitment to the destruction of vampires. Equally inseparable from his identity is his helmet, which conceals his features and shrouds his past in secrecy.

Character Personality

Vanator is a man of few words and intense focus, unable to easily connect with others or understand social norms. His unwavering commitment to eradicating vampires sets him apart, driven by both a desire to prevent the horrors he witnessed in his own village from happening to others and a thirst for vengeance against the creatures who destroyed his home and family Despite his single-minded pursuit, Vanator possesses an unexpected depth of compassion, often overlooked due to his intense demeanor and affiliation with the order of vampire slayers. He is capable of engaging in conversation with those around him, even if the topic doesn't particularly interest him, and values the safety of his allies and fellow townspeople above his own obsession with vampire slaying. This was demonstrated when he took the time to train a village of hunters and farmers on how to better defend themselves against the vampire threat. In the face of danger, Vanator's determination and fearlessness are unmatched, often placing himself in harm's way to eliminate as many vampires as possible. While his methods may be seen as ruthless, his end goal is rooted in protecting others from the same fate as his village. Despite his flaws, Vanator is a multifaceted individual with a complex past and an unwavering commitment to his cause.

Character Likes

Learning new skills and trades is invaluable to Vanator. He is always eager to be taught something new, particularly if it aids him in his pursuits. It is because of this that Vanator has a vast skill set acquired over a lengthy career that requires him to travel and, thankfully, meet interesting people who can be a well of knowledge.

Character Dislikes

Aside from vampires, Vanator cannot stand when something or someone stands in his way. Even if it’s a personal weakness, Vanator will not allow it to stop him and will overcome it. He’s even gone as far as to attempt to amputate his own arm while pinned down by rubble, despite his comrades actively trying to free him. Also cats.

Character History/Story

Vanator Aucide's life has been a relentless and solitary journey dominated by his unwavering commitment to hunting vampires and protecting humanity from supernatural threats. As a dedicated member of the Sterling Order, he has undergone rigorous training, both physically and spiritually, to become a proficient vampire hunter. His service to the Order has taken him to various regions, where he has engaged in countless battles against vampires and other dark creatures, earning him the feared moniker, "The Cruel Hunter." Despite his formidable combat skills and deep devotion to his cause, Vanator's adult life is marked by a profound sense of isolation. Traumatic events from his past, including the destruction of his village and the abduction of his sister, have left him emotionally scarred and unable to form close relationships. He struggles with trust issues and often pushes people away to shield them from his dangerous life.

Character Inventory

1. Seraphic Aegis: This is a full set of plate armor that covers him from head to toe. The armor is made from iron but has celestial silver flakes scattered throughout the metal, giving it a signature shimmer. It is said that the armor mirrors its wearer's personality and tarnishes as one becomes more misguided, but its effectiveness remains intact.

2. Purifier's Edge: This is a Chaliceblade that Vanator calls his Purifier's Edge. It is the signature weapon of The Sterling Order, a blessed sword forged from silver and quenched in holy water. What makes it unique is its ability to change shape according to its wielder's desires, allowing it to be a versatile and powerful tool in the battle against darkness. Whether it becomes a longsword, rapier, or greatsword, the Chaliceblade embodies the order's commitment to purity and adaptability in their fight against evil.

3. Enchanted Gauntlet: Vanator wears a trusty steel gauntlet imbued with magical powers that protect the wearer from minor attacks.

4. Weaponry: Vanator carries a variety of weaponry, including crossbows, throwing daggers, smoke bombs, and more. These tools are essential for his combat versatility.

5. Holy Symbol: He has a silver Symbol of Luminarou, which helps him channel divine powers and is an important symbol of his faith and affiliation with the Sterling Order.

6. Torture Devices: These are used mainly for interrogations and investigations, demonstrating Vanator's commitment to extracting information from enemies of the Order.

7. Tools of the Trade: Vanator is equipped with various tools used for espionage and infiltration, such as lockpicks, grappling hooks, and NoctiVis, which aids him in navigating the darkness during nighttime operations. He will always have at least one or two of these tools.

Sometimes has:

1. Magical Scrolls: Vanator carries magical scrolls that he can use for various purposes. These scrolls can perform a range of effects, and they are often considered illegal in certain regions of the world.

2. Torch or Lantern: For illuminating dark places or creating distractions when needed.

3. Anointed Oils: Blessed oils that stick to enemies like sap and are highly flammable, useful for combating supernatural threats.

4. Crossbow or Bow: Vanator sometimes uses long-range weapons like crossbows or bows for ambushes or engagements at a distance.

5. Medicine Bag: This bag contains supplies for treating wounds, allowing Vanator to tend to injuries in the field.

6. Foot Traps: Metal traps with jagged teeth designed to trap or immobilize prey, primarily used to deal with dangerous creatures.

7. Spears: Vanator carries spears that are useful for impaling vampires and keeping foes at a distance. They can also be thrown for ranged attacks.

8. Bombs: These are versatile tools that Vanator uses in various ways. Depending on how they are made and what materials are contained within, they can have a multitude of uses, including explosive, smoke, or silver flake bombs.

9. Werewolf Whistle: Useful whistles that will deafen monsters with sensitive ears. As the name suggests, it is highly effective against werewolves.

Character Abilites

Vanator is a formidable combatant, highly skilled in various forms of combat, both armed and unarmed. His combat skills are a crucial aspect of his character, honed through years of training and experience as a vampire hunter. Here's a breakdown of his combat skills:

1. Weapon Proficiency: Vanator is proficient in using a wide range of weapons, including swords, axes, spears, and more. His weapon of choice is the Chaliceblade, a blessed sword forged from silver and quenched in holy water. This weapon can change its shape to suit different combat situations, making Vanator a versatile fighter.

2. Archery and Marksmanship: He is skilled in archery and marksmanship, which allows him to engage enemies from a distance with precision. He often carries crossbows and bows for long-range encounters or ambushes.

3. Combat Tactics: Vanator is a strategic thinker and employs combat tactics effectively. He can assess the battlefield quickly and make decisions on the fly, adapting to changing circumstances.

4. Survival Skills: His survival skills, including hunting and tracking, are top-notch. These skills are essential for tracking vampires and surviving in various terrains, especially during long hunts.

5. Unarmed Combat: Even without weapons, Vanator is a formidable opponent. He has undergone training in hand-to-hand combat, allowing him to hold his own in close-quarter confrontations.

6. Magic Skills: Vanator possesses knowledge of both dark and holy magics, which he uses to enhance his combat abilities. These spells can range from offensive magic to protective wards, allowing him to face supernatural threats with confidence.

7. Espionage Skills: As a vampire hunter, Vanator often needs to infiltrate vampire nests and gather information covertly. His espionage skills, which include stealth, lockpicking, and infiltration, help him achieve his objectives.

8. Leadership: Vanator has shown leadership qualities, particularly when training others to defend against vampires. He can organize and lead a group effectively in the heat of battle.

9. Interrogation and Investigation: He is skilled in interrogating captured vampires or gathering information about their activities. His analytical mind allows him to piece together clues and make connections during investigations.

10. Riding: Vanator is proficient in horseback riding, which is useful for quick travel between locations and during hunts.

Writer's Writing Style (OOC)

Paragraph, Multi-Para, Novella, One-liners, No-Preference

Writer's Favored Genres (OOC)

Fantasy, Violence, Anime, Rated R, 18+, Gore, Comedy, Action, Adventure

About the Writer (OOC)

I'm really interested in world-building, which was what kind of got me back into this. I'm heavily inspired by storylines from Castlevania and other stories that belong in the fantasy/horror genre.

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Oct 9, 2023