September 4
September 4
I am open to new roleplay threads
Threads are Open
Character Age
Character Species
fox hybrid
Character Gender
Character Relationship Status
Character Appearance
short brown hair with black fox ears and tail, 5'4.
Character Personality
closed off, kind to people she trust, hates humans
Character Likes
reading, trees, outside, animals
Character Dislikes
humans, people, loud noises, spice
Character History/Story
when AYUMI was small there were hunters, humans who would hunt hybrids and kill them off. when AYUMI was 10 her parents were killed by hunters giving her a growing hate for all humans, since then she has trained herself heavenly to be a walking battle machine to win every fight, argument, or tussle
Character Inventory
a small black dagger hidden in her boot
Character Abilites
fox senses. basically everything a fox can do
Writer's Writing Style (OOC)
Writer's Favored Genres (OOC)
Fantasy, Romance, 18+
About the Writer (OOC)
I'm a very cheerful person and I have been rping for a while so I consider myself pretty good. :)