
December 1

I am open to new roleplay threads

Threads are Open

Character Age


Character Species

kitsune/ demigod

Character Gender


Character Relationship Status


Character Appearance

shotr, dark skin, short reddish brown hair, wering a red, croptop, a cream skirt, wearing a red thigh strap, and cream knee-high boots, he also has reddish brown ears and has 8 reddish brown tails. blitz also has big magenta eyes tht makes him appear younger then he actually is.

Character Personality

shy, soft, doesnt talk much, a very kind person, reserved, quiet, nervous, funny, generous, and is sweet.

Character Likes

cooking, cleaning, shopping, watching TV, men, women, cuddles, attention, gifts, food, love, friends, being a bottom.

Character Dislikes

ketchup, mustard, weird people, rude people, unncessesary fights and arguments.

Character History/Story

blitz is the crown prince of the soul river, his father is king gerladan, his mother is the famous fox goddess inari okami: goddess of wealth, saki, and foxes. blitz is sent down into the mortal world to study humans, werewolves, supers, vampires, and other species to learn how to deal with them and coeside with them. his personal bodyguard and his father's personal bodyguard hijipalo protectively watches over him as a cat tht can transform into a muscular cat person in an instant.

Character Inventory

He carries an: elemental bow with arrows that vary elements. he has a 5 inch diamond incrusted soul dagger that is able to extract wayward souls from those supposed to be in the underworld. he often carries a fox plush with him.

Character Abilites

elemental powers, able to transform into a fox, able too summon undead to defend himself. (blitz isnt the best fighter

Writer's Writing Style (OOC)


Writer's Favored Genres (OOC)

Fantasy, Romance, Violence, Realistic, Anime, Rated R, 18+, Action, Adventure

About the Writer (OOC)

hello! my name is blitz, i am a trans male whose looking to be a better roleplayer and writer

Earned points: 5

I Have No Life

I'm New Here

WR Knight

WR Guardian

Site Tester


Contest Win!

Coding Guru



Kenny McCormick replied to blitz's discussion hello! lookin to do a 18+ male x male roleplay
"hey ill take you up on that offer 
Jan 15
blitz posted a discussion
hello! my name is blitz im lookin to do a male x male fantasy roleplay. im not a literate police,…
Jan 3
blitz is now a member of Writer's Realm - Roleplay
Jan 3