Common Definitions for the Order

Common Definitions: 

  • SCIONS OF NYX - Class 1 Rogue Vampyr. Vampyr created directly from a direct descendent of Nyx. Most often the Ruling Vampyr of a city or Haven, Archbishops of the Sacrament, and rarely a made member of the nobility class serving as consort to the Regent Vampyr. 
  • Vampyre - Class 2-5 Rogue Vampyr. Typically nobility Vampyr serving in the Regents court. Considered a highly dangerous and most powerful class of Vampyr beyond the Regent and ArchBishops. Class 2-5 Rogue Vampyr are not always old Vampyr. Some have been new fledglings. We can only assume their Deity grants some of them more power than others. 
  • FLEDGLINGS - Class 6 and lower Vampyr. Newly turned Vampyr, often uncontrollable in their hunger and rage. While they are weaker than the Class 5 and above Vampyr their unpredictable actions and sole focus to drink blood make them no less dangerous.

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