The Oath of the Valkyr

The Oath of the Valkyr

In the presence of the eternal night, under the vigilant eyes of my fellow Valkyr, I, [Name], solemnly swear to uphold the sacred duties and principles of the Order of the Valkyr.

I pledge my life and honor to the eradication of the Sacrament of Nyx, vowing to protect humanity from the darkness that seeks to consume it.

I swear to wield my weapon with courage and integrity, to never falter in the face of fear, and to remain steadfast against the seductive lies of the undead.

I promise to uphold the values of justice, mercy, and honor, remembering always that our mission is one of protection and preservation.

May the light of the Valkyr guide me, and may my actions bring honor to the Order. This I swear, with unwavering resolve, until my last breath fades into the shadows.

By this oath, I become a guardian of the night, a hunter of the damned, and a warrior of the Valkyr.

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