[Open Rp] Sanctum Library


The Rp Forum


This is an extension of Sanctum Cafe. A pocket dimension (library) within a pocket dimension (cafe).


Feel free to use this specific thread if you intend to roleplay within the Sanctum Library. If you want to jump straight into a book’s reality, feel free to contact me. Whether you skip interaction within this thread or want to start a new forum for a book is up to you.


Any rules or systems established within the roleplay is an explanation for how things would typically work within the setting. They do not need to be followed or studied by any means.



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My Profile: Sanctum Library - Writer's Realm - Roleplay (wrealms.com)

Sanctum Cafe: (OPEN TO PUBLIC) A day in the Cafe. - Sanctum Café - Writer's Realm - Roleplay (wrealms.com)


Sanctum Library - General Information

[How to Get Started]


Perhaps you find yourself surrounded in a dimly lit chamber with countless leather-bound books decorating enormous shelves across each level of the library. Perhaps you have arrived for the first time via a blank tome found within the Sanctum Cafe. Whatever the case, it may be difficult to adjust to the heavy scent of musty parchment and murky wood. Even the regular Readers may be mesmerized by flickering candles, which seem to cast sporadic shadows across the mosaic-patterned floor. The gentle rustle of paper turns as though they breathe newborn life into the atmosphere. A collection of voices and color collide with the existing space as endless realities—real and fake—overlap.


Perhaps you move beyond the foyer and begin to explore the library. You may notice each book possesses a unique allure, some more riveting than others. Some seem to glow with an inner light, which inspired the classification of the library's Reader system. The system is merely a way to track which readers are approved to traverse into riskier stories Others may appear to be mundane with their contents waiting to be revealed. Perhaps you feel pulled toward a particular shelf, as though an entire world is beckoning you to serve as the champion of an unfinished novel.


You may speak to one of the many librarians scattered across each section of the library, easily identifiable by a unique badge. They will help you find any book you’re looking for, and perhaps even join you as a Reading Partner. You may even remain in the library, reading any book that exists across every multiverse without having to cross worlds. The power to play God lies solely within your grasp.


Upon selecting a book, a librarian will guide you to an observation room if you meet the proper credentials. Within the small chamber is a large, translucent orb which displays various information and images from the book. Each reader may delve into the book through a ritual, unlike the blank tome used to transport people into the Sanctum Library. Fortunately, there are many observation rooms per library section. This, coupled with a plethora of librarians, prevents long wait times. 


The flow of time is different between the current reality and a book’s reality, so several hundred years spent in a book may only be several hundred minutes in real-time. The Sanctum Library explicitly prevents the abuse of altered time, especially due to likely effects of psychological damage. Powers, items, abilities, and many other concepts will not carry over between the real world and the book’s reality. This includes any person who may have magic capabilities in the real world crossing into the book—they will most likely lose their real abilities depending on the setting for as long as they remain in the book’s reality.



Sanctum Library - Key Locations



Lobby/Foyer: This is the likely starting point for anyone that’s been transported by the blank tome in Sanctum Cafe. There is a doorless door frame with a pitch-black corridor here that leads back to Sanctum Cafe. Passing through this door will immediately send you back as though you are entering Sanctum Cafe for the first time.


Gathering Areas: Usually assorted with desks, tables, counters, and other practical furniture meant for anyone to gather. This can be used as a space to hangout, meet people, play games, etc. Librarians can help with certain requests, including ones that require magical or divine intervention. Please return to Sanctum Cafe if you intend to dine or loiter.


Collection Areas: There are two main types of collection areas. The first type is essentially wherever the bookshelves are.The second type is strictly off-limits to non-librarians. Each floor of the library is dedicated to a specific genre of literature with each one having many subgenres sorted throughout. Most genres require multiple floors.

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