
June 27

I am open to new roleplay threads

Threads are Open

Character Age

500+ years

Character Species


Character Gender


Character Relationship Status

Single (hasn't kept a partner)

Character Appearance

Pale skin, blue hair, black irises/eyes, medium height Dresses typically in black, can vary in styles

Character Personality

Mysterious, calm, witty

Character Likes

Cats, baking, peace and quiet

Character Dislikes

Fire, Disrespect toward nature, disrespect of magic

Character History/Story

Evie's mother was also a Witch, as was every female in her family line. She was taught magic by her mother. Her father died when she was young, and she doesn't remember much of him. Evie's mother was hanged during the Salem Witch Trials, and Evie hid in her home, but found one of her mother's books, and figured out how to cast an immortality spell on herself. That spell also made her skin paler, turned her hair from brown to blue, and turned her eyes from green to black. She took as many of her mother's books into the woods as she could and buried them, so she could return for more. When she had all her mother's magic books, she used a spell to make a cabin in the woods, where she has lived ever since, with her books on her shelf.

Character Inventory

Cabin - 2 bedroom, 1 bath, spells/potions room/kitchen, living room/library Magic - potions, spells (most powerful ones HAVE to be spoken, everything else mental) Small dagger in hip holster

Character Abilites

Magic - potions/spells Can do hand-to-hand combat Knife-throwing

Writer's Writing Style (OOC)

Paragraph, One-liners

Writer's Favored Genres (OOC)

Fantasy, Romance, 18+, Action, Adventure

About the Writer (OOC)

I love writing, and hope to keep writing for a very long time.

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  • [ Hi there. Thanks for the add! Funny story actually. I used to also roleplay as a witch character a couple years ago and I used the exact same profile pic that you have! Haha.

    Anyway, if you're interested in plotting let me know :) ]


  • Hello,  Let me know if you care to plot.  I am open to anything.  Hope to talk soon - Steve

  • Community Leader

    Welcome to Realms! If you need anything at all, feel free to reach out and ask. I know sometimes navigating the site can be a bit intimidating at first, but you'll be calling it home soon enough! If you're looking for Roleplay partners, More often than not the best way to start a thread is just to reach out to someone or add them as a friend. This typically indicates to people you're interested in their characters or at the very least want to be friends! Don't be shy! Our community members are accepting and open! Other ways to find RP include forum posts and the homepage comment box! 

    Feel free to reach out any time!

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Evie Devonshire and Legion are now friends
Jul 16
Evie Devonshire and A S H E R are now friends
Jul 12
Evie Devonshire left a comment on Message Board
"Hey guys! I'm here looking for people to write with! I love a good romance, but won't write smut…"
Jul 5
Evie Devonshire updated their profile photo
Jul 5
Evie Devonshire updated their profile
Jul 5
Evie Devonshire is now a member of Writer's Realm - Roleplay
Jul 5