Serenity Tower stands high over the New York skyscrapers, its glass glittering opalescent amongst steel and cold blues. 

Five total towers make up the nearly block wide compound- a monument to modern science and sustainable living amongst a concrete jungle. 

All five towers have retractable rooftops, letting the building bloom and breathe during the warmer months. Dripping with waterfalls, streams and large, intricate plant life, Serenity answers the question of whether or not jungles can be built, and whether or not civilizations can live among them. 

Serenity is powered through many facets, hydroelectric and solar power being the primary producers maintaining a bulk of the compound's power and keeping them off the city grid. 

Much of the compound is residential, though many of the open lower floor areas have internal cafe’s shops and garner lots of foot traffic due to the magnificent architecture and gardening. 










Beneath Serenity Tower, the emerald which glitters through the day, lay the Ruby- buried deep and roiling red, 

Covenstead Cabaret was not open to the public. 

Or at least it was not open to the *Human* Public. 

For all else, other beings of any kind, the Cabaret served as a sanctuary- 

functioning under a strict armistice the Covenstead houses long time rivals without incident, the main lounge serves as a bar and Burlesque styled entertainment, live music and similar, though there are many branching rooms with quieter booths and bars for more casual private experiences.
There are rooms for board, long term or short, any many otherbeings in need can be housed for free.

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