This is now a multi-character account. All modern non-high fantasy characters will be found here.



Name: Aesa Larsen
Gender: Female
Age: 32
Species: Human
Sexuality: Bisexual



Aesa is of Scandinavian descent with blonde hair and blue eyes. She has an athletic build from years of training and sports. 

She's tall and athletic. The way she dresses varies depending on her mood. Some day's it's leggings and oversized shirts, others it's a nice dress and heels. The most common accessories you'll find her carrying are her motorcycle helmet and a 9mm in her purse for moments where her fighting skills might not be the best option.









While Aesa comes across lighthearted and friendly, there is a shadow in her eyes. There's something behind the blue that she carries, but she's quick to brush away questions about it. You'll not catch her talking about her family much, if at all. She loves to do karaoke, dance, and in general have a good time when she's out with friends. There's not a bone in her body that will say no to a dare. At least legal non-deadly ones, but if she's got enough drinks in her, she might say yes to those too. She does have a bad habit of chasing adrenaline, especially if stress is high.

When it comes to friends, she's loyal, steadfast, and will fight the world to keep her friends safe. It is difficult to get into the category of friend because she has issues with trusting people. Especially people who she's supposed to be able to depend on. She hates bullies and will happily put the skills she learned growing up to use to shut them up. If someone she cares about needs to talk, she's always there to listen. And it'd be very rare that she would ask the gesture to be returned.

Her tendency to jump first ask, questions later can often get her in over her head in situations. Especially if its something she's agreed to do to help a friend.


Likes:  Dislikes:
Singing  Bullies
Dancing Flying bugs
Motorcycles (the faster the better)   Brussel Sprouts
Reading Rain (only when she's on her bike though)
Animals Speed limits
Sunny days Cops



A Bit of Background

Aesa grew up in the Pacific Northwest with her father, grandfather, and brother. Her mother had left when she was very small and she had no memories of her. Her brother, Thorin, spoke of her sometimes, but never in a way that made Aesa feel as if she'd missed out on her being around.

Their grandfather was enough to handle on his own. A retired army veteran, discharged due to mental health reasons, made him hard to handle in general when he got in a bad mood. Her father had been turned down by the military service due to chronic illness and Thorin hadn't wanted to join. Aesa had considered it at one time, but her grandfather ruined it for her. All their lives, he'd driven Thorin and her to train in hand to hand, weapons, and any other skill he felt they should have. Their father made no move to stop him, no matter how dangerous his 'training' got for a pre-teen and a young teenager.

When she was a young girl, around 8, her grandfather became involved with one of the local biker clubs. There were several in the area, but he had to pick the one that like to cause trouble. It didn't take long before he had her father and brother involved. Her father was shot one night, when Aesa was sixteen. While she sat at the hospital with him, some of the gang members arrived and hauled her off to the headquarters. There her grandfather informed her that she'd take her father's place getting the job done. She was too scared to say no.

From there, it was job after job. She managed to stay in school, as did Thorin, but she wasn't a n A student. Not for lack of intelligence, but lack of time to do homework and study. Once she graduated, college was out of the question and it became more work and more crime. Training until late hours of the night when they didn't have jobs to run.

Thorin got out first. The bike club saw him wreck a bike over a mountainside and assumed he was dead. When he limped home, he begged Aesa's forgiveness for wanting to leave, but she told him to run. Even helped him pack. It took until she was twenty-seven to get out and a well placed bullet.

Now she was in a new city, trying to make a new life with the skills she'd learned. Teaching self-defense to women and children so they had a better chance of fighting back against thugs like she'd grown up with.





Hand to hand training

Gun training

Skilled at breaking and entering

Hotwire vehicles

Some artistic skills with drawing (never done much with it)


12936752876?profile=RESIZE_710xCurrent RP's 

Aesa Larsen and Victoria Giovanni (ACE) 





 (RP note: I've added a second character account Daeris "Freedom" Aladaria. Feel free to send a request to that account if you're interested in that character. Or you can message me here, I don't mind.)



Name: Nicky Blake

Gender: Male

Age: 129

Species: Lion Shifter

Sexuality: Heterosexual



 Nicky takes great pride in his appearance. Working out is something of a religion for him. Both to help maintain the appearance that he's human among those who aren't aware of the truth and to show off for the ladies at the gym. His blonde hair is usually longer, but once in a while he'll chop it off it. He wouldn't admit it, but in part, it depends on the preference of whatever skirt he's chasing at the moment. He has numerous tattoos on his arms, chest, and back. Most of them can be hidden under clothes if need be, but he prefers to not to be in situations where they need to be. 

He's most comfortable in jeans, a tee of some kind, and boots. He doesn't care if the shirt has three day old pizza stains on it either. He just requires that it not stink. There is one black suit in his closet that he's worn twice in his life.








If you look in the dictionary next to either 'egotistical', 'cocky', or 'vain' there's a good chance you'd find a picture of Nicky. It doesn't matter what kind of situation he's facing, he's sure he'll come out on top. It might take a few tries, but he'd triumph in the end. He's stubborn and territorial. He might jump from woman to woman, but whoever he's with at the moment... she's his and you better not touch.

He's no stranger to crime, having served time more than once for a variety of them. He's overly confident and sometimes takes on too much. Despite most of the assholeish traits that he has, Nicky is loyal. If you've won his friendship, then if you go down, he's either going down with you, or trying to save you.

If you let him get hungry, he's going to get cranky and hateful. The man can eat constantly and he tries too. His friends tend to tease that he should own stock in the protein smoothie and bar industry with as many as he eats. There's always a protein bar stuck in his pocket. While he was never a boy scout, if you asked him, he'd tell you he's prepared for every situation. Even starvation. Which for him means he's gone more than thirty minutes without eating something. 


Likes:  Dislikes:
Alcohol   Laws
Guns     Paying For Things
Women    Someone Touching his Woman
Fast cars/motorcycles   Going slow
Money   How Fast His System Processes Drugs
Sex Kids
Drugs Condoms





Nicky wasn't born a sociopath.

His mother made him one. The abuse to him and his brothers broke something in him early on. He still had a small range of emotion, but as he got older he began to find that he didn't feel or think like other people. Other's around him began to notice too, so he learned to fake it. People suggested meds and doctors, but Nicky not only couldn't afford those, the recreational 'meds' he took were just as good. He laughed at those who said the right woman or people in his life could bring him back from the damage his mother created. Maybe he didn't want too, but he never said it out loud. Let them think whatever their poor minds needed to deal with him.

Being born a lion in a place where very few lived often made him a target both as a kid and after he grew up. Not for bullying, not that people didn't attempt it when he was a kid, but for those who would want to put his strength to use for them. People who saw him as a tool or a weapon.

Nicky loved to fight. Not just for the jobs he took, or to keep people from hurting him but to push the limits. He went all out and gave everything he had. It was go all the way, or don't bother to fight. Several of the people who fought him, could have survived if he'd had just a bit more control and didn't love the bloodlust so much.

He became the muscle for a local crime boss in his hometown. He tortured and hurt people at his boss's request and it made him happy. As much as a sociopath could be. He enjoyed his work, but when it came to torturing people for information, it got old after a point. And once they had the info they wanted, it was boring. He killed them and moved on gratefully to the next job. The better you entertained Nicky when he hurt you, the longer you'd live.

His boss was killed, so now Nicky is looking for work, doing freelance in between. His skills go to the highest bidder. He wasn't cheap and he would be paid what he was worth.

(Nicky's level of emotion is very low. There is mild empathy, but it tends to only show up for those being abused. Anger, lust, rage, desire, and emotions like this are much easier for him. Is skilled at faking the right emotions when he needs too.)


Abilities: Weaknesses:
Can shapeshift at will Foot in mouth disease
Supernatural strength Sociopathic tendencies
Heightened senses Silver
Increased speed Temper
Mechanic skills No lion pride
Good fighter Can have issues with reality when arguing with women, causes flashbacks to his mother. May lash out.


 * * * * * * *


I have a number of NPC's that can/may become full characters at some point. They may show up in RP with my main characters for plot reasons. If you see someone you're interested in RP'ing with on the NPC list, we can discuss them becoming a full character at some date.

Bran Delaney

Varies as needed, but generally has several centuries under his belt as a werewolf.

As a human, he's usually in his late 40s to early 50s.

Werewolf or Human

Face: Jeffery Dean Morgan, except with blue eyes. Around 6'2. Fit.


Standard werewolf abilities, plus partial shifts, and can speak to blood bound pack telepathically within a certain range. 

The human version is smart, cunning, and skilled in various fighting/military skills

Charles Delaney

Varies as needed.

Werewolf version usually a century or older. 

Human him, mid to late 20s.

Werewolf or human

No specific face use. Stands around 7'2 (gets height from grandfather). Dark hair, beard, blue eyes like his father. He is the eldest of four sons.


Standard werewolf abilities, plus partial shifts.

As a human, Charles is insanely strong due to being a body builder. Skills vary based on need of the RP.

Samuel Delaney

Varies as needed.

Werewolf version usually a century or older. 

Human him is usually mid 20s. There are about 2 years between him and Charles.

Werewolf of Human

Face: Brant Daugherty. Specifically when he played in a short show on Hulu called Freakish. He's tall, muscular, dark hair and beard with blue eyes like his dad. 

He stands around 6'5 and has a few tattoos.

Heterosexual (Bi-curious though he isn't prone to admit it)


Standard werewolf abilities, plus partial shifts. Has temper issues. 

The human version of Sam is strong, smart, very business minded, charming, and a bit of a player

Michael Delaney

Varies as needed.

Werewolf version usually a century or older. 

Human version is usually early 20s. There is only a year between him and Sam.

Werewolf or human

Face: Mark Becher (the image with the redder toned hair) 

He's slim, but fit. He is the oddball in the family with is reddish hair and green hazel eyes. (Coloring is from his great grandmother). 

Mickey stands around 6'2.

Homosexual/Bisexual (can very depending on roleplay)

Standard werewolf abilities, plus partial shifts.

The human version of Mickey is charming, funny, flirty, and tendes to be irresponsible. He lives for having fun. He is an able bodied fighter when the need arises but why fight when you can talk?





 Author Info:

Thanks for taking a look at Aesa and/or Nicky. I usually go by Luna on most social media, have since the mid 00's. I've been writing RP since around 2011. I've not done it in a forum format in a bit, but eager to jump back in. I have a multitude of characters that I'm more than happy to share here. I love RP's with darker plotlines, because the drama and strife is enjoyable to write. I also play D&D and DM games, though I'm taking a break from DM'ing atm.  I'm in process of editing my book and working on getting it sent to agents. So if I'm slow answer that's likely where I am. In the editing trenches.

Character Appearance



Name: Aesa Larsen
Gender: Female
Age: 32
Species: Human
Sexuality: Bisexual



Aesa is of Scandinavian descent with blonde hair and blue eyes. She has an athletic build from years of training and sports. 

She's tall and athletic. The way she dresses varies depending on her mood. Some day's it's leggings and oversized shirts, others it's a nice dress and heels. The most common accessories you'll find her carrying are her motorcycle helmet and a 9mm in her purse for moments where her fighting skills might not be the best option.



Character Personality



While Aesa comes across lighthearted and friendly, there is a shadow in her eyes. There's something behind the blue that she carries, but she's quick to brush away questions about it. You'll not catch her talking about her family much, if at all. She loves to do karaoke, dance, and in general have a good time when she's out with friends. There's not a bone in her body that will say no to a dare. At least legal non-deadly ones, but if she's got enough drinks in her, she might say yes to those too. She does have a bad habit of chasing adrenaline, especially if stress is high.

When it comes to friends, she's loyal, steadfast, and will fight the world to keep her friends safe. It is difficult to get into the category of friend because she has issues with trusting people. Especially people who she's supposed to be able to depend on. She hates bullies and will happily put the skills she learned growing up to use to shut them up. If someone she cares about needs to talk, she's always there to listen. And it'd be very rare that she would ask the gesture to be returned.

Her tendency to jump first ask, questions later can often get her in over her head in situations. Especially if its something she's agreed to do to help a friend.

Character Likes





Motorcycles (the faster the better)



Sunny days


Character Dislikes




Flying bugs


Brussel Sprouts

Rain (only when she's on her bike though)

Speed limits


Character History/Story


A Bit of Background

Aesa grew up in the Pacific Northwest with her father, grandfather, and brother. Her mother had left when she was very small and she had no memories of her. Her brother, Thorin, spoke of her sometimes, but never in a way that made Aesa feel as if she'd missed out on her being around.

Their grandfather was enough to handle on his own. A retired army veteran, discharged due to mental health reasons, made him hard to handle in general when he got in a bad mood. Her father had been turned down by the military service due to chronic illness and Thorin hadn't wanted to join. Aesa had considered it at one time, but her grandfather ruined it for her. All their lives, he'd driven Thorin and her to train in hand to hand, weapons, and any other skill he felt they should have. Their father made no move to stop him, no matter how dangerous his 'training' got for a pre-teen and a young teenager.

When she was a young girl, around 8, her grandfather became involved with one of the local biker clubs. There were several in the area, but he had to pick the one that like to cause trouble. It didn't take long before he had her father and brother involved. Her father was shot one night, when Aesa was sixteen. While she sat at the hospital with him, some of the gang members arrived and hauled her off to the headquarters. There her grandfather informed her that she'd take her father's place getting the job done. She was too scared to say no.

From there, it was job after job. She managed to stay in school, as did Thorin, but she wasn't a n A student. Not for lack of intelligence, but lack of time to do homework and study. Once she graduated, college was out of the question and it became more work and more crime. Training until late hours of the night when they didn't have jobs to run.

Thorin got out first. The bike club saw him wreck a bike over a mountainside and assumed he was dead. When he limped home, he begged Aesa's forgiveness for wanting to leave, but she told him to run. Even helped him pack. It took until she was twenty-seven to get out and a well placed bullet.

Now she was in a new city, trying to make a new life with the skills she'd learned. Teaching self-defense to women and children so they had a better chance of fighting back against thugs like she'd grown up with.


Character Inventory




  • Hand to hand training
  • Gun training
  • Skilled at breaking and entering
  • Hotwire vehicles
  • Some artistic skills with drawing (never done much with it)


Character Abilites

 (RP note: I've added a second character Daeris "Freedom" Aladaria. Feel free to send a request to that account if you're interested in that character. Or you can message me here, I don't mind.)

Writer's Writing Style (OOC)

Paragraph, Multi-Para

Writer's Favored Genres (OOC)

Fantasy, Romance, Violence, Rated R, 18+, Gore, Comedy, Action, Adventure

About the Writer (OOC)

Thanks for taking a look at Aesa. I usually go by Luna on most social media, have since the mid 00's. I've been writing RP since around 2011. I've not done it in a forum format in a bit, but eager to jump back in. I have a multitude of characters that I'm more than happy to share here. I love RP's with darker plotlines, because the drama and strife is enjoyable to write. I also play D&D and DM games, though I'm taking a break from DM'ing atm.  I'm in process of editing my book and working on getting it sent to agents. So if I'm slow answer that's likely where I am. In the editing trenches.

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  • Great page and great character.  Let me know if you are interested in plotting.

  • Nice layout and character description.
    Welcome to the Realms!

  • (Thanks for accepting my friend request!)

  • Welcome to Realms! If you need anything at all, feel free to reach out and ask. I know sometimes navigating the site can be a bit intimidating at first, but you'll be calling it home soon enough! If you're looking for Roleplay partners, More often than not the best way to start a thread is just to reach out to someone or add them as a friend. This typically indicates to people you're interested in their characters or at the very least want to be friends! Don't be shy! Our community members are accepting and open! Other ways to find RP include forum posts and the homepage comment box! 

    Feel free to reach out any time!

  • Welcome here 

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