
November 11

I am open to new roleplay threads

Threads are Closed

Character Age


Character Species


Character Gender


Character Relationship Status


Character Appearance

Slightly tall, lean muscled frame, bright brown eyes full of wonder. A clean-shaven, cute face. Doesn't know how to smile properly on command but does it instinctively when happy. Shaggy brown hair that sometimes gets in his eyes, combed more with his fingers than combs.

Character Personality

Curious and adventurous, determined to see more of the world. Somewhat desperate for guidance but set on figuring things out regardless. There's too much to do and to see to sit still, and life shouldn't be spent growing old in one place with no spice.

Character Likes

The color green. The smell of the open sea. Land meat. Carpentry. Reading tales of adventure. Learning new languages. Shellfish. Training with his new sword.

Character Dislikes

Stagnation. Seafood (other than shellfish). Going too long without being on a boat. Monarchies and government. Large cities. Seagulls.

Character History/Story

Amras fell into the care of his foster father, Garmund, when he was a young boy. Garmund found the boy crying alone in a barely-standing burnt tent after a raid on his village killed most of the residents. Garmund was just a traveling sailor who wanted to explore the smoking ruins. There were no other survivors. The boy was brought on as a fellow shipmate and began sailing, fishing, exploring, and living off the land with the others. He learned much from Garmund, but it was hard to demand the attention of a ship captain with many other duties to attend to. Recently, Amras saved up enough coin to buy himself a small dinghy, enough supplies to last him a month, and wished his foster family farewell as he set out from Geatland. He no longer wants to be bound to the north, and wishes to see the rest of the world. There's rumors of places with food made entirely of plants, powders that make your cooking tingle in your mouth, cities with buildings a hundred spans tall, and men who have never even seen the ocean. He wants to experience it all.

Writer's Writing Style (OOC)

Multi-Para, Novella

Writer's Favored Genres (OOC)

Fantasy, Romance, Realistic, Comedy, Action, Adventure

Earned points: 0

I Have No Life

I'm New Here

WR Knight

WR Guardian

Site Tester


Contest Win!

Coding Guru

Amras and Raiya are now friends
May 31
Princess Odette Tenanye and Amras are now friends
May 31
Amras and Sanctum Library are now friends
May 19
Amras updated their profile photo
Apr 30
Amras updated their profile
Apr 30
Amras is now a member of Writer's Realm - Roleplay
Apr 30