
August 19

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Character Age

29 (appears this age in human form)

Character Species

Shapeshifter (Raven)

Character Gender


Character Relationship Status

Qualcosa's relationship status is best described as "isolated."

Character Appearance

Qualcosa has long, flowing black hair that cascades down her back, almost mimicking the feathers of a raven. Her skin is pale, with an ethereal quality, and her eyes are a deep, unsettling shade of black, with hints of dark purple underlining her sleepless nature. A long scar stretches from her right eye down to her cheek, giving her a perpetually haunted expression. She often wears dark, Victorian-era clothing, with high collars and intricate lace, giving her an elegant yet intimidating presence. Her nails are unnaturally sharp, resembling talons, and she has a slim, willowy figure that adds to her ghostly allure.

Character Personality

- Demeanor: Qualcosa is cold and calculating, with an air of mystery that surrounds her. She speaks little but when she does, her words are often laced with hidden meanings and dark truths. Her intelligence is sharp, and she has a keen sense of observation, always aware of the undercurrents in any situation. She rarely shows emotion, maintaining a stoic expression even in the most dire of circumstances, but there's a deep sadness in her eyes, hinting at a tragic past. - Strengths: Qualcsoa is a master of manipulation and deception, using her powers as a shapeshifter to gather information and infiltrate places undetected. She is also highly skilled in the dark arts, able to cast powerful spells and curses. Her strategic mind allows her to outmaneuver her enemies and achieve her goals with precision. - Weaknesses: Her detachment from others makes her isolated and lonely, often causing her to struggle with her own emotions. The scar on her face is not just physical; it's a reminder of a deep betrayal, one that haunts her every move. Despite her power, she is haunted by the fear of losing control over her shapeshifting abilities, which could result in her being trapped in her raven form permanently.

Character Likes

- Hot Tea: Qualcosa finds comfort in simple pleasures like a hot cup of tea. The warmth and ritual of brewing it help calm her nerves, especially during her sleepless nights. - Books: She has a love for old, worn books, particularly those with dark, gothic themes. She often loses herself in these stories, finding a strange solace in their tales of tragedy and loss. - Quiet Places: Qualcosa prefers to spend her time in quiet, secluded areas, such as an old library corner or a hidden spot in a forest. The silence helps her think and keeps her paranoia at bay. - Rainy Days: The sound of rain is soothing to her. It makes her feel less alone, as if the world is as melancholic as she is. - Small, Warm Fires: There's something about a small, controlled fire that makes her feel safe. She often sits by one, letting the warmth chase away the cold that seems to perpetually follow her.

Character Dislikes

- Insects: Qualcosa has a deep-seated dislike for insects, particularly spiders. Their sudden movements and unpredictable nature trigger her paranoia, making her uneasy. - Crowded Places: She avoids crowded areas, as they overwhelm her senses and amplify her anxiety. The noise and constant movement make it hard for her to maintain control. - Loud Noises: Sudden loud noises unsettle her, causing her to flinch or tense up. They disrupt her concentration and make her feel exposed. - Sunlight: Bright sunlight is something she finds uncomfortable, preferring the soft light of dusk or dawn. The harsh light makes her feel vulnerable, as if all her secrets are laid bare. - Unexpected Touch: Physical contact, especially when unexpected, makes her uncomfortable. It reminds her of past betrayals and triggers her deep-seated trust issues.

Character History/Story

Qualcosa wasn’t always the cold, calculating figure she appears to be now. Born into a lineage of dark sorcerers, she was expected to carry on her family’s legacy. However, from a young age, she was always different—quieter, more introspective, and deeply troubled by the darkness that seemed to follow her everywhere. Her affinity for black magic was not something she chose but something that clung to her, a constant reminder of the power she never wanted. As she grew older, her abilities only intensified, drawing unwanted attention from her family and peers. They saw her not as a member of their fold but as a potential threat. Her talents made her a target of fear and jealousy, which led to a series of betrayals that would scar her for life. At the age of 19, the people she once called her friends conspired against her. They lured her into a trap, convincing her that they needed her help for a powerful ritual. In truth, they sought to strip her of her powers, seeing her as too dangerous to be left unchecked. The betrayal was brutal, both physically and emotionally. The scar she bears on her face is a constant reminder of that night—a night filled with pain, fear, and the realization that she could trust no one. The trauma of that betrayal left Qualcosa with deep psychological scars. She developed severe paranoia, always feeling like someone was watching her, waiting for the right moment to strike again. This paranoia often manifests as sleepless nights, where she stays awake for hours, eyes darting around her darkened room, convinced that danger lurks in the shadows. Her shapeshifting abilities, once a source of pride, now became a tool for survival. She often shifts into her raven form not just to gather information but to escape, to hide from the world that has hurt her so deeply. However, this constant need to flee has left her feeling more disconnected from her humanity, making it harder for her to trust anyone, even herself. Qualcosa is not a leader or a hero; she is a survivor, navigating a world that has shown her nothing but cruelty. Her mind is a labyrinth of dark thoughts and twisted memories, where fear and distrust are her constant companions. She is highly intelligent, able to outthink and outmaneuver those who seek to harm her, but this intelligence comes at a cost. She is always on edge, always expecting the worst, which leaves her isolated and alone. She rarely speaks of her past, not because she wishes to forget, but because she knows that no one could ever understand the depth of her pain. She carries her trauma like a cloak, using it to shield herself from the world, yet it also weighs her down, preventing her from ever truly moving forward. Despite her abilities, despite her intelligence, Qualcosa is a deeply broken individual, trapped in a cycle of fear and mistrust that she cannot escape. In her loneliness, she often finds herself speaking to the ravens that flock to her, as if they were the only beings she could trust. But even they cannot soothe the ache in her heart, the gnawing emptiness that comes from a life lived in fear.

Character Abilites

- Shapeshifting: Qualcosa can transform into a raven at will. This ability allows her to travel unnoticed, spy on others, and escape dangerous situations. However, the more she relies on this form, the more disconnected she feels from her humanity. - Psychic Sensitivity: Qualcosa has a heightened sensitivity to the emotions and intentions of others, often sensing when someone is lying or hiding something. This ability is both a gift and a curse, as it fuels her distrust of everyone around her.

Writer's Writing Style (OOC)


Writer's Favored Genres (OOC)

Fantasy, Realistic, 18+, Adventure

About the Writer (OOC)

I'm Monique, a 28-year-old with a deep passion for dark romanticism and all things mysterious. I’ve always been drawn to stories that explore the shadowy corners of the human psyche, where love and darkness intertwine in the most unexpected ways. My love for these themes is what inspired me to create Qualcosa, my OC who embodies the complexities of power, betrayal, and survival in a world that’s never been kind to her. When I’m not lost in the pages of a hauntingly beautiful novel, you’ll probably find me crafting characters and stories that reflect the darker aspects of life, yet still hint at the possibility of redemption. I love diving into narratives where the lines between good and evil blur, and where flawed, broken characters find their own ways to survive and thrive. I’m also a fan of gothic aesthetics and enjoy incorporating those vibes into my writing. Whether it’s through mood-setting music, evocative imagery, or just a really well-brewed cup of tea, I like to create a world where darkness isn’t something to be feared, but rather embraced and understood. Creating Qualcosa has been a journey for me, exploring themes of paranoia, betrayal, and the weight of past trauma. I hope she resonates with others who appreciate characters that are more than what they seem—complex, haunted, and ultimately human, despite their supernatural abilities. If you share my love for dark romance or just enjoy deep, character-driven stories, I’d love to chat and swap ideas!

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    Welcome to Realms! If you need anything at all, feel free to reach out and ask. I know sometimes navigating the site can be a bit intimidating at first, but you'll be calling it home soon enough! If you're looking for Roleplay partners, More often than not the best way to start a thread is just to reach out to someone or add them as a friend. This typically indicates to people you're interested in their characters or at the very least want to be friends! Don't be shy! Our community members are accepting and open! Other ways to find RP include forum posts and the homepage comment box! 

    Feel free to reach out any time!

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