"You don't have to rely on other people if you never miss."



The Sniper


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Real Name: Mun-Dee/Mick Mundy  

Age: Early 30s

Zodiac: Virgo

Gender: Male

Height: 6’2” (187cm)

Eyes: Blue

 Hair: Brown

Nationality: Australian / New Zealand

Alignment: Lawful Neutral



“As long as there’s two people left on the planet, someone is gonna want someone dead.”


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The Sniper, named Mun-Dee at birth, was the son of Bill-Bel and Lar-Nah in the underwater country of New Zealand. The nation had chosen to sink itself 10 years prior thanks to Mun-Dee’s father, who had convinced everyone that the world was coming to an end.

While New Zealand officials had listened to him and cast the country in a dome beneath the ocean, they later branded Bill-Bel a fool and refused to give him any more funding to prevent the “disaster” that he swore was imminent.

Concerned only for his own safety, Mun-Dee’s father was planning to abandon his wife and child and escape to outer space via a rocket he had constructed. But while arguing with Lar-Nah about who was going to take the rocket, baby Mun-Dee crawled inside when no one was looking and accidentally launched it.

The rocket pierced the underwater dome, flooding the already sunken New Zealand and causing everyone there to drown.

Due to faulty construction, however, the rocket made it nowhere near the stars…and instead, crash-landed relatively nearby in the neighboring country of Australia.

Jonathan and Martha Mundy, a couple living on the outskirts of Adelaide, discovered the rocket and the child within. They kindly decided to adopt him as their own; naming him Mick Mundy.

Not much is known about the Sniper’s upbringing, but he had always felt different from his peers for reasons that would not be made clear until much later in his life.

While most Australians were large, muscular and obsessed with fighting each other, young Mick was thin, lanky and had no interest in roughhousing with the other kids. Instead, he preferred to hide up in trees and throw rocks at them, foreshadowing his future as a skilled sniper.

At some point during his young adulthood, Mick would invest in obtaining his firearms licence, with a particular interest and talent in bolt-action rifles. He would then go on to become a tracker of dangerous game in the unforgiving Australian outback; often spending months by himself at a time.

Eventually, Mick would land himself an occupation as a hired killer, a job that his parents (especially his father) vocally disapproved of. This brings us to the present day, where the Sniper is one of nine mercenaries hired by Mann co. to fight over territory in New Mexico, otherwise known as the “gravel wars”.

 In this role, Sniper is a deadly, efficient sharpshooter, easily capable of landing several head-shots in a row. Despite the violent, morbid nature of this work, he doesn’t seem to mind it one bit. If anything, he actively enjoys it.


“I love this job. Sunshine’s free, bullets are cheap, and everybody’s got a head.”


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Sniper is probably the quietest, most introverted member of his team. Similar to his role in combat, he tends to stay in the background of conversations, commenting very little if at all. He is somewhat of a recluse, choosing to spend much of his time alone. However, he is shown to have good rapport with his fellow mercs, and will not hesitate to step in and try to save them from danger.

While he might seem like a stern, cold-hearted assassin on the outside, Sniper does have a soft spot; particularly for his adoptive parents. He appears to call them on a regular basis and is one of the few mercs to have an active, caring relationship with his parental figures. Sniper even shows a considerable amount of integrity when he’s willing to risk his life for his biological father, despite the man not caring about him at all.

 In contrast, Sniper does appear to have something of a sadistic streak, not only taking enjoyment in his type of work, but the death and misfortune of his enemies as highlighted by his ‘domination’ quotes in game.

Overall, Sniper is a man of few words, cares for those close to him, loves his job and believes in adhering to the highest standards of professionalism.

Or at least…what he considers those to be.


“Be polite, be efficient; have a plan to kill everyone you meet.”


Skills and Weapons


As mentioned previously, Sniper is a tough and ready marksman. His primary weapon, the sniper rifle, is what he’s most proficient in and is his go-to weapon for a wide range of situations. It can only hold one bullet at a time, but thanks to Sniper’s quick and fluid reloading, he can fire the rifle in rapid succession. In some instances, Sniper will switch to his bow instead, the 'Huntsman'.

When forced to get up close and personal with his enemies, Sniper has a couple of close-range options. These include an SMG (submachine gun) and machete, usually in the form of a Kukri knife. Sniper is generally weaker in melee combat, but that doesn’t mean he’s harmless. With no one else to watch his back, he’s prepared to fight anyone trying to flank him.


“Snipers don’t muck about with gutshots and monologues. We just take the shot.”




Miscellaneous facts about Sniper


  • Sniper’s vehicle of choice is a campervan. Not only is this his means of getting around between jobs, but also serves as accommodation when he’s on the road for a long period of time – which is often.


  • Sniper is something of a coffee addict and can almost always be seen drinking it, even while working. However, due to the trembling effect of caffeine, he’s forced to drink decaf to keep his aim steady.


  • While Sniper isn't opposed to the idea of being in a relationship, the nature of his job makes it very hard to form close attachments with anyone. That, coupled with his anti-social tendencies might make it difficult for him to be romantically involved with someone.


  • Sniper loves to stay busy with work, and therefore doesn’t have too much free time. However, when he’s not on a job he can be found smoking, reading, listening to music or just enjoying the outdoors.



The Sniper is a fictional character created by Valve Corporation for the video game Team Fortress 2. All character images and media belong to Valve or the artists credited. The Sniper is voiced by John Patrick Lowrie. I own nothing.



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  • In-character swearing is fine but I do not tolerate racial slurs or similar offensive language either within or outside of the roleplay.


  • I have been writing/roleplaying for 10+ years but I am more than happy to write with beginners. However, I do expect a certain level of effort and creativity in other people's writing. Short responses that are severely lacking in detail and creativity are a no-go and I will politely ask you to try again.


  • As both writer and character are 18+, writing content can delve into mature territory. PM me if you have questions or want to discuss any specifics.


  • You can expect a reply from me in about one week. If I have not responded to you by then, I am most likely sick or extremely busy. Please be patient. I will write back to you as soon as I can!


  • I will only hold a max of 10 ongoing roleplay threads at a time. If you don't see your character listed here, it's because I haven't heard from you in a long time (2+ months). It doesn't mean I no longer wish to write with you. However, if someone has bumped into your spot, you will have to wait until another thread opens up. I do this out of fairness for those who are patiently waiting to write with me. It is not personal.


  • I delete comments that are OOC (out of character) to keep things neat and tidy. You are always welcome to reach out to me OOC either through comments or PMs.


  • Lastly and most importantly, let's have fun! Roleplaying is meant to be creative and exciting. I can't wait to write with you all :)


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Current Threads [Open]


1. Kate Beckett

2. Aleister

3. Vanitas

4. Brian Kennedy

5. Huntress

6. Seclusion

7. William Macher




I am open to new roleplay threads

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  • (so so sorry this is very late! I hope its acceptable after my mini hiatus. Let me know if I need to fix anything or redo)


    Helena Wayne †The Huntress†

    *Immediately after hearing the price to hire this new assassin, Earle widened his eyes in shock. But the man was desperate and already near giddy with his excitement at having Helena Wayne dead. So he did hire this assassin known simply as Sniper, and set up the hit and already had money transferred to pay for this necessary assination. But Earle was definitely a greedy bastard, and had soon some up with a Plan B, typically the whole two birds one stone scenario. That expensive price for 'Sniper' was definitely necessary, so he did pay for it, but he was going to set up an assassination for him to have the money ultimately trasnferred back to his own accounts. Money was not quite a huge deal for him, he was one of the Elite, but he wanted more, much more. He wanted the Wayne Fortune, so a huge spend like that would impeed his plans, but if he killed the assassin he'd get the money back and any money the 'Sniper' had in his own accounts. 

    It was all set up, and mostly all out of his hands and all he could do was sit and wait, and pretend he wasn't excited as all hell to finally have Helena Wayne killed, and even have 'Sniper' killed. There he sat in the meetings and when it was getting time he chekced his Rolex watch and noted the time as the meeting finally let out and everyone started to exit. Barely able to smirk he started to walk with them, not noticing that Helena hadn't joined the others to exit, just aware that it would happen soon. Sniper would kill Helena Wayne, and before Sniper could escape a squad of ex- Special Forces soldiers would find him and then kill him.

    The ex-Special Forces group were close to cornering Sniper, logically figuring out the best angle to fire upon Helena Wayne whenever she would exit. *


    *After the meeting, Helena Wayne lingered, a slight frown wanting to curl at her lips. She had noticed the near indistinguishable jittery movements of Earle as he had sat during the movements, and it struck her as curious. Either he was nervous or excited about something, which resulted in her senses to be on high alert. Still she had to be wary and not make any movement that could point out that she was The Huntress. After the metting as the others left, Helena returned to her office, the exact office her Father had and took her seat. The door locked as she pressed a hidden button to turn her office into a semi fortress, through the glass you couldn't see in, metal risers silently rose up to block all the glass windows and blast proof doors settled over her office doors. The office secure and no one could listen in or even try to phone trap, she called Alfred with her suspicions. Helena wasn't a fool. She knew her insults to Earle, and perhaps the small to his manhood, and how fickle his attidude and just his ego in general he was going to be enraged. But how angry would he be? She figured he would retaliate, she knew something was up but she didn't know what. 

    As Helena rested back in her chair, debating if she wanted to activate the slide to have her go to the secure Bat Bunker beneath the Wayne Enterprises building or just remain as Helena Wayne, and she decided to just remain as Helena for the time being.. And despite the long hours of the meetings, she was as fresh as if she had just started them. If not for her meta-human genes she was born with from her Mother, or even the 'experimental medical procedure's' that saved her life when she was a teen, that was only experiments period that altered her DNA and gave her extra supernatural abilities. After five minutes of waiting on the call, Helena had heard, a big paycheque had been sent to an unknown source, but in a large enough sum, Oracle had surmised it could have been for an assassin, that Alfred had reported back to Helena. Ending the call and smirking to herself she remained in the chair, as she shook her head. That large transaction that had been found after Oracle had hacked into his bank records, since the man was stupid enough to use his main account and not an untraceable one. It was also said to Helena that Oracle would be further investigating on how and why Earle had been placed back on the Board. 

    Rising from her chair to pace awhile, trying to think in the motions of the pacing, it was thought by her that the would be assassin might just already be close, but how close and how this assassin would choose to kill her she wasn't sure yet. Sighing she just shrugged then and returned to her desk, pressing the button to have the metal risers disappear and have her office return to normal and she finally gathered her purse to head out, but just as she exited her office her bodyguard guided her to the back staircase. Quickly gathering that Alred had probably notifed them of the danger, and they were going to direct her to the back entrance. Glaring at theem she resisted, shaking her head firmly as she turned right around and headed to the main. Danger or not she wouldn't run. Helena Wayne didn't run, and most certainly The Huntress would never run. As she walked to the main stairs and descended slowly, her bodyguards were forced to keep up, one managing to go ahead in front of her and he remained so as they arrived then to the lobby of Wayne Enterprises. Even as the bodyguard led her from being in front of her, Helena's eyes scanned the rooftops of the buildings that were alongside Wayne Enterprises building, but she couldn't spot anyone, and so she tried the top floor or few floors close and did she spot an open window? And then she was exiting, her tall guard infront of her as she just lingered in the doorway before she gave a quick peek behind her bodyguard's massive frame, as her senses started to sound alarm bells. Danger was definately close.  As she did peek out, was it a perfect shot for the Sniper? But still even before the bullet would hit her, her reflexes would make her move quickly in time to just barely miss it. 

    And as Sniper would take the shot, if he would, the squad was ready to barge into the room and try to kill him. *

  • With it directly spoken from Senator Riley's mouth, that her request was taken on board, the detective nodded, internally pleased to hear it, even if he mentioned feeling like a prisoner, or similar in his own home, or office.  She could arrange that, or show him the true meaning of being a prisoner and and have him behind bars for real (if he wanted to keep this up, the complaining), inside a small holding cell, instead at the 'Twelfth Precinct'.  It will probably be a lot safer there, though they are passing thoughts only.  He should be thankful that he was alive and safe in his home, or place of work, and not complain, she thought to herself.  He had a job to do, yes, but so did she.  Before the door is shut in her face,  the detective ushers between two four officers inside, as they were to remain on watch duty inside.  While the remainder guarded the outside of this establishment, any entrances, or exits, were guarded to the highest manner.  With that taken care of, the detective turned on her heel, planning to get further backup on board for the reasons of sweeping through the multiple-story buildings near Senator Riley's place of residence, and or work.  While the good detective had taken her leave, the reporters and their microphones were in her face, questions after question were thrown her way about Senator Riley, and his lockdown, as well as many other questions or scenarios, as they all wanted to scoop, to get that story out there first, though she declines to answer.  No comment said, repeatedly.  Weaving her way through the growing crowd of reporters, remaining tight-lipped from there, not wishing to waste her breath as she ultimately breaks away.  Continuing to get as far as possible from the reporters, the chaos of their swarm of questions and more, the woman got onto her car radio, requesting the presence of further police, and backup.  Due to the task of ensuring that all buildings, the tall, multiple-stories building needed to be searched floor by floor, to which all available units, the last of them now were dispatched immediately, the number of police presence growing even more, if that was a possibility.  Within the hour, more police arrived on the scene, more police marked vehicles, and undercover police arriving, circling over and over as others began to search buildings, the multiple-story building floor by floor, to search for their sniper, if he was indeed around and ready to strike today.

    Half an hour to one hour later, another set of officers, the last of them arrived on the scene, Detective Kate Beckett going to meet them.  Informing them of the situation they already knew, though went through it again with them, briefing them extensively on their task, to which they nodded.  Before they departed, the woman asked if they had further questions, which no they did not, and they were on their way.  Rushing forward in pairs, and groups, the vested and armed officers were heading to the building, one of the last that had to be searched, that unknowingly occupied one of their wanted suspects, the one who had stayed very well under the radar, and uncaught, the sniper himself.  Whether that was to change today, should he not have managed to escape from right under their noses (which would be very difficult to do, or so they would think), remained to be seen.  Minutes after having sent those groups of officers to that building, Detective Beckett who was fitted with a vest, took her leave as well with her backup alongside or behind her, the trio following those officers to that same building.

    Upon their arrival there, and inside, the detective and her backup moved on to the upper floors, starting at the fifth as the first four floors were being covered and searched by other officers.  Using the stairwell, the team's fast-paced steps made their way up four flights of stairs, ensuring their safety, before arriving where they needed to be. 'Fifth floor'.  The three split up, to take on their designated areas with the search.  Thoroughly searching it, room for room, the rooftop, no area left unturned, though come to the end of it, they regrouped, and that fifth floor was clear.  Using the stairs again, they moved on to the sixth, carrying out the same routine, then to the seventh floor, eighth, and ninth floor, all of them being clear and free of their sniper, before taking those stairs again, towards the tenth floor.  Splitting up on arrival to it, Detective Beckett signaled the other two their positions on the left, while the female detective moved to the right part of that floor.  Through all the rooms, which should have been cleared out, this detective thoroughly searched from room to room, going in order of apartment numbers, until she came to one door, something not feeling right.  Unlike all other rooms, on this floor and others, where all doors had been closed, this one was ajar.

    This was the first she had come across in this way.  Holding that weapon securely in front of her, though still lowly, the woman silently walked towards that door, then stopped in her step momentarily.  Moving her head forward only then, the woman attempts to take a peek through it that room, to see what, or who even came to her. Instead of announcing herself just yet, as that would spell danger for the citizens down below, if this sniper, should still be here, and make someone else, or several someone's his targets instead, she remains put until she knows more.


    'Was this the room where the sniper was planning to make that kill shot? If so, was he still there, or had he managed to fly under the radar somehow to escape, long before they started to search this building? Only time will tell.  From several buildings across the road, for the safety of law enforcement officers on duty today, and for the safety of Senator Riley, Detective Beckett's fellow officers, and others were stationed with weapons of their own, they positioned and ready in various locations, in the off-chance any of the officers sweeping the numerous floors encountered danger, a death threat and attempt on their life more to the point from this Sniper, rather than the Senator himelf, if the tables turned.  If no force was needed, it would not be used, it was up to the Sniper what his fate was, if he was in the building, or let alone had been. 


    • ⚚ Two Days Earlier  

    Detective Kate Beckett was approached by colleague Javier Esposito, the woman watching him, listening to the details, the information that they, the police had on this sniper.  It wasn't much at all, though at least, there was a photo.  Taking hold of that photo, Katherine examined it, keeping it in her photographic memory, to use it for future use, in the off-chance that her paths crossed with this individual.  Before it was passed to another colleague, instructing them to use facial recognition software and find out who it was.  Where he was from, and all those little details that others from precincts before theirs had failed to find.  If he was good at covering his tracks, while hiding himself from the police as had been shared and it was nothing at all to do with sloppy police work, before it landed in their corner, then they had to step it up, and would.

    Overall, if it provided a hit, great.  If not, then she could move on, using other angles.  There were always other angles.  She also mentioned examining the background, and his location in that photo, as Katherine intended to pay a visit to that area if a hit could provide the whereabouts of this mystery man, and sniper, on the day that footage captured this still photo and blurry vision of him.  Just as that had been requested, and her words taken on board, the woman focused on her colleague still, wondering what more there could be.  Come to the end of those words, the detective nodded.  If Senator Riley failed to listen to anyone else, believing this was all a hoax, then he would listen to Kate, right? Something told her yes, though time would tell.  Instead of a phone call, in which he could hang up, the detective would pay him a face-to-face visit.

    Before taking her leave, to Javier, she says, "I'll pay a visit to Senator Riley, I will have a word with him to take this seriously and inform him that he needs further protection in the days ahead, to also speak to his colleagues, to see if any of them had been the one to order this hit, or if they have witnessed anything out of the ordinary lately."  Pausing momentarily for his sake and hers, before continuing, "In the meantime, I want you to look into everyone close to the senator, from his campaign advisors to his driver, even his close friends and family, just anyone and everyone who has a part in his day-to-day activities, and personal life.  Even look into his enemies, and yes I know that list will be long possibly, but we can't leave anyone behind.  From that list, run a financial check into everyone on that list, for suspicious or unusual activity, to hopefully narrow it down considerably.  Suspicious, or unusual activity implies a large withdrawal or transfer of money if, by one or more persons (the amount of the transfers mirroring another's perhaps, if multiple persons were behind this ordered hit), her team already knew that, though it was still requested as a direct order.  That list needed to be short, very short at the end of it.  That was their best bet to follow that angle, and with whatever information came their way, if it proved successful, then Kate and her team could figure out where the money went to and, more importantly, who was on the receiving end.  How long could one possibly be on the run, for how long could that trailless path he was leaving, last? How long would his identity and place of birth be kept under the radar? With Kate Beckett and her team at the twelfth taking this investigation into their grasp, that remained to be seen.

    They could not figure this all out before the scheduled hit perhaps, but it would not stop them from pushing forward, to get the answers they needed, one way or another.  "I'm a phone call away if you find something, so please reach out as soon as possible."  With that said, the woman turned on her heel in preparation to depart, to carry out a visit for Senator Riley as she had spoken.  Joining her was Kevin Ryan, another longstanding colleague, and good friend.  On arrival at the lift, the woman pressed the open/close button, watching as the lift opened for her, the woman entering, Kevin following close behind.  Doors immediately closed behind her as that lift moved her down to the ground floor, where they opened again.  Immediately stepping out, the sound of her heels clicked as her feet carried her along the paved sidewalk, and straight to her vehicle.  Upon arrival to and inside her now-unlocked vehicle, the woman entered, checking her surroundings, her overall safety, or that of other road users, for her keys to slip into the ignition, and that vehicle's engine sounded to life.  The drive from there slowly yet surely brought her directly to Senator Riley, the detective, and her vehicle coming to a slow stop before her vehicle was parked, and stilled.

    Upon that engine being stilled, the woman climbed out, to lock it behind her as the detective rushed forward on foot while having her ID and police badge prepared.   "Detective Kate Beckett.  NYPD.  Kevin Ryan."  The female law enforcement officer announced them both.  "I must speak with Senator Riley.  Is he in?"  That question would be answered by Kate herself as she saw him from the corner of her eye, as if he was needed elsewhere, or even trying to escape the police for the time being.  That brought her to changing directions, to approach him instead before he was driven away, "Senator Riley, I'm Detective Kate Beckett.  I was wondering if I could please have a moment of your time.  It is of high importance."

    The man instantly turned to face her, shaking his head.  He was not pleased.  Law enforcement did not know when to give up, did they?

    • Senator Riley: "Detective, I understand why you're here, and what this is all about.  I have heard it from others, but you are wasting your time.  If there was a hit on my life, my team would know long before you do as I have nothing but the best work for me.   I don't need your, or anyone else's protection.  So, if we are done here, let me go about my day, and you can go about yours too. "

    Hearing his overconfidence, hearing him tell her that all law enforcement was wasting their time, had her shaking her head as she saw him enter the vehicle, alongside his driver.  All that she could do was watch as the driver drove off with a possible "victim/soon to be deceased".  If it took an attempted hit on his life, that hopefully failed, maybe that tune of his would change.  Here and now, she would especially be back in two days, as there was a campaign scheduled for that day, which meant a large crowd, and it was the perfect time to take him out.  That something passed on to her from her team, his upcoming schedule, in the short time since she left her precinct, meaning she would be back then on the two-day mark, and also every day afterward, until the threat was cleared, and behind bars.  Or, if not behind bars instantly, as there was a process, in police custody, in that interrogation room, where this unknown man, as well as others before him, would be questioned, due to their involvement.



    • ⚚ The Present Day 

    Multiple times throughout the day, that team of police officers from the twelfth precinct had arrived at the numerous locations where Senator Riley was.  Each time, the team stood outside the buildings one for one, as they waited for him to exit.  While also letting their eyes sweep up and around the buildings, abandoned or otherwise, in the area.  With this particular visit, something about it screamed all too familiar to Kate, as if she was receiving a tell, some inner instinct telling her it was now, or close.  Hazel hues looked up, and around, directly to that abandoned building that their sniper and killer unknowingly occupied, along with others.  From one specific building, the woman caught a glimpse of something, if her eyes were not playing tricks on her.  A reflection, a glare, a shiny glint, or something along those lines, that would have had to come from something, right? It was a long way up, meaning it might be nothing at all, and a simple glare from the sun on the windows, though something told Katherine Beckett that she and her team had to storm that building and search it, though here and now, was not that time.

    This moment now was to ensure that Senator Riley was not struck down, not on their watch.  The detective's hand lifted as she clenched into a ball, for the woman to knock lightly.  A few gentle taps sounded first, then her voice flowed towards that door next, knowing there was movement from behind the closed doors happening as her hand returned to her side, "Senator Riley.  This is Detective Kate Beckett.  You might still believe this is a hoax, and we are wasting your time, but if today is the day, please remain inside, and away from all windows, or other open spaces, until you are given the all-clear.  If not for yourself, then your family."  Whether their demands, those attempts at requests for trying to save his life were taken on board or not, remained to be seen, though they were here to do a job, to protect his life, and hopefully the team was able to do that.



    Investigation purposes: With successful attempts at having a list of bank accounts that had made heavy withdrawals or unexplained transfers, in the single digits, Detective Kate Beckett and her team almost worked 48 hours straight to achieve this outcome, as well as tracking all phone call logs (incoming and outgoing), of the suspecting individuals, whether successful or otherwise, meant that they were close possibly to figuring out who ordered the request, the ones who hired this sniper and hit on the Senator.  It meant that the police were close to finding out who was about to carry out this shooting, and who had done all the shootings/kills prior.   Even so, the police were keeping tight-lipped to ensure that no one escaped or worse before the arrest, or arrests.  If it was enough, to prevent another death on their hands, however, remained to be seen.

    Their police investigation is still ongoing, though they are close now, this mystery man could feel that, right? Or, was he just focused on this last kill, his disappearing act that came after, that he had no idea? That plus more would come to light for everyone when the time was right.


  • Vanitas heard the appartment window shatter, feeling the harsh bullet connect and bounce off of his wings as he ran. Oof...he could already hear his friend nagging at him about the broken glass if he made it out of this. Of course he had bigger things to worry about at the moment. A sense of dread rushed through him every time he noticed a window he had to pass by, and like clockwork, the glass would either shatter instantly after he rushed past it or his wings shielded him from the bullet. Damn, this person was good - if Vanitas was human he’d be dead by now.

    On the lower floors several of of the neighbors gathered - ensuring that each other were okay while a lady shakingly called the police. Another man screamed for everyone to get back inside and take cover, but each sound that the bullets made when crashing through the windows only seemed to create more chaos. People were panicking, and with the police on their way, this so-called duel with the mysterious assassin was now on a timer.

    When Vanitas finally made it to the top floor, he leaned against the hallway to regain his composure before securing his bag around his waist. His eyes then focused on the door that led to both freedom and the one trying to take him down. Whoever was after him surely had to catch on that he was making his way up here, and was probably waiting for him. He had to have a plan...the nephalem didn’t want any of the innocent to get hurt, but there was no way he could just run without a fight. Vanitas wasn’t sure if the assassin was human or not, but he had to take a chance - or else he would be followed to wherever he decided to go next.

    After readying himself, Vanitas charged through the door, feeling his heart race as he figured he’d only have seconds to try to find wherever the assassin was. At first his golden hues frantically looked around...until his astral vision picked up something slightly to his right. The aura of another being. Aha!~ And just in time as he reached the edge of the rooftop, extending his wings as he jumped off. 

    He had no choice but to hope that he was faster than Sniper’s aim.

    At first Vanitas allowed himself to dive before his wings unhardened, allowing him to fly upward and towards the aura he could sense. Naturally he didn't want to fly directly towards the other to try to avoid any more bullets. And the closer he got, the stronger the gusts of wind around them suddenly became. It was the nephalem’s own doing, wanting to try to blow his assailant back.

  • Helena Wayne †The Huntress†

    * Gotham City. Yea it was dark and dirty but more importantly it was Home, to the Dark Knight but especially to one smart-mouthed extremely violent superhero appropriately named The Huntress, who was The Dark Knights Daughter. Yea she was one major terror to a felon and lived to hunt and strike fear in the hearts of criminals and show them they were nothing but prey with an ego problem, cause there was only ONE predator in town and that was The Huntress.

    Currently on one warm morning in August her alter-ego Helena Wayne, daughter of billionaire Bruce Wayne, was heading to early meetings at Wayne Enterprises as she acted as incumbent CEO of Wayne Enterprises while he was missing. Pausing on the curb, waiting as her bodyguard also exited the white limo she had just left,  as paparazzi quickly swarm her the young heiress to which she just smiles as she waves,



    dazzling in a deep blue dress that fell to just above her knees that went lightly around her neck and was draping sleeves below her shoulders to just above her elbows,

     her black hair just like her Fathers was done in an stylish up-do as she completed the look with nude and silver open toed heels.

    A local celebrity and almost 'royalty' in a way and also called 'The Princess of Gotham', Helena was used to the spotlight as she also signed a few autographs before she noticed a gentle press on the small of her back, glancing she looked at her bodyguard and nodded, as he was the one to gently alert her. Saying farewell she was quickly ushered to the front entrance of Wayne Enterprises and she walked in, as Alfred had quickly come up to open the door for her. Smiling at her loyal butler and almost pseudo-parent before she headed to the elevator and headed to the top floor, sighing when her assistant had said they had started the meetings early and she had to head to the conference room. Rolling her eyes she did so, her bodyguard trailing her as her second, finally caught up to take the lead and he opened up the conference doors. Immediately taking her seat at the head of the table and she just leaned back bored, and almost feeling like she could fall asleep as she listened. The talking had barely even paused with her entrance, and it was already something she had heard before, for this topic. Sighing as she listened to the droning of them talking, hearing nothing new, since it was all information she learned before and not just because she knew some of the stuff quicker than they did because of her own sources as Huntress and having Oracle help her, it was because they kept repeating everything multiple times in different meetings. Until at least they turned there attention to her and her reason for being there, as the incumbent CEO of Wayne Enterprises and they were deciding to make it permanent or name someone else, but she also noticed Mr William Earle's smirk in a seat across the table and a few spots over as he still sat in her peripheral view. How he had managed to weasel his way in after her Father had more or less fired him Helena didn't know YET but she would but first she was going to love dashing his plans and bursting his little bubble. He thought with Bruce Wayne missing that he would be named CEO instead and force her out he had another thing coming. Helena Wayne might've been known as a wild party girl with thousands of shopping spree's it was almost a wonder she hadn't spent her Father's entire fortune of billions of dollars, but she had shown a vast level of maturity recently with the disappearance of her Father and she had to step up. Though she was none if that, it was a cover to protect her identity and her families, no one could suspect that Helena Wayne was The Huntress and also that Bruce was also The Batman. But Earle also believed this wasn't a woman's job and he thought he'd force her out of the Company despite it being in her family name.* "William Earle, I don't know how you came to be here, but I distinctly remember my Father giving your job to Lucius Fox, and now that I am here, it still stands, and besides I own the company. Didn't you know my Father had purchased a majority of the shareholders? He purchased many shares, and I also bought a few more shares myself, through various charitable foundations, trusts, and so forth - look, it's all a bit technical, but the important thing is that MY company's future is secure.. I am a Wayne, William and during my Father's absence until he is found I am the CEO of Wayne Enterprises, incumbent and now permanent at least until my Father's return. Clean out your desk William, Mr Fox, your promotion stands and I sincerely apologize for it. Now is that everything ladies and gentleman? I believe we have come to a conclusion most are agreeable with for this topic?" 

    *Glancing around to everyone as she temporarily ignores William Earle, as he stood from his seat seething, first of her treatment the disrespect blatantly obvious but also that he was upset she had beat him and had taken the seat securely as CEO, plus he noted the words she said, the very same he had said to Bruce once and the ones Bruce had said to him when Earle had first been fired. * "I will not stand for this you fucking slut! Wayne or not I will kick you from this company and I'm sure I'll find out evidence you laid on your back to secure those shares!"

    *With his words he also slammed his fist on the table, causing an uproar of many of the men and women around the table, all in defense of Helena but also as her bodyguards stepped forward to make their presence known.  But Helena though as Huntress she would've broken his jaw if he said such words to her, but as Helena the rage and that action was definitely not appropriate because it would place more spotlight on her and make people consider she WAS The Huntress. Slowly Helena rose from the table, calmly waving her right hand dismissively to recall her bodyguards back as she smirked, and temporarily ignoring him she looked to the few women around the table as she gave an almost mocking smile before she spoke* "Ladies, have you ever noticed that when we disagree with a male – I hesitate to say ‘man’  here– or find ourselves in a position over males, the first comment they make is always about our reputations or our periods?”

    *At her words one of the women snorted, as others snickered.Helena then turned her head to glance to Earle who was now momentarily speechless.* “If I disagree with you, should I place blame on the misworkings of your manhood? Or do I refrain from so serious an insult ” *Pausing she made a face before she continued* “far more serious, of course, than your hint that I am a whore. Because my mother taught me courtesy, I only hope that my period will come long after your hair has escaped your head entirely.My name is Helena Wayne and I am the CEO of Wayne Enterprises now and in the future,.. Now please leave the premises before my bodyguards take your actions as a threat and escort you out rather harshly, as it is security will watch you collect your things. "

    *Even before she finished speaking Wayne Enterprises security as well as one of Helena's own bodyguards stepped forward to follow Earle as he left in a bluster, turning away and not deciding to watch letting the matter be dismissed. As Helena glanced to everyone else and sighed. * "Do we have a vote ladies and gentlemen, on who the CEO will be.. If you will allow my words to be true and keep me as permanent, and we can finally wrap up this topic?"

    *Light chuckles erupted around the table, as the vote did finally go through and it was as Helena had said. She was the new and permanent CEO of Wayne Enterprises. Smiling as she said thanks she finally resumed her seat and sat straight as a new topic arose, someone wanting to spread Wayne Enterprises to different avenues, like Entertainment. *

    *But as Earle angrily filled the boxes he had been given by security, by throwing everything in just as is not caring if anything would break or get messed up. He was plotting. Plotting against Helena. He would make sure she was removed one way or another, even if it meant by killing her. That thought excited him and he grinned as he swept by the security, ignoring as they followed him to the doors and he went to his car in the garage. Tossing his boxes in the backseat of his Alfa Romeo Giulia, he then climbed into the drivers seat. Spotting the bodyguard and one security guy standing by his car, watching to make sure he left. He gave them the middle finger otherwise known as 'the bird' and started to drive away, leaving the garage to drive through the streets of Gotham until he made it to his large manor like home, one other reason he was jealous of the Wayne's, they lived in the biggest and most beautiful manor in Gotham. Parking in his own garage next to some of his other cars, he walked into his place, leaving the boxes in the backseat to preoccupied to remember them. Heading to his home office he dialed on his cellphone to a trusted friend, that dealt in low level matters, hoping he might be able to suggest an assassin he could use to kill Helena Wayne.*

  • Whether it was his intuition or the endless amount of luck he seemed to have, Vanitas barely missed the bullet that was supposed to end his life by a few seconds. His golden hues widened at the small hole on the other side of the wall, allowing the realization to consume him. Someone wanted him dead? Oh great, yet another person to add to the long list... In that moment he felt unbearably hot, leading him to take off his hoodie as he took a deep breath, before looking towards the window.

    He was used to a more in person showdown - having faced off against his own kind numerous times in the past. It always ended up being a test of skill, and so far he proved to be the better combatant. But trying to use a gun to kill him? It couldn’t have been another angel attempting to take him out - not unless the bullet was made with a particular type of steel, one that was otherworldly. Of course an unlucky hit to the head or heart would do the job regardless.

    With his hoodie off Vanitas’ crimson wings were now exposed, flapping them a couple times to allow them to expand to their full size. He wasn’t sure if his wannabe murderer would try to take another shot or attempt to barge into the apartment, but the nephalem knew that he couldn’t stay here. Not anymore. Even if he made it out of this, it was only a matter of time before others found his location. By chance what he wanted to take with him was already back in the living room. He just had to make a move - was it smart? No, but he also wasn’t human. And way too much of a thrill seeker in moments like this.

    After a few moments Vanitas finally moved, his wings hardening and shielding him as he ran out of the kitchen - having no choice but to come into Sniper’s view as he kept his head low. If a bullet did strike, he would feel the impact but his wings would then ricochet the metal away. Vanitas quickly grabbed his bag before making his way out of the apartment. A commotion could then be heard from the lower floors - presumably from what just happened. Going downstairs wasn’t much of an option, not without possibly risking the lives of the innocent. So heading upstairs and making his escape through the rooftops was his next move.

    The main problem, however, was the number of various windows between his floor and the rooftop. Of course Vanitas wasn’t sure if Sniper would try to still take him down from a different angle, but it wasn’t like he had a choice. A moment later he started running again, heading up the first flight of stairs, trying his best to shield himself every time he had to pass by a window. Four more floors to go.

  • ||It’s great, no worries. If the end of my reply doesn't work, let me know. I'll rewrite it. ^^||

    What an absolute drag.

    In the eyes of his own kind he was nothing more than an ungrateful traitor, but being the 'bad guy' had its quirks sometimes. It almost became amusing whenever he had to evade them or even fight them off - but other times, the journey of finally being free was a lonely path. And because so many people were after him, it was best for him to lay low.

    One of the very few allies Vanitas had left allowed him to stay over while she would be out of town, leaving the nephalem on his own to ponder his next steps. However, staying inside all of the time was hard for someone so adventurous - he had to at least go outside to get some fresh air...and some candy too. So he did just that, even going so far as to fully cover the shrunken wings on his back with an oversized hoodie.

    A bag of his favorite candy and a much needed walk around the town later, Vanitas casually made his way back to his friend’s apartment - gazing up at the evening sky and admiring the unique shades of the sunset. Though not wanting to go back home so soon, he took the scenic route back to the apartment. Of course little did he know that trouble had found him once again.

    At first everything seemed normal as Vanitas entered the apartment, sitting his bag of candy down in the living room where he planned to spend the next several hours in. All that was missing from his soon to be movie night was an ice cold beverage from the kitchen, but right before Vanitas walked in he suddenly stopped - having this indescribable feeling in his chest. It wasn’t his astral vision, but perhaps instead his intuition, warning him not to take another step. But why? Nothing was wrong, right?

    No. No, something was off. This was a similar feeling when Vanitas sensed one of the angels nearby. Had they found him somehow? What if this was just his paranoia acting up again? Vanitas very cautiously walked into the kitchen - and that’s when that horrible feeling struck him again, causing him to look around the room in a bit of a panic, before glancing out of the apartment window, noticing a figure in the distance that seemed to be looking back in his direction from another building. Were they holding something...? His eyes widened in shock before ducking off to the left side of the window. That couldn’t have been a coincidence - why else would someone be out there?

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