
Name: Lorien Decazes
Nickname: Lor
Age: 26
Species: Human
Home World: Erkivares
Home Land: Derianir
Sex: Male
Sexual Orientation: Demisexual
Height: 5'9"
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Eyes color: Hazel


Nearly a century ago the commoners of Derianir attempted to overthrow the government, and it was only by happenstance they didn't succeeded. Those in power knew that any future attempts needed to be prevented because fortune might not smile upon them the next time around. They decided to creating the culling---an purging of the commoners that took place whenever the aristocrats deemed it necessary. The culling wasn't just prevent the poorer civilians from rebelling, but was also used as a population control because it was determined that they were only dissatisfied with how things were due to their numbers and their ineptness in control their own population. They were like rabbits, if left uncheck they would breed to consume the world. Over the years, the commoners found ways to keep themselves protected during these culling, and the aristocrats would render these methods obsolete by doing things like burning down districts with their entire population sealed inside. Over time any large scale and obvious attempts to avoid the culling ceased.

It was during one of these culling that Lorien's parents were killed. Their death is the only memory he has of them--a reality that is all to known to the poorer population. Having no where else to go, he turned to the streets and eventually he found a gang of children whose stories were similar to his. Realizing there were strength in numbers, Lorien decided to join this gang, and while being a member did provide some protection against the horrors of the streets it did not shield him completely, and some might argue that in some ways it served to increase the impact of these horrors. He quickly grow to be a child of the streets, learning whatever skills he needed to ensure his survival and those of his new found family. It was a few years later when his magical talents first revealed themselves. Those within his new family didn't bat an eye at his use of magic because he was far from the first person who had joined their ranks to display a skill in the arcane arts. They regarded it as just another skill to be honed. Yet, they understood that not everyone saw it like this, and knew they had to take care to hide it from prying eyes.

The aristocrats regarded magic as an elite talent, and didn't like to be reminded that this wasn't the case. Display of magic among the commoners have been known to invoke a culling, but most of the time in order to keep the facade that only the elite possessed magic those commoner with arcane talents were claimed by an aristocratic family and brought to The Arcanorium for training. Nothing is known about what takes place within the Arcanorium, but those who have come upon the building has described a feeling of dread that increased the closer they got. There are those who claim it was this sense of foreboding whenever one wandered to close to the Arcanorium that inspired the rebellion a hundred years ago, or at the very least played a large role in it. Whatever the truth, the commoners knew they wanted nothing to do with the place. Even those like Lorien and the other street rats, whose only encounter with the place was from the stories they heard. Lorien learned magic from the older magically talented members of his gang, but it soon became clear that his abilities were beyond theirs. They wanting him to reach his full potential began to look for more skilled magic users to train him.

They knew they were out there: Mages who have left the Arcanorium, or mages who have developed their magical talents to a level that rivaled those who had been officially trained. More than that they realized they needed to be careful because there were mages loyal to the Arcanorium who set up 12762110480?profile=RESIZE_400xshop within the poorer districts in hope of catching magically gifted individuals trying to avoid detection. Whether it was sheer luck or skill, they managed to find a mentor with no loyalty towards the Arcanorium for Lorien. He was harsh yet effective teacher, and Lorien magical abilities grew tremendously over the next three years. Things, however, took a turn within Lorien's third year when he came upon his mentor murdered within his place of residence. Lorien stared at his mangled body unable to process what he was seeing. Death was not new to him. He had seen many dead bodies. He had seen many people killed before him--both because of the culling and quarrels that took a nasty turn. This death seemed different from the rest. He told himself that it was because he believed his mentor invincible, but deep down he knew something else was at play.

Amongst this hidden knowledge was the desire to flee. A feeling that grow with each passing moment, and when was finally able to tear himself away from the horror before him it was too late. Standing before him were two mages that chilled him to the bones. He tried his best to play it off, making up a story about how he came to acquire a potion to help a sick family member from the mage, but as the words tumbled out of his mouth he realized that he was never going to see anyone he knew again. He thought it was because they were going to kill him, but they quickly revealed that wasn't their intent. They had learned about his magical talents and came to bring him to the Arcanorium. They had tried to convince his mentor to hand Lorien over, promising him absolution for crimes that caused him to have to take residence within the poorer district in the first place but he refused, and they were left with no choice but to kill him. Without any further ado, they seized Lorien and brought him to The Arcanorium.

He realized that the stories were not only true, but worse than what had been described. When they pulled into the front gate of the Arcanorium he was a screaming mess, pleading with them not to bring him into that place. If they hadn't secured him with ropes he would have made a more vehement effort to flee. One of them, growing tired of his screams, decided to gag him, and they rolled into the courtyard of the building where other newly arrived apprentices were waiting in various states of restraints. He was dragged to stand with the others before the Archmage who gave them a speech about how they were chosen for greatness, and within these walls they would discover the tools as well as the knowledge to shape the world into whatever they wished. Those words were pretty lies, but many of the newly arrived apprentices were soaking them up. They were told they would have a day to rest, and then their training would begin. Each and every one of them would start at the same level, it didn't matter if they had received training from elsewhere. There was no way of knowing how their previous training compared to the one they would receive here.

The next day Lorien discovered that his mentor had been rather lenient with his training, but he quickly adapted to the new method. Not only that, he excelled. Others within his class regarded him with disdain, and any attempts to win them over failed. It didn't take him long to realize that he was not the only one regarded in such a manner. More than that their mentors incited any rivalry between apprentices, and as much as Lorien tried he couldn't keep himself from being entangled within these games. Six months into his training, he was told that he was going to meet his family. He stood there for a few moments confused before he realized that the aristocrats claimed any commoner with magical talents. He told his mentors that wasn't necessary--a boldness that was only brought on by the knowledge that many aristocrats only offered a potential meeting but had no real desire for one. They quickly informed him that this wasn't a request, and within a few moments he was brought before his new family whom regarded him in a heavy silence that seemed to stretch on forever before telling him that he was now a member of the Decazes family--one of the higher aristocracy who arguable had more right to the throne then the current royal family--and they expect his behavior to reflect this.

They made it clear that they were going to send him tutors to teach him how to behave as a proper member of the upper class because when his training was completed within the Arcanorium he would be expected to take his proper place as one of them. Unable to stop himself, Lorien burst out laughing. There was no guarantee that he would successfully complete his training and even if he did he doubted that the Arcanorium was going to let him go off and play prince. They acknowledge the former as a very real possibility, but the latter was not up for debate. It was within that moment he realized just how much power they had as the command for a meeting had been for the Arcanorium as much as him. The next day his training as a member of the Decazes family began, and unlike with his magical training he did not excel--particularly when it came to reading and writing. There were times that he became so frustrated with his incapability that he would destroy whatever was the source of his ire as well anything that was near it in a display of irrepressible rage much to the amusement of his instructor, and despite any feeling of inadequacy he had towards the subject matter he eventually picked up the skills expected for a member of the Decazes family.

The only thing that was left was to see whether or not he would successfully completed his training, and the answer to that question arrived not  long later. He along with the other apprentices were waken up in the middle of the night and brought into a room with a large decorative mirror on the other side. They stared at the mirror wondering its purpose, and within no time those thoughts were spoken aloud. Lorien found himself with the overwhelming desire to flee, but knew any attempt to do so would be cut short. A belief that was proven true when a few moments later the highest members--including the archmage--of the Arcanorium entered the room and locked the door behind them. They congratulated them for making it this far but they had one more task to complete before they were accepted as full member of the Arcanorium. One at a time they would walk to the other side of the room, gaze into the room for a period of five minutes then return to this side in utter silence. Lorien was far from the first person to take the trek across the room and it didn't take him long to realize that not everyone made it back, at least not completely.

The first incident of this happened when the second apprentice made her way towards the mirror, and within moments of she let out a loud bloodcurdling scream that caused several of the apprentices to try their luck with the door. Their horror intensified when upon her return  they found her empty. Several others shared her fate then it was Lorien's turn. He didn't know whether or not it was fortunate that he wasn't among one of the last to take his chance with the mirror. He had been closer to the middle. The walk towards the mirror felt like an never ending stretch, but then he found himself standing before it. Right away he noticed movements within the mirror then quiet murmuring that grow louder with each passing moment. He couldn't understand what they were saying. At first he thought it was because they were speaking so soft, but then he thought it was because they were speaking in a language he didn't understand then it dawned on him that there were more than one voice and each one were clamoring to be heard. His head felt like it was going to explode causing him to briefly wonder if that what happened to the others. Had endless bombardment of voices been too much for them to endure? Before he found himself suffering from a similar fate he commanded the voices to be silent.

Anger laughter followed suite. The voices seethed at his insolence. He was speaking to the gods and they have slew mortals for less. They went silent when he told them to do it. He thought that meant they were gone, but they revealed that wasn't the case as he was walking back to join the others. They told him to kill the Archmage when he asked them why the voices said because they said so. He refused. He wasn't going to kill someone just 12762112699?profile=RESIZE_400xbecause they demanded it. This did not please them as they expected him to do it simply because it was their will, but in the end they convinced him by telling him that the Archmage's continued existence would spell disaster for the world. The actual killing didn't happen for another few hours as the rest of the apprentices made their way across the room to try their luck with the mirror. Some made it back intact while others did not. The Archmage started calling out each of those that had been stripped of their essence by name and told them to leave. It was within that moment that Lorien realized he had seen others like them around the Arcanorium. They were the servants who completed the more mundane task of the place.

Then the Archmage turned towards them, asking which of them had heard voices when they gazed into the mirror. For a moment they only glanced at each other, knowing there was a correct answer but uncertain which one it was. Remembering what the voices had ordered him to do, Lorien stepped forward and told the Archmage he heard the voice. A few others joined him. It was far less then Lorien had expected. The Archmage dismissed those that didn't step forward before acknowledging those that had in a voice that held way too much glee. A couple of the apprentices stepped back, visible disturbed by his voice. He asked them what the voices said. Without hesitation, he killed the Archmage with a ball of lightening to the chest, and the words of his fellow apprentices dying upon their lips as they witness the act. The voices told him that the others had not been able to understand them, and therefore were of no consequence. He could kill them if he wished, absorbed their powers like the Archmage had intended to do with them if he wished, but it made no difference to them. He wasn't going to kill them or anyone for their power, but he did ask what happened to those that came back empty. The voices told him that some people were just magic--no soul. There was no point in a body having possession of magic if they were unable to use it. So, they took their magic.

Their words rang false, and recollection of their bloodcurdling screams only added to the falsehood. He, however, didn't let them know this. He thanked them for answering his question before turning towards the others who were still in the room. They were all staring in disbelief at the dead Archmage before turning their attention towards him. They said nothing. The voices told him that they were waiting for his order. He had killed the Archmage and now he was the new Archmage. He didn't want it. He didn't want to be their leader and so the first thing he did was turn to one of the senior mages, and told him that he was going to be the new Archmage before walking out of the room. While the mage he declared to be the new Archmage took to the role, those within the Arcanorium regarded him as he was the leader. More often then not they would ask him his opinion on a matter than make a decision that reflected that opinion--even the new Archmage. He had taken to not voicing his opinion when asked.

Just as the Decazes had told him, he took his proper place as an elite of society. He maneuvered the world of the aristocrat better then he had thought. Some part to do with his training, but a large portion he credited to the voices whom he had truly came to regard as his gods. They are constantly there, giving him commentary and advice that has more often than not proven useful. Time marched by, and he developed strong friendships and even took two lovers--a husband and wife who were very aware and opened to the idea of the three of them being an item. Life it seemed had settled into a happy rhythm that was until one day he stumbled upon a group of people speaking of rebellion. His first thought was to kill them because they spoke of treason, but the voices told him to stay his hands because he was going to help them. Those who currently held the power were leading them towards the apocalypse. Lorien thought he could just kill them, but the voices told him that had been done before. Assassination would only replace one with another just the same. More than that those who he truly needed to kill were pulling the strings from the shadows, and those who the world regarded as the one in control were nothing more than puppets. He needed to keep to the shadow and try to find where these strings lead and kill the ones that it lead to.

Once he heard these words he removed himself from the room and waited for the war to break out, and it did just that not long after. Both Lorien's lovers and the Arcanorium joined the side that he was fighting on. The former because they believed the corruption in their homeland needed rectifying. The latter would follow him into the depths of the netherworld if he commanded it. The war seeped into other lands, proving to Lorien that the profligacy that was the true power of Derianir had spread to the rest of the world and if left unchecked it really would destroy it. Lorien committed many horrific deeds for the sake of the preservation of his world. Much to the disgust of his lovers he made no attempts at a different method nor apologied for the things he done. They began to argue constantly until one day they decided to go their separate ways, and that was the last time they spoke to each other because the next time Lorien came upon them the laid slaughtered upon the ground with an upside down bassinet next to them. Crying ranged through the air before he was able to process the scene before him, and without a thought he went to the bassinet to find the baby within. The voices told him to kill the child, but he refused. This shocked them as he had no issue with killing infants before.

12762114490?profile=RESIZE_400xThey tried to convince him that this one's death was much more important then the others he had killed regardless of their age. Her death would ensure that the apocalypse didn't happen. He didn't care. He didn't care if they all were suck into the great nothingness to endure an eternity of torment before they ceased to be, he wasn't going to kill her. She was the only thing left within this entire world that was theirs, and he was going preserve that. The voices realizing that this was going to be one of those times they weren't going to persuade him to do as they willed, but unlike the other times they became out right infuriated, screaming at Lorien that he was going to regret not obeying their will. He silenced them by telling them to find another puppet before taking the infant towards some unknown destination. They traveled together for a few days before he was found by the enemy, but he was not worried about the encounter at first. The leader of the group, however, quickly revealed he knew whom he was dealing with and just how to render him powerless.

Then to Lorien's horror he slaughtered the infant right before him. Lorien began to scream at them, vowing and going into graphic details about how each and every last one of them were going to pay for killing her. The leader of the group began to laugh and it was only the sense of familiarity within that laughter that caused Lorien to cease his outburst then the leader grabbed Lorien by the chin and telling him that he was going to learn his proper place before planting an unbridled kiss upon Lorien's lips. He then ordered his men to secure Lorien within one of the wagons as they had a long journey back to the capitol. The journey was indeed long, but not because of the actual length of time it took. It was the leader incessant urge to torment him that made the journey longer. When they finally reached the capitol he had killed the man thousands of times within his head. He was brought to a public square to be sentenced for treason and committing unspeakable atrocities. The people demanded blood. They believed he should be killed in the most horrific way imaginable and the queen was going to give them what they wanted until Lorien's tormentor whispered something into her ear.

The queen decreed that death--even the most painful one--was too lenient of a punishment for his crimes. They needed to ensure that his agony was eternal, and the only one to do that was to send him to the beyond. Many of those gathered wanted the queen to show Lorien clemency as they viewed sending him to the beyond too harsh of punishment even for his sins, but the queen would hear none of it--the decision had been made and Lorien's tormentor made it clear he was going to be the one to complete the ritual. Lorien's began to plead with his gods to save him and they spoke--the first time in days--to tell him that they had told him that he was going to regret his disobedience then he was cast from his world and into another. At first because he couldn't sense the voice he really thought it was the beyond. He had been used to not hearing them, but he always felt their presence within the back of his mind. The world felt unbearably empty. He spend weeks trying different methods to summon them before it occurred that they had abandoned him.

Then it dawned on him that he wasn't in the beyond, and more than that it was a realization he had before he actually acknowledged it. He doesn't know if he will ever make it home, but he vows that if there is a way he will find it until then he will explore this new world he had found himself within. He finds it to be extremely alien compared to his own, but he manages to adapt to it then he discovers with his magic ways to travel to other worlds and now he believes he is that one step closer to returning home.



  1.  Be Patient. I will respond to you eventually
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  3. I will only engage in romantic/sexual plots with specific people. 
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  5. Have fun. I understand that not everyone's style meshes and if at any moment you feel that you don't vibe with my style or even not feeling a play at the moment tell me and we will either end the play or put it on hiatus with no hard feelings on my end.
  6. Rules are subject to changes and updates under my discretion.

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  • I need to have a word privately,Could you please get back to me on ( mrs.ericaw1@gmail.com)Thanks.

  • Stonebrook was the epitome of a small town. It was a tight-knit community dotted with suburban areas, surrounded by a picturesque rural landscape. While the town center was only a twenty-minute drive away, a few residents, like Legacy, called the town itself home. The heart of Stonebrook was a charming town square, lined with quaint shops and stores. A large grocery market, a rustic feed store, and a small library were among the businesses that served the locals. On the outskirts of town, a stately church stood proudly, its tall spire towering over the other buildings. An expansive graveyard stretched out behind it. Nearby, large park took up residence, its perimeter defined by a black wrought-iron fence. The joyful yips of dogs and the laughter of their owners filled the air as they played together, leashes discarded.

    A woman emerged from the grocery store, a reusable bag hanging from her arm. Legacy was unremarkable in every way. She was on the taller side for a woman, her long legs covered in well-worn jeans that sported a few holes here and there - not as a fashion statement, but more because they were clearly second-hand. Her torso was wrapped in a thin blue cotton jacket to ward away the unusually cool day. Chestnut locks spilled out from beneath her hood, framing her heart-shaped face and highlighting her high cheekbones. Simple, yet intriguing brown eyes stared ahead, lost in thought. She had lived in Stonebrook for a few years now and was well known to the townsfolk. Some of them nodded politely as she walked by, while others made a point to move out of her way, whispering about her oddities.

    "I hear she bewitches anyone who visits her shop. My father said he spotted her teleporting! Creepy!" One teenager sneered at her friend as Legacy walked by.

    "But her natural remedies do seem to help. I heard poor old Mrs. Gibbons has never felt better since she started taking those funky herbs," her friend whispered back. “And magic isn’t really real, is it?”

    "Hmph. Says you! I think she’s slowly poisoning us all.." The other teen muttered ominously, though raising her voice loud enough to be heard. If Legacy took any notice, she didn't show it. In fact, it did just the opposite. A small, secret smile graced her face. Humans and their superstitions. They were so absorbed in themselves that they couldn't see past their own noses. Yes, she was undoubtedly the town freak.

    She could live with that.

    Why fit in when you could stand out?

    Strapped around her chest was a crossbody purse decorated with little hens of various colors. Ahead of her was a small home; one of the few directly in the town square. It was really small and surrounded by a newly painted wooden picket fence. Tacked onto the mailbox was the name 'Gibbons' in faded letters.
    Legacy stepped through the gate and gently knocked on the door. An elderly woman with wispy gray hair opened the door. She screamed the aura of a grandmother, right down to the floral apron and pan of homemade cookies wafting the scent of fresh-baked chocolate chip. Skin sagged loosely around her face, but Mrs Gibbons was all smiles.

    "Good evening, Mrs. Gibbons. I figured I would deliver your medications today since I'm already out," Legacy's voice was soft, like a soothing melody. The kind that could soothe a crying child or calm an angry crowd.

    "Oh, Legacy, honey, you are such a sweetheart! Thank you, my dear. I have never felt better since taking your natural remedies. My arthritis barely aches these days." Mrs Gibbons' eyes twinkled with gratitude.

    Legacy reached into the purse strapped to her chest, pulling out a small white envelope. "I'm glad to hear it," Legacy smiled kindly in turn, her eyes crinkling at the corners.

    "See you later!" Legacy called over her shoulder, waving as she closed the gate and began to head towards her home. She was a figure of mystery in the heart of Stonebrook. Her shop was just a short walk away, past the park, but before the church. Led by a cobblestone path, was a hut-like house. A sign hung outside labeled The Sixth Caldron. It looked as if it were crafted by carved chunks of stone. Moss grew between the cracks, giving the home a vibrant green flare. Grass also grew on the roof, as if seeds had long ago fallen there by the wind's aid and taken root. To the right, protected by a rather shoddy fence sat a large garden filled with herbs, fruits, vegetables, and a few flowers. There were no sign of animals chewing away at the plants, indicating some sort of protective spell. The clucks of chickens could be heard from behind the house.

    Inside, the wooden floor was clean but age had long since dulled the shine. Rows of shelves lined the walls. In the center stood a display of fresh fruit and vegetables, along with herbs. Dried herbs were dotted amongst the shelves along with potions and trinkets. A glass display fridge hummed in the corner, filled with egg cartons. Legacy took a place in front of the counter, pulling out a book to wile away the hours. She made money, but business wasn’t exactly booming.

  • (Ok, sounds like we have a good starting point. It would be even more interesting because Legacy would not be powerful to even think about getting him a portal home, but the townspeople around where she lives def spreads rumors about her, which could be how he hears about her first. I could see her contacting the Witch's Counsil too, on his behalf. I'll send a starter, and we can start with the infant spirit. It'll give him reason to start trusting her too) 

  • (Sweet! Not sure what kind of ideas you're open to, but I have one in mind

    • Very basic, but have you thought through Lorien's story? As in, how you might picture him getting home? Maybe Legacy can help with that. There's potential for a lot of side questing in something like that. Lorien can be visiting her shop, for instances. We can take it a step further; there's mention of an infant dying, someone that Lorien did not want to kill. Legacy could see the spirit, mention it, help him free it, and that opens up to the convo of him trying to get home. We don't have to follow that line though, if you find it odd or uncomfortable. Just a thought
    • Legacy could be hunted by witch hunters and she bumps into Lorien. He could help her [or not] and thus open the door to a witch-hunter story, where they have to destroy an organization of witch hunters. 
    • - we could potentially combine the two ideas; perhaps the witch hunters have an artefact that could help Lorien get home

    Just some ideas. If you have a storyline you've wanted to explore with Lorien, Legacy can pretty much fit anywhere. I can also continue to come up with better ideas. Creativity is not strong this week) 

  • (Hey there! Are you open to new threads?) 

  • It wasn't his odd clothing that first made her think he stuck out like a sore thumb, sure it was one of the reasons but she couldn't place exactly what it was about him that screamed out of place. Not just in this bar but...maybe in this place altogether. One could be a stranger in terms of patronage to an establishment and not stick out quite as much as he did... Her rambling thoughts stilled the instant a woman decided to plant her backside within Chaska's stool, which she was still using, despite having leaned half out of it to wave her hand in front of tall dark and out of place in her effort to test if he could see her. Okay rude. The air grew frosty, a lot frostier than the woman might expect, sliding into a seemingly empty stool, as the ghostly redhead's irritation bloomed. No matter how much she told herself it wasn't their faults, that they couldn't see her to know better, she still couldn't mask the frustration when it happened. 

    Her head tilted to the side, eyes flicking away from the woman and towards him again, brow furrowing at his words. He didn't seem to react like he could see her, but he insisted to the woman that the stool was taken. Puzzling. She waved her hand in front of his face again, just to be sure he definitely couldn't see her and then froze, hand dangling in mid-air... is he...is he actually talking to her? If she were visible she was sure her dumbfounded expression would have brought more than a few chuckles. She definitely knew he would have laughed. And she was definitely going to stop thinking about him now. Clearing her throat she finally made her voice become unstuck, mumbling under her breath in that lilting irish accent, even though she was almost sure he wouldn't hear her. "Stop what?" 

    She barely even noticed when the woman flounced off in a huff; other than to relax within her seat once more. 

  • Great! Well I think we are on the same page with everything. Oh, and no worries, maybe just elaborate a little more on what you mean by certain people? Just so I can have a more clearer idea. If you are not interested at all I completely understand. When it comes to romance for my character, or I guess I should say a dark romance.. she's not quick to fall, and very particular on who she gives her time and herself to. That is some thing that normally comes with time, and if it goes with the story and it just comes very naturally I am more than happy for some romance. Harlow does have past traumas, so it's very hard to put herself in that position especially with a male and have that security and trust within whomever he may be. Just so you are aware :) But yeah, maybe explain a little more so I have a much clearer idea on what you mean and how your character goes about romance. 

    Other than that, I think we could possibly get started. I do prefer private message, let me know what your preferences is and if you would like to start us off or have me do so.

  • Why do I keep coming to these places? The thought chased itself around the confines of Chaska's mind as the diminutive redhead slumped against the surface of the bar-top. The last time she ever remembered enjoying herself in a rowdy establishment like this was the day she'd met... No! Don't think of him! She ordered herself firmly, her lips twisting into an unhappy pout as she wilted further into her stool. Her legs swinging back and forth idly despite her slumped posture. Not a soul was paying her a lick of attention, which wasn't all that surprising. Most couldn't even see her unless she allowed them too, and that was taxing upon her energy. Perhaps that was why she'd missed him so much. "Ugh Chaska you have to quit the pity party..." she mumbled to herself, a lyrical irish lilt clinging to her words. She'd lost count of how long she'd been pouting now, it was getting out of hand. 

    She wasn't sure what it was that made her look up in that moment, maybe it was the simple fact that the gentleman who'd walked in wasn't one of the regulars. When one haunted bars; one gained a level of familiarity with the faces that frequented them enough to spot someone clearly out of place. But no it wasn't that, sure he was definitely out of place and for more reasons than not being one of the regulars. And yet that hadn't been the reason she'd been drawn to staring at him. Her pallid blue eyes widened as she realised... He didn't try to sit on me! It was a ridiculous notion but one she'd grown accustomed to, since nobody could see her people frequently tried to sit on her. Sure the chill she emitted often had them moving on sharpish but... Why didn't he try to sit on me? Can he see me? 

    Chaska stood up abruptly and leaned in front of him to begin waving her hand in his face, curious to see how he would react. If or when he showed no outward reaction the little ghost would flop back into her stool with a huff. "Okay...maybe not..." she muttered to herself aloud this time. 

  • Why thank you :) You're too kind love.

    Interesting, loving your thought's. As for Harlows family being connected to the government I havent dived that far into it yet, but they are most certainly working with the government! Working to create humans like Harlow to kill off Immortal and or human beings with special abilites that could possibly gain power over the gov, you know.. the governments way in cheating their way to success and power to eliminate anything or anything stronger. So personally I think that would be a best way to go moving forward, Harlow could have heard about Lorien but of course hasnt seen him to even put a face to the name.

    So I think that would be interesting to start off their storyline where Lorien finds The Hunters Society to get some "answers" and maybe find his way back home, not knowing that they are just as bad as the government themselves. During this time while Lorien meets with The Society it could be wrong place at the wrong time sort of situation? Possibly Harlow is being taken to the hole, a place people of the society go when they are being evaluated and he over hears discusion with the higher ups that this was her last chance and that Harlows punishment will now end in death. So how Lorien can react, and what he does next I'll leave up to you but he could possibly realize these people arent whom he thought they were. Then when he's "leaving" After they explain there is no way they can help him, Lorien follows where they'd taken Harlow being able to locate the woman by her screams down in the hole where shes being harmed by a man of the society. From there they gain control and she sees no choice but to run off with Lorien.. and that is where their story starts where they are on the run together, I think that'll be pretty interesting!

    Let me know what you think, if you have anything to add I'm down for whatever. Also, I'm sure you've read over my page but just so you are aware I do write pretty dark themed storylines. Any flashbacks from Harlows childhood and or punishments may be pretty graphic, along with other things or situations that may occur in the future. Abuse, sexual trauma, killing off charaters etc.

  • Thank you, I'm still editing and building my page so hopefully it turns out :) Great to hear, let's get started then? 


    Alright wow, just got done reading your page and it's very interesting! Love his storyline. I'm sure we can find a way for these two to meet somehow, now as for Harlow she comes from a very wealthy family that are members of The Hunters Society. Humans trained in killing Immortal beings and or very powerful beings at that. Now with Harlow being born into it she'd been sort of forced at hand her entire life to either become a member of The Society, and or be punished, and if punishment wasnt enought to change ones mind it most likely resulted in death. Now Harlow had alreaady tried to flee, but due to her parents rank in The Society she was only punished and is pretty much being held against her will to this day. And soon she will be forced to marry Cage her chosen. I think somehow we could have their worlds collide, two humans that have searched the world for a life they'll never seem to find. Though maybe they could find some sort of solitude and peace within the other as their stroyline continues?

    Now as for Lorien, I seen he may be on a different world it seems? Harlows parents have much wealth so they could of course be a large part of the goverment, possibly Harlows heard of Lorien but hasnt ever been able to put a face to the name so if she saw him she wouldnt know exactly whom he was. Anyway, we could have them meet when Harlow finally succeeds in fleeing The Society? Harlow could just be a wanderer, with many people of power on the hunt for the Little Trained Huntress. 

    1. Lorien and Harlow could have a casual first meeting, they draw some sort of interest towards the other and it could end up like a wrong place wrong time senario? Lorien ends up helping Harlow and he ends up in her sticky situation where they are now on the run together.
    2. Harlow and Lorien could meet possibly fruther back in Loriens stroryline? Wherever you think she could possilby fit?
    3. Lorien could run into Harlow at her "Camp" Where shes been hiding out since her escape until she figures out her next move, possibly Lorien feels drawn to Harlow being she a lost girl all alone in the woods hiding from life. Their first meeting can be pretty interesting since shes a trained killer, very action filled and intriguing start for the two.
    4. Or for my last idea, possibly Lorien is called to The Hunters Society for some sort of reason, and during his time of stay he meets and or sort of breifly meets Harlow and that could be where their initial storyline begins and he sees Harlow being treated wrongly one night so he could try an help her escape? Just wining some idea's here lol.

    Let me know if you're interested in any of those, if not I'd be more than happy to hear some idea's from you. I can have Harlow fit the mold to just about anywhere or anything so I am sure we can figure something interesting out for the two! Let me know love.

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