Dead Dove Do Not Eat


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• Please be patient. I'm an adult and have adult responsibilities, replies might be delayed a few days


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The mind is a fragile thing...

No matter how powerful you think you are...

There's no repairing what's been damaged...


December 15

I am open to new roleplay threads

Threads are Open

Character Age


Character Species


Character Gender


Character Relationship Status

Single / Bi

Character Appearance

Light skinned with Vitiligo markings across her face and body/arms/legs.

Her hair is typically kept loose, allowing her soft natural curls to bounce and sway with her movements, but occasionally she'll do some French braids that pull back into a high ponytail and thos braids will be adorned with silver clasps and gems for decoration 

She has grey-green eyes and a few piercings. Several silver rings trail up the outer shell of her right ear and both of her nostrils have a stud in them as well as a septum piercing.

She's slender, but well proportioned where it matters

She has a beauty mark just below her left eye

Character Personality

She's calm, almost coming off bored to someone she doesn't know, but around those she feels comfortable with she's an open book and always trying to uplift peoples moods

Character Likes

She has a sweet tooth, often indulging herself in coffee that's too sweet, or soft cakes and pastries. She enjoys traveling and meeting new people and seeing new places, always chasing her ever growing curiosity She enjoys trashy reality tv and terrible puns

Character Dislikes

There's not much she dislikes, mostly its rude or ignorant people and too loud noises. She doesn't like people who cause needless harm to others or animals or people who refuse to see from another's point of view

Character History/Story

Sable came from a poor family, in a poorer district of her city. Her parents worked hard jobs that never paid enough, and she was always relentlessly teased for her skin condition even though it wasn't contagious.

She was about 12 when she discovered her affinity for magic and spells, specifically of the illusion class. It shocked her parents, since neither of them possessed any magic at all. Her mother had mentioned one of her great aunts had possessed magic, but that magic had been so diluted over generations that it surprised everyone when she mistakenly conjured a figure out of smoke from her parents fireplace.

Sable worked hard to hone her magic, strengthening it and training and reading into all sorts of spells and incantations she could acquire from the cities book stores and other sorceresses/sorcerers

Sable had become so good at her craft that she was in the top three students to enter a prestigious academy for mages, and when she graduated she had many offers from neighboring kingdoms to employ her as a court witch. But she wanted to travel and explore the world before eventually settling into a cozy life as a sorceress for some pompous king.

So she bought a mount from some sort of beast keeper. An odd thing that resembled a deer, but with canine feet. With saddlebags loaded with supplies she set off on the back of her beastie, optimistic for whatever she would encounter

Years later she's perfected her magic abilities in all the magic classes and alchemy. She's become a very powerful sorceress but she like's to keep it a secret, almost like a secret weapon

After being on the road many years and seeing vast cities and experiencing different cultures she had gotten a note that her father had passed and when she traveled back home for his funeral she had discovered that her mother had developed a degenerative brain disease and was slowly deteriorating mentally because of it

Now Sables travels are exclusively for trying to find a cure for her mother

Character Inventory

Sable travels light. Her memory is impressive and she can remember most of her spells and incantations, But her beasts saddle bags do hold a few books and scrolls

On her person she carries a short sword, with a opal crystal embedded in the hilt

Her saddle bags include a few changes of clothes, scrolls and books, food and money, and a few basic ingredients for potions or healing ointments

Character Abilites

Sable can manipulate her surroundings to cause confusion and has also trained her magic to infiltrate some peoples minds and read their thoughts, and in some cases has been known to influence certain thoughts or actions. Though she views that as a violation of privacy and as a result very rarely resorts to that.

Skilled in all magic classes ( Illusion, Alteration, Conjuration, Destruction etc. )

Writer's Writing Style (OOC)

Paragraph, Multi-Para, Novella, One-liners

Writer's Favored Genres (OOC)

Fantasy, Romance, Violence, Realistic, Rated R, 18+, Gore, Action, Adventure

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  • Thanks for accepting my friend request! 😁

  • Welcome to Realms! If you need anything at all, feel free to reach out and ask. I know sometimes navigating the site can be a bit intimidating at first, but you'll be calling it home soon enough! If you're looking for Roleplay partners, More often than not the best way to start a thread is just to reach out to someone or add them as a friend. This typically indicates to people you're interested in their characters or at the very least want to be friends! Don't be shy! Our community members are accepting and open! Other ways to find RP include forum posts and the homepage comment box! 

    Feel free to reach out any time!

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Sable updated their profile
Aug 26
Sable is now friends with Maya (Slow Replies) and Legion
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Aug 25
Legacy and Sable are now friends
Aug 25
Sable updated their profile
Aug 23
Sable is now friends with Syrius Gilroy and Merlyn de Aternia (semi-hiatus)
Aug 23
Sable and Sweetest Perfections || Multi Muse are now friends
Aug 10
Sable updated their profile
Aug 9
Sable updated their profile photo
Aug 9
Sable left a comment on Message Board
"Hello! I'm new and still getting a feel for the site but I'd love to get some threads going! My…"
Aug 9
Sable and Drauf are now friends
Aug 7
Sable updated their profile
Aug 4
Sable updated their profile photo
Aug 4
Sable is now a member of Writer's Realm - Roleplay
Aug 4